who is enemy of four Imam,
enemy of four Imam is Munkar Hadith (non-hadither),
a muslim who do not follow hadith is the enemy of four Imam,
in legislation they have a name called munafeeq,
a munafeeq is taking the four Imam name to safeguard his/her interest,
interestingly munafeeq is the core enemy of four Imam in their life time,
we will see the life of four imam below
all four Imam work for upliftment and establishment of hadith,
but the munafequn are against them, and they uses force to dismantle four imam,
but four imam are straight and strong to repel them,
shaheed Imam abu hanifa succeded in overthrowing the puppet of shaitan banu-ummayya clan,
and succeded in establishment of sharai in fullest form,
but banu-abbasiya rejected one sunnah that is khilafat sunnah,
then shaheed imam abu hanifah stood against this new munafequn clan, and got shaheed in hand of munafequn-banu-abbasiyyah.
but all the four Imam never surrender and continue the struggle to form khilafat system,
the munafequn or non-hadither are against the sunnah,
and they useses many tricks to de-stablise the movement of of sunnah, by many ways,
one such way, is dividing the muslim ummah in four imam concept,
this is the trick of munafequn to divide the muslim ummah in four group,
took the control of muslim ummah after murdering many women sahabiyah and men
sahabah, and family member of prophet Muhammad(saas), Hassan(rz) and
hussain(rz) and the family of prophet muhmmad (saas) in the year 61 hijri
so 61
hijri to 150 hijri is the period of taking control of hadith
munafequn-richer-community legislature is destroying the law of Allaah that is
sahi hadith.
all the
mumin muslim around the world struggle to establish the khilafat system, and
they are busy in upliftment of khilafat system,
mean time
they supported the family of abbasiya-richer community to establish khilafat
system, but after overthrowing the ummayya-richer-community by muslim
and after
holding the military power of muslim ummah, abbasiya-richer-community betrayed
the mujahideen,
so there
are many mujahideen involve in upliftment of khilafat system, in that all, abu
hanifa is the one,
liberated muslim ummah from munafequn-richer-community with his hadith
knowledge and supporting the mujahideen,
hanifa struggle 50 years of his life for the education of hadith to the ummah.
Imam abu
hanifah struggle 45 years against the
munafequn-ummayan-richer-community, and got success in overthrowing the kingdom
of non-hadither.
so Iman
abu hanifah got shahadah through the wounds of munafequn-ummayya-richer-community
and then poison by munafequn-abbasiya-richer-community,
so his
shahadah year, is the liberation year of muslim ummah from munafequn-ummayya-richer-community,
the book
of shahabah and their khutab and story is available,
few of
the muslim, understand that, the munafequn-richer-community is destroying the
hadith, because they cannot rule on muslim, if hadith is available, so they
started killing the people of hadith, and who preach hadith,
but they
have not succeded, because of the great mujahideen still fighting them with
hadith and sword,
150 hijri
Imam abu hanifah, supported the jihad against this munafequn, and spread the
message of hadith in muslim ummah, but munafequn succeded in destroying many
books of Imam abu hanifah,
then came
the munafequn-abbasiya-richer-community,
establish the
sunnah of
sunnah of
emaarat ( law through hadith)
but they
betrayed mujahideen of sunnah of khilafat
but any
how they supported the emaarat based on sunnah of prophet Muhammad(saas):
so this
year, people started the collection of hadith openly,
179 hijri
-mujahid name Imam malik, who supported the law of hadith,
hijri-mujahid name Imam shafee, who supported the law of hadith,
241 hijri-mujahid
name Imam ahmed, who supported the law of hadith,
then came
a mujahid who supported the law of hadith, name bukhari,
bukhari put the parameter and benchmarking of authenticating hadith,
bukhari started collection of hadith one more time, with the parameter and
the basic
parameter as follows :
(a) the
chain which include human being, they should in reality meet each other or not
(b) if
they met, then in what state of their iman
(c) if
they said hadith, they usually practise honesty(islam) in their life or not
(d) have
they indulge themselves in haram eating and earning
(e) have
they spoken lie in their life,
so this
is the basic parameter and benchmark, and their are many perfect and bonding
parameter, which bukhari put, and afterward, all the mujahid of islam, followed
this parameter,
so in
this way, our hadith is been tighting with honesty, for the future
so in
you all
have heard the name of mujahid
ibn baz
tighting the rope of honesty more powerful, to safeguard the hadith,
so the
fuel of Islam, is brought to us by our beloved sahabah, who has given their
life, their family, their mother and their father and their wife, there
children to safeguard this hadith from munafequn-richer-community,
munafequn-richer-community has murder all the their belonging in this world.
oh Allaah
pour your mercy and blessing to all sahabah, shuhadah, and put them in high status in
and make
them our leader in jannah, ameen, ameen, ameen,
great mujahideen who stood agains taghowt (munafequn) and establish the ruling of hadith
1-Shaheed Imam Abu Hanifah(80 – 150 H)
ibn Thābit ibn Zūṭā ibn Marzubān(persian), better known as Shaheed Imām Abū
Ḥanīfah, (699 — 767ce / 80 — 150ah)
was the leader of mujahideen who are fighting against the ummayya-munafequn-richer-community.
Imām Abū Ḥanīfah is tabieen, the generation after the sahabah, because he saw
the Sahabi anas ibn malik (rz), and nearly dozans sahabhi.
Abbasiyah-munafequn-richer-community al-mansur offered the chief judge
of the state, Shaheed Imam Abu Hanifa refuse the post because munafequn-abbasiyah
has betrayed mujahideen on the establishment of sunnah of khilafat.
Abū Ḥanīfah issued a legal opinion(supporting mujahideen who are fighting
against munafeequn-abbasiyah-richer-community) for bearing arms against
Al-mansoor for establishment of khilafat system in governance, and the latter
had him poisoned to death. It was said that so many people attended his funeral
that the funeral service was repeated six times for more than 50,000 people who
had amassed before he was actually buried.
his books
- Kitaab-ul-Aathaar narrated by Imaam muhammad al-shaybani – compiled from a total of 70,000 hadith
- Kitabul Aathaar narrated by Imaam abu yusuf
- Aalim wa'l-muta‘allim
- Fiqh al-Akbar
- Musnad Imaam ul A'zam
- Kitaabul Rad alal Qaadiriyah
2-Imam Malik Ibn Anas (93 – 179 H)
Mālik ibn
Anas ibn Mālik ibn Abī 'Āmir al-Asbahī (مالك بن أنس)
(c. 711 – 795) (93 ah– 179 AH ) is known as "Imam Malik," the sheikh
of hadith ,Imam shafi who was one of Malik's students for nine years and a
scholarly giant in his own right, stated, "when scholars are mentioned, Imam
Malik is the star".
Living in
Medina gave Imam Malik access to some of the most learned minds of early hadith.
one of his teacher is Imam Abu Hanifa, and under the household of the prophets
lineage, Imam Jafar al-sadiq,
Golden Chain of Narration
Malik's chain of narrators was considered the most authentic and called Silsilat
ul-Zhahab or "The Golden Chain of Narrators" by notable hadith
scholars including Imam bukhari, The 'Golden Chain' of narration (i.e.,
that considered by the scholars of Hadith to be the most authentic) consists of
Malik, who narrated from nafi, who narrated from ibn umar, who narrated from
Opposition to bid'ah or
innovation in beliefs and practised of governing.
Malik was vehemently opposed to bid'ah and even directed others not to
extend the Islamic greeting of salaam to the people of bidah, stating,
"how evil are the People of Innovation, we do not give them felicitations."
Malik explained that "he who establishes an innovation in Islam
regarding it as something good, has claimed that Muhammad has betrayed his
trust to deliver the message as
God says, 'this
day have I perfected for you your religion'. And whatsoever was not part of the
religion then, is not part of the religion today."
hadith books
hadith books
(1) Al-Muwatta,
"The Approved," which was said to have been regarded by Imam
Shafi to be the soundest book on earth after the quran.
(2) al -
mudawwana al-kubra
Imam maliki said "The reform
of the later generations of this ummah will take place in the same way as
reformed its earlier generations." taken from Islahi Khutbat (Discourse on
Islamic Way of Life)
Name Malik, kunniyah (agnomen)
Abu Abdullah, father’ name Anas, grand father’s name Malik, who was an elevated
‘tabi’ee’ (successor). His great grand father – Abu Amir a resident of Yemen,
converted to Islam and migrated to Madina.
Teachers of Imam Malik:
Imam Malik memorized the Qur’an from Imam Nafa’e Ibn Abdur Rahman. He also studied from Hisham Ibn Urwah, Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri, Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Jafar al Sadiq.
Imam Malik used to learn from Imam Nafa’e for 12 long years for 12 long years and became his successor after Nafa’e death.
Students of Imam Malik:
It is said that the number of students of Imam Malik is countless as he taught for 62 long years in Madina. The most renowned students of Imam Malik are Imam Shafa’i and Imam Abu Yousuf.
Imam Malik’s fiqh (jurisprudence):
The fiqh of Imam Malik is based upon the comprehensions of Abdullah Ibn Umr and Ummul momineen Aisha bint Abu Bakr and the knowledge of ‘tabi’een’ viz; Saeed Ibn Musaib, Salim Ibn Abdullah, Abu Bakr Ibn Abdur Rahman Ibn al Harith, Ubaidullah Ibn A’ataba Ibn Masud, Qasim Ibn Abi Bakr, Suleman Ibn Yasar, Khareja Ibn Zaid and Abu Zuhri.
Hardships and persecutions in life:
Imam Malik was treated severely when he issued opinionn against being forced to pledge allegiance to the Munafequn-King Al-Mansur. He was to forced to ride on a donkey and also flogged 70 times when he also issued a opinion that talaq (divorce) under coercion is not valid.
Academic work and books autherted:
Imam Malik has 11 publications to his credit.
Teachers of Imam Malik:
Imam Malik memorized the Qur’an from Imam Nafa’e Ibn Abdur Rahman. He also studied from Hisham Ibn Urwah, Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri, Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Jafar al Sadiq.
Imam Malik used to learn from Imam Nafa’e for 12 long years for 12 long years and became his successor after Nafa’e death.
Students of Imam Malik:
It is said that the number of students of Imam Malik is countless as he taught for 62 long years in Madina. The most renowned students of Imam Malik are Imam Shafa’i and Imam Abu Yousuf.
Imam Malik’s fiqh (jurisprudence):
The fiqh of Imam Malik is based upon the comprehensions of Abdullah Ibn Umr and Ummul momineen Aisha bint Abu Bakr and the knowledge of ‘tabi’een’ viz; Saeed Ibn Musaib, Salim Ibn Abdullah, Abu Bakr Ibn Abdur Rahman Ibn al Harith, Ubaidullah Ibn A’ataba Ibn Masud, Qasim Ibn Abi Bakr, Suleman Ibn Yasar, Khareja Ibn Zaid and Abu Zuhri.
Hardships and persecutions in life:
Imam Malik was treated severely when he issued opinionn against being forced to pledge allegiance to the Munafequn-King Al-Mansur. He was to forced to ride on a donkey and also flogged 70 times when he also issued a opinion that talaq (divorce) under coercion is not valid.
Academic work and books autherted:
Imam Malik has 11 publications to his credit.
al Mawatta
Risalatal Malik ila al Rasheed.
Ahkam al Qura’n
al Muddawwana al Kubra
Risalatal Malik ila Ibn Mutref
Risalatal Malik ila Ibn Wahb
Kitab al Qazzia
Kitab al Manasik
Tafseer Gharib al Qur’an
Kitab al Majalisat en Malik and
Tafseer al Qur’an.
Al Mawatta
The scholars of ahadith have included al Mawatta amongst the top most authentic books on ahadith. Imam Shafa’I (d. 204 H) who was a student of Imam Malik says: “ after Qura’n, on the surface of the earth, there is no other book on earth more authentic and trustworthy than Imam Malik’s al Mawatta”.
He died on Rabi al awwal 11, 179 H, after an illness of 3 weeks, at the age of 86. A mammoth of humanity was gathered at the funeral procession. Imam Malik was buried in the grave yard ‘ the janna al baqi’i.
Al Mawatta
The scholars of ahadith have included al Mawatta amongst the top most authentic books on ahadith. Imam Shafa’I (d. 204 H) who was a student of Imam Malik says: “ after Qura’n, on the surface of the earth, there is no other book on earth more authentic and trustworthy than Imam Malik’s al Mawatta”.
He died on Rabi al awwal 11, 179 H, after an illness of 3 weeks, at the age of 86. A mammoth of humanity was gathered at the funeral procession. Imam Malik was buried in the grave yard ‘ the janna al baqi’i.
3-Imam Shafi (135 – 188 H)
Abū ʿAbdullāh Muhammad ibn Idrīs al-Shafiʿī ( ابو عبدالله محمد بن إدريس الشافعيّ)
was a
supporter of hadith and hadith followers, He was active in hadith juridical
studies with Imam Malik
He was
born in gaza and moved to mecca, when he was about two years old. He is reported
to have studied with the "School of Mecca". Then he moved to Madinah
to teach others of the message of hadith and be taught by malik ibn anas.
(1) Umdat
as Salik(reliance of the traveller) and al maqasid.
authored more than 100 books.
- Al-Risala— The best known book by al-Shafi'i in which he examined usul al-figh (sources of jurisprudence): the quran, the hadith, sahabah, and (scholarly consensus). There is a good modern translation.
- kitab al-umm- his main surviving text on shafi fiqh
- Musnad ash-Shafi'i (on hadith) - it is available with arrangement, Arabic 'Tartib', by Ahmad ibn Abd ar-Rahman al-Banna
4-Imam Ahmed (164 – 241 H)
Name Ahmad, kunniyah, Abu Abdullah, father’s name Muhammad Ibn Hanbal. Ahmad ibn Hanbal's family was originally from Basra, Iraq, and belonged to the Arab Banu Shayban tribe. His father was an officer in the Abbasid army in Khorasan and later settled with his family in Baghdad, where Ahmad ibn Hanbal was born. The Hanbali madhab, named after him, is one of the four schools of jurisprudence that are followed by Muslims to this day.
Imam Ahmad traveled for 40 long years, through Iraq, Syria and Arabia, for Islamic learning and collecting ahadith from different sources.
Teachers of Imam Ahmad:
Imam Abu Yousuf, Imam Haithem ibn Bashir ibn Abu Hazim al Wasti, Imam Yahya ibn Saeed Qattan and Sufyan ibn Aaiena were Imam Ahmad’s teachers in Baghdad. From Basra Abdur Rahman ibn Mehdi and from Koofa Wakey ibn Jarrah were his teachers.
In 187 H, he
met Imam Shafai and became his disciple. “ I have not seen a man like (Imam)
Ahmad” says Imam Ahmad for Imam Shafai. On the othe side Imam Shafai says, ”I
am leaving Baghdad in such a state that there is not a person who has more
knowledge, greater jurisprudent or having greater taqwa (piety) than Ahmad Ibn
Students of Imam Ahmad:
Hafiz Zahabi in his book writes that apart from thousands of his students the distinguished were; Bukhar, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Abu Zar’a, Abdullah ibn Ahmad, Ibn Taimyiah, Ishaq ibn Mansoor, Abu Bakr al Asram, Hanbal ibn Ishaq, Abu Dawood al Sajistai, Harab ibn al Kirmani, Ibrahim ibn Ishaq Harabi etc.
Hardships and persecutions in life:
During the period of munafequn-Abbasid-richer-community munafequn-Mamun ur Rasheed the ideology of Mutallazide was in practice, and according to that ideology Qura’n was a creation of Allah like other creations. Imam Hanbal refused to accept this ideology for which he was persecuted and got shahadah.
Academic work and books authored:
The following is the list of his contributions;
Kitab al-`Ilal wa Ma‘rifat al-Rijal: "The Book of Narrations Containing Hidden Flaws and of Knowledge of the Men (of Hadeeth)" Riyad: Al-Maktabah al-Islamiyyah
Kitab al-Manasik: "The Book of the Rites of Hajj"
Kitab al-Zuhd: "The Book of Abstinence" ed. Muhammad Zaghlul, Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabi, 1994
Kitab al-Iman: "The Book of Faith"
Kitab al-Masa'il "Issues in Fiqh"
Kitab al-Ashribah: "The Book of Drinks"
Kitab al-Fada'il Sahaba: "Virtues of the Companions"
Kitab Tha'ah al-Rasul : "The Book of Obedience to the Messenger"
Kitab Mansukh: "The Book of Abrogation"
Kitab al-Fara'id: "The Book of Obligatory Duties"
Kitab al-Radd `ala al-Zanadiqa wa'l-Jahmiyya "Refutations of the Heretics and the Jahmites" (Cairo: 1973)
Tafsir : "Exegesis"
the Musnad
Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal:
It is said that Ibn Hanbal made a comment in regards to his book which read as follows: "There is not a hadith that I have included in this book except that it was used as evidence by some of the scholars."
Students of Imam Ahmad:
Hafiz Zahabi in his book writes that apart from thousands of his students the distinguished were; Bukhar, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Abu Zar’a, Abdullah ibn Ahmad, Ibn Taimyiah, Ishaq ibn Mansoor, Abu Bakr al Asram, Hanbal ibn Ishaq, Abu Dawood al Sajistai, Harab ibn al Kirmani, Ibrahim ibn Ishaq Harabi etc.
Hardships and persecutions in life:
During the period of munafequn-Abbasid-richer-community munafequn-Mamun ur Rasheed the ideology of Mutallazide was in practice, and according to that ideology Qura’n was a creation of Allah like other creations. Imam Hanbal refused to accept this ideology for which he was persecuted and got shahadah.
Academic work and books authored:
The following is the list of his contributions;
Kitab al-`Ilal wa Ma‘rifat al-Rijal: "The Book of Narrations Containing Hidden Flaws and of Knowledge of the Men (of Hadeeth)" Riyad: Al-Maktabah al-Islamiyyah
Kitab al-Manasik: "The Book of the Rites of Hajj"
Kitab al-Zuhd: "The Book of Abstinence" ed. Muhammad Zaghlul, Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabi, 1994
Kitab al-Iman: "The Book of Faith"
Kitab al-Masa'il "Issues in Fiqh"
Kitab al-Ashribah: "The Book of Drinks"
Kitab al-Fada'il Sahaba: "Virtues of the Companions"
Kitab Tha'ah al-Rasul : "The Book of Obedience to the Messenger"
Kitab Mansukh: "The Book of Abrogation"
Kitab al-Fara'id: "The Book of Obligatory Duties"
Kitab al-Radd `ala al-Zanadiqa wa'l-Jahmiyya "Refutations of the Heretics and the Jahmites" (Cairo: 1973)
Tafsir : "Exegesis"
the Musnad
Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal:
It is said that Ibn Hanbal made a comment in regards to his book which read as follows: "There is not a hadith that I have included in this book except that it was used as evidence by some of the scholars."
in jail
On Friday, the 12 of Rabi' al-Awwal 241 AH, the legendary Imam breathed his last in jail . The news of his death quickly spread far and wide in the city and the people flooded the streets to attend Ahmad’s funeral. When he died, he was accompanied to his resting place by a funeral procession of eight hundred thousand men (800,000) to One million and three hundred thousands men (1,300,000) or around two million people (2,000,000) as was estimated by few scholars attending the funeral [16] and sixty thousand women (60,000),
On Friday, the 12 of Rabi' al-Awwal 241 AH, the legendary Imam breathed his last in jail . The news of his death quickly spread far and wide in the city and the people flooded the streets to attend Ahmad’s funeral. When he died, he was accompanied to his resting place by a funeral procession of eight hundred thousand men (800,000) to One million and three hundred thousands men (1,300,000) or around two million people (2,000,000) as was estimated by few scholars attending the funeral [16] and sixty thousand women (60,000),