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Muhammad the Last Avtar of Hinduism Sanatan Dhram with Proof by Imam Hussain Makki

Sanatan Dharm Manfesto

Laa Ilahh
(Never Exist any Constitute)
Ilaa Allaahh
(Except One i.e, Allaah)
(Follow Muhammad(asmwam))
(footstep of Last Avator of Allaah)

This is a

Sanatan Dharm

Constitive of Universe

By Imam Hussain Makki, Scripture College
Peace in Heart. Everlasting Life.

Spread Love. Equality in Finance.

Spread Honesty. Remove Poverty.

 Minimize Coruption.

Increase Standard of LIFE.

Transparent iCorporate Governance

Humanity. Unity. Peace. Prosperity.





Scripture Center

Imam Hussain Makki


This book is dedicated to my parent, who have given me opportunity to study of all scripture Veda, Geeta, Purana, Upanishad, Granth, Sikh, Buddha, Taoisim, wahi(Hadith(Quran)). Because of their assistant and helping nature I would have never completed this book, this book is not easy to write, required lots of study of all the scripture and all the concept of Universe viz, Nationalism, Feudalism, Socialism, Communism, Zoinism,

            The message of Scripture is same and one, that is surrending to Ilaah or Allaah alone, in different language the word has been expressed in different pronunciation as sharanamm in Sanskrit for Submission, Islam in Arabic for Submission, Surrender to God in English for Submission. The word surrender in all the Scripture and all the languages but it has different pronunciation

            Every human being or jinn being need to understand this word. Please read this book and decide yourself, is this word is important in life or not, as you need to understand the truth or honesty for living of life same way need to understand that there is a process of honesty to be done through the path of last Avator(Prophet) Muhammad(asmwam), from which you will complete the life of world.

            If you have any doubt or question then you can contact me on Facebook, I would be very pleased to see your question and doubt, your question and doubt are lifeline for many seeker of honesty. Please forward your doubt or debate or comments or critics to me on Facebook.


1. – what is the word La Ilahh ilaa Allaahh Muhammad ur Rasool ul Allaah
Is about.                                                                                                        5

2.- Munafequn (those who by chance, by circumstance, by incident, are muslim).

3. – Muhammad (asmwam) in the Rig Veda.                                                         9

4. – Muhammad (asmwam) in the Atharava Veda.                                               16

5. – Muhammad (asmwam) in the Yajur Veda.                                                     19

6. – Muhammad (asmwam) in the Sam Veda.                                                        22

7. – Muhammad (asmwam) in the Purana ‘s.                                                         23

8. – Muhammad (asmwam) in the Mahabaratha.                                      27

9. – Muhammad (asmwam) in the Manu Samhita.                                                29

10. – Holy Veda Constitute God is One.                                                                  29

11. – Similarity in Holy Geeta and Holy Quran.                                                     31

12. – Similarity in Holy Veda and Holy Quran.                                                      39

13. – Muhammad (asmwam) in the Bible.                                                              40

14. – Muhammad (asmwam) in the Granth Buddhist.                                          42

Chapter 1

What is the word
La Ilahh ilaa Allaahh Muhammad ur Rasool ul Allaah
Is about

This is about the word la ilah ilaa Allaah Muhammad ur rasool ul Allaah. Why we need to obey this word, what is this word about, in few language the word has been just utter or pronounced, they do not have any action on the reader but in Arabic it is not like that, In Arabic sense there is no static word, all the word are spoken of action, without action the word is not utter or pronounced, so this word la ilah ilaa Allaah Muhammad ur rasool ul Allaah is been in Arabic word, so it is active word, active in sense means, it has actionable sense, there is no God except Allaah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. There is never exist any Ilahh except Allaah and Muhammad is his last representative in universe. Right now we will discuss about the meaning of this word.

 Never in past, present, future, in all the universes. In any time, it is time about skys and beyond. There is another universes exist other than this universe, so it state that in all the universes, in all the status of time, in all the perspective of time, it is never in past, present, future, who will protect the universes, who will protect the atoms, who will safeguard our future.

Law, King, Caretaker, Owner, Propertior, Protector, human may be know only 3000 qualities of this word but this word has unlimited quality and properties. In few of the old scripture it has been defined as one is “OOM”, “SHANTI”, God, Sustainer, Cherisher, President, Governor, Government, it is same and one in all the scripture, but only the pronunciation and writing of language differ, as the word ISHWAAR in Sanskrit and in Arabic it is REHMAN, and in other scripture the word RAHEEM is used, in every scripture the quality of ILAHH is been used and that quality is referred to the word ILAHH, the word ILAH is the proper noun of all the quality and properties.

 except one

 same as ILAH, al has been added to ILAH, in Arabic language it has been added to denote as proper noun.

Representative of Allaah,  the prophets, the Avatar and in different language the same sense has been used in different pronounciation.  Seal of Prophethood, the model to follow the life in Universe to human and Jinn.

Representative, Messenger of Allaah the King.

same as above

Now you have understood the meaning of word. It states that in universe there is no similarity like him. Who can constitute the law. Who can sustain the universes. Who can economize the universes. Who will govern the universes.
There is no one like him (ILAH) this word when we pronounced, it state that we accepted ILAH and we recognized ILAH, and we declare ILAH as our king, Governor, Constitution, President, and we will live life as described by his Messenger by name Muhammad(asmwam).

Chapter 2

(those who by chance, by circumstance, by incident, are muslim)

You may think here , there are so many human by name muslim, they have pronounce this word, so why they are not accepting in their life ILAH as their constitution.

“ It is true what you question”,  

These human being are defined as Munafequn or Kafiroon, they have rejected ILAH in their life, by chance or by circumstances they got to be Muslim, but their heart is not inclined toward this word or Islam or Allaah or Muhammad(asmwam)

Dear Reader,

This so called munafequn or rejecter, only by name they are muslim.

Quran (56:80)
[It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.

Quran (56:81)
Then is it to this statement that you are indifferent

And make [the thanks for] your provision that you deny [the Provider]?

 Quran (sura 56)
It is explain about how human being is involve in denying the day to day sign of Allaah, and every corner of life denying the constitute of Allaah.
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. When the inevitable occurs.
2. Of its occurrence, there is no denial.
3. Bringing low, raising high.
4. When the earth is shaken with a shock.
5. And the mountains are crushed and crumbled.
6. And they become scattered dust.
7. And you become three classes.
8. Those on the Right—what of those on the Right?
9. And those on the Left—what of those on the Left?
10. And the forerunners, the forerunners.
11. Those are the nearest.
12. In the Gardens of Bliss.
13. A throng from the ancients.
14. And a small band from the latecomers.
15. On luxurious furnishings.
16. Reclining on them, facing one another.
17. Serving them will be immortalized youth.
18. With cups, pitchers, and sparkling drinks.
19. Causing them neither headache, nor intoxication.
20. And fruits of their choice.
21. And meat of birds that they may desire.
22. And lovely companions.
23. The likenesses of treasured pearls.
24. As a reward for what they used to do.
25. Therein they will hear no nonsense, and no accusations.
26. But only the greeting: “Peace, peace.”
27. And those on the Right—what of those on the Right?
28. In lush orchards.
29. And sweet-smelling plants.
30. And extended shade.
31. And outpouring water.
32. And abundant fruit.
33. Neither withheld, nor forbidden.
34. And uplifted mattresses.
35. We have created them of special creation.
36. And made them virgins.
37. Tender and un-aging.
38. For those on the Right.
39. A throng from the ancients.
40. And a throng from the latecomers.
41. And those on the Left—what of those on the Left?
42. Amid searing wind and boiling water.
43. And a shadow of thick smoke.
44. Neither cool, nor refreshing.
45. They had lived before that in luxury.
46. And they used to persist in immense wrongdoing.
47. And they used to say, “When we are dead and turned into dust and bones, are we to be resurrected?
48.  And our ancient ancestors too?”
49. Say, “The first and the last.
50. Will be gathered for the appointment of a familiar Day.”
51. Then you, you misguided, who deny the truth.
52. Will be eating from the Tree of Bitterness.
53. Will be filling your bellies with it.
54. Will be drinking on top of it boiling water.
55. Drinking like thirsty camels drink.
56. That is their hospitality on the Day of Retribution.
57. We created you—if only you would believe!
58. Have you seen what you ejaculate?
59. Is it you who create it, or are We the Creator?
60. We have decreed death among you, and We will not be outstripped.
61. In replacing you with your likes, and transforming you into what you do not know.
62. You have known the first formation; if only you would remember.
63. Have you seen what you cultivate?
64. Is it you who make it grow, or are We the Grower?
65. If We will, We can turn it into rubble; then you will lament.
66. “We are penalized.
67. No, we are being deprived.”
68. Have you seen the water you drink?
69. Is it you who sent it down from the clouds, or are We the Sender?
70. If We will, We can make it salty. Will you not be thankful?
71. Have you seen the fire you kindle?
72. Is it you who produce its tree, or are We the Producer?
73. We have made it a reminder, and a comfort for the users.
74. So glorify the Name of your Great Lord.
75. I swear by the locations of the stars.
76. It is an oath, if you only knew, that is tremendous.
77. It is a noble Quran.
78. In a well-protected Book.
79. None can grasp it except the purified.
80. A revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.
81. Is it this discourse that you take so lightly?
82. And you make it your livelihood to deny it?
83. So when it has reached the throat.
84. As you are looking on.
85. We are nearer to it than you are, but you do not see.
86. If you are not held to account.
87. Then bring it back, if you are truthful.
88. But if he is one of those brought near.
89. Then happiness, and flowers, and Garden of Delights.
90. And if he is one of those on the Right.
91. Then, “Peace upon you,” from those on the Right.
92. But if he is one of the deniers, the mistaken.
93. Then a welcome of Inferno.
94. And burning in Hell.
95. This is the certain truth.
96. So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Magnificent

So in daily life Munafequn (there are muslim by name or by birth or by circumstance or by incident so these, who do not follow the last prophet Muhammad(asmwam)) in daily day-to-day life, they are rejecting ALLAAH  constitution. They will get the punishment surely, Quran sura 56 explain it clearly.

But Dear Reader,

If you are reading or uttering or pronouncing this word then please understand that you have declared yourself as Allaah as your Constitution, Governor, President, King, and last prophet Muhammad(asmwam)as your way of life. Which is already describe in holy VEDA, Holy Bible and in previous Scripture.

Chapter 3

Muhammad in the Rig Veda

Rig Veda (1:13:3)

नराशंसमिह परियमस्मिन यज्ञ उप हवये |
मधुजिह्वंहविष्क्र्तम ||

narāśaṃsamiha priyamasmin yajña upa hvaye |
madhujihvaṃhaviṣkṛtam ||

Dear Narāśaṁsa, sweet of tongue, the giver of oblations, I
Invoke to this our sacrifice.

Rig Veda(1:18:9)

नराशंसं सुध्र्ष्टममपश्यं सप्रथस्तमम |
दिवो नसद्ममखसम ||

narāśaṃsaṃ sudhṛṣṭamamapaśyaṃ saprathastamam |
divo nasadmamakhasam ||

I have seen Narāśaṁsa, him most resolute, most widely famed
As ’twere the Household Priest of heaven.

Rig Veda (1:106:4)
नराशंसं वाजिनं वाजयन्निह कषयद्वीरं पूषणं सुम्नैरीमहे |
रथं ... ||
narāśaṃsaṃ vājinaṃ vājayanniha kṣayadvīraṃ pūṣaṇaṃ sumnairīmahe |
rathaṃ ... ||

To mighty Narāśaṁsa, strengthening his might, to Pūṣan, ruler over men, we pray with hymns.
Even as a chariot from a difficult ravine, bountiful Vasus, rescue us from all distress.

Rig Veda(1:142:3)

शुचिः पावको अद्भुतो मध्वा यज्ञं मिमिक्षति |
नराशंसः तरिरा दिवो देवो देवेषु यज्ञियः ||

śuciḥ pāvako adbhuto madhvā yajñaṃ mimikṣati |
narāśaṃsaḥ trirā divo devo deveṣu yajñiyaḥ ||

He wondrous, sanctifying, bright, sprinkles the sacrifice with mead,
Thrice, Narāśaṁsa from the heavens, a God mid Gods adorable.

Rig Veda(2:3:2)
नराशंसः परति धामान्यञ्जन तिस्रो दिवः परति मह्ना सवर्चिः |
घर्तप्रुषा मनसा हव्यमुन्दन मूर्धन यज्ञस्य समनक्तु देवान ||

narāśaṃsaḥ prati dhāmānyañjan tisro divaḥ prati mahnā svarciḥ |
ghṛtapruṣā manasā havyamundan mūrdhan yajñasya samanaktu devān ||

 May Narāśaṁsa lighting up the chambers, bright in his majesty through threefold heaven,
Steeping the gift with oil diffusing purpose, bedew the Gods at chiefest time of worship.

Rig Veda (3:29:1)

अस्तीदमधिमन्थनमस्ति परजननं कर्तम |
एतां विश्पत्नीमा भराग्निं मन्थाम पूर्वथा ||

astīdamadhimanthanamasti prajananaṃ kṛtam |
etāṃ viśpatnīmā bharāghniṃ manthāma pūrvathā ||

HERE is the gear for friction, here tinder made ready for the spark.
Bring thou the Matron: we will rub Agni in ancient fashion forth.

Rig Veda (5:5:2)
नराशंसः सुषूदतीमं यज्ञम अदाभ्यः |
कविर हि मधुहस्त्यः ||

narāśaṃsaḥ suṣūdatīmaṃ yajñam adābhyaḥ |
kavir hi madhuhastyaḥ ||

He, Narāśaṁsa, ne’er beguiled, inspiriteth this sacrifice:
For sage is he, with sweets in hand.

Rig Veda (7:2:2)

नराशंसस्य महिमानमेषामुप सतोषाम यजतस्य यज्ञैः |
ये सुक्रतवः शुचयो धियन्धाः सवदन्ति देवा उभयानि हव्या ||

narāśaṃsasya mahimānameṣāmupa stoṣāma yajatasya yajñaiḥ |
ye sukratavaḥ śucayo dhiyandhāḥ svadanti devā ubhayāni havyā ||

With sacrifice to these we men will honour the majesty of holy Narāśaṁsa-
To these the pure, most wise, the thought. inspirers, Gods who enjoy both sorts of our oblations.

Rig Veda (10:64:3)

नरा वा शंसं पूषणमगोह्यमग्निं देवेद्धमभ्यर्चसे गिरा |
सूर्यामासा चन्द्रमसा यमं दिवि तरितंवातमुषसमक्तुमश्विना ||

narā vā śaṃsaṃ pūṣaṇamaghohyamaghniṃ deveddhamabhyarcase ghirā |
sūryāmāsā candramasā yamaṃ divi tritaṃvātamuṣasamaktumaśvinā ||

To Narāśaṁsa and to Pūṣan I sing forth, unconcealable Agni kindied by the Gods.
To Sun and Moon, two Moons, to Yama in the heaven, to Trita, Vāta, Dawn, Night, and the Atvins Twain.

Rig Veda (10:182:2)
नराशंसो नो.अवतु परयाजे शं नो अस्त्वनुयाजो हवेषु |
कषिपदशस्तिमप दुर्मतिं हन्नथा करद यजमानायशं योः ||
narāśaṃso no.avatu prayāje śaṃ no astvanuyājo haveṣu |
kṣipadaśastimapa durmatiṃ hannathā karad yajamānāyaśaṃ yoḥ ||

May Narāśaṁsa aid us at Prayāja: blest be our Anuyāja at invokings.
May he repel the curse, and chase ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and comfort.

Rig Veda (19:70:2)

Rig Veda (5:5:2)
            is described as a kavi, because it will rehears the rules of living once more.
नराशंसः सुषूदतीमं यज्ञम अदाभ्यः |
कविर हि मधुहस्त्यः ||

narāśaṃsaḥ suṣūdatīmaṃ yajñam adābhyaḥ |
kavir hi madhuhastyaḥ ||

He, Narāśaṁsa, ne’er beguiled, inspiriteth this sacrifice:
For sage is he, with sweets in hand.

Rig Veda(2:3:2)

नराशंसः परति धामान्यञ्जन तिस्रो दिवः परति मह्ना सवर्चिः |
घर्तप्रुषा मनसा हव्यमुन्दन मूर्धन यज्ञस्य समनक्तु देवान ||

narāśaṃsaḥ prati dhāmānyañjan tisro divaḥ prati mahnā svarciḥ |
ghṛtapruṣā manasā havyamundan mūrdhan yajñasya samanaktu devān ||

May Narāśaṁsa lighting up the chambers, bright in his majesty through threefold heaven,
Steeping the gift with oil diffusing purpose, bedew the Gods at chiefest time of worship.


अहमिद धि पितुष परि मेधां रतस्य जग्रभ |
अहं सूर्य इवाजनि ||

ahamid dhi pituṣ pari medhāṃ ṛtasya jaghrabha |
ahaṃ sūrya ivājani ||

 I from my Father have received deep knowledge of the Holy Law
I was born like unto the Sun.

Rig Veda (94:16)
Rig Veda (95:11)
Rig Veda (96:9)
Rig Veda (98:3)
Rig Veda (100:19)
Rig Veda (101:11)
Rig Veda (102:11)
Rig Veda (103:8)
Rig Veda (105:19)
Rig Veda (106:7)
Rig Veda (107:3)
Rig Veda (108:13)
Rig Veda (109:8)
Rig Veda (110:9)
Rig Veda (106:7)
Rig Veda (107:3)
Rig Veda (108:13)
Rig Veda (109:8)
Rig Veda (110:9)
Rig Veda (111:5)
Rig Veda (112:25)
Rig Veda (113:20)
Rig Veda (114:11)
Rig Veda (115:6)

Contain different prayers, in some places there are prayers for long life, wealth and good fortune, there are prayers for victory over the enemy.

Salaat with jamaat

O Indra and Agni ! I have heard, you bestow many more riches, over and above Jamaat and Salaat! Therefore, O Indra and Agni! I am going to compose new hymns to be chanted at the time of our offerings to you!

The word Allaah in

Rigveda (9:67:30)

Rig Veda (3:30:10)

अलात्र्णो वल इन्द्र वरजो गोः पुरा हन्तोर्भयमानो वयार |
सुगान पथो अक्र्णोन निरजे गाः परावन वाणीः पुरुहूतं धमन्तीः ||

alātṛṇo vala indra vrajo ghoḥ purā hantorbhayamāno vyāra |
sughān patho akṛṇon niraje ghāḥ prāvan vāṇīḥ puruhūtaṃ dhamantīḥ ||

He who withheld the kine, in silence I yielded in fear before thy blow, O Indra.
He made paths easy to drive forth the cattle. Loud-breathing praises helped the Much-invoked One.

name MAMAHA is mentioned


यज्ञैर देव मर्त्य इत्था तव्यांसम ऊतये |
अग्निं कर्ते सवध्वरे पूरुर ईळीतावसे ||

ā yajñair deva martya itthā tavyāṃsam ūtaye |
aghniṃ kṛte svadhvare pūrur īḷītāvase ||

GOD, may a mortal call the Strong hither, with solemn rites, to aid,
A man call Agni to protect when sacrifice is well prepared.


अहमिद धि पितुष परि मेधां रतस्य जग्रभ |
अहं सूर्य इवाजनि ||
ahamid dhi pituṣ pari medhāṃ ṛtasya jaghrabha |
ahaṃ sūrya ivājani ||

I from my Father have received deep knowledge of the Holy Law
I was born like unto the Sun.

Rig Veda (1:13:3)
Rig Veda (1:18:9)
Rig Veda (1:106:4)
Rig Veda (1:142:3)
Rig Veda (2:3:2)
Rig Veda (3:29:11)
Rig Veda (5:5:2)
Rig Veda (7:2:2)
Rig Veda (10:64:3)
Rig Veda (10:182:2)
Rig Veda (19:70:2)
Rig Veda (1:116:1)
Rig Veda (2:34:6)
Rig Veda (2:38:10)
Rig Veda (9:86:42)
Rig Veda (10:70:2)
Rig Veda (10:92:11)

O Eelit(the praised)Agni, bring the Angels in the most pleasureable chariots, you have been assigned by men to call upon them.(Samveda-1350)(Eelit(Eerhit-Praised)

O Indra! Guardian of the virtuous you were thrilled by the storm which brought you happiness, when the enemy was destroyed! O Indra! The downpour was an offering and a toast to thrill you, when, unhindered by the enemy, you uprooted the ten thousands of them, for the sake of the one, who praises you and offers you sacrifices.

Rigveda(1:53:7 and 8)

O magnificient commander, go from battle to battle and destroy castle after castle with your might! You have killed the nominal friends, who came from far off lands, for their unforgiveable treachery

O king! You have slain the jealous usurpers, with the help of the valiant men, who give refuge to guests! You have raised to the ground, many fortresses, which surround simple and good natured folks, and which belong to your wicked adversaries, who dishonor their treaties!

The Victory of Makka


Rig Veda (5:27:1)
MAMAHA, who has in his possession a wheeled vehicle (ie. He is highly respectable), who is truthful and truth-loving, who is extremely knowledgeable, powerful and open-handed, has shown me kindness with his message, the son of the Almighty, possessor of all noble qualities, beneficent to the entire world, he will be famous along with his ten thousand followers.

MAMAHA will be famous along with ten thousands followers.

In MAMAHA’S time, new hymns will be composed and recited during offerings(salaat) instead of Vedas.

Chapter 4

Muhammad in the Atharava Veda

I from my Father have received deep knowledge of the holy
  I was born like unto the Sun.
2After the lore of ancient time I make, like Kanva, beauteous
  And Indra's self gains strength thereby.
3Whatever Rishis have not praised thee, Indra, or have lauded
  By me exalted wax thou strong.

Atharaveda(20:9:19, mantra 1)


Muhammad is the descendant of Ismail, i.e., the sage Atharva
Holy Quran sura Ahzab(33:9)


When twenty chieftains along with their sixty thousand and ninety-nine attendants came to fight the king, whose name was “pleasing to the ears” and was “left without a atron”, o celebrated Inda! You defeated the enemy by hurling upon them chariot-wheels from the unseen!

Narashangsa is surrounded by sixty thousand and ninety enemies.

God will give the MAMAHA rishi, one hundred gold coins, ten garlands, three hundred horses and ten thousands cows

Atharvaveda (20:9:3)
MAMAHA will be a camel-rider from a desert land.

athravaveda canto-20, section 127-


A hymn in praise of the good Government of King Kaurama

1Listen to this, ye men, a laud of glorious bounty shall be sung.
  Thousands sixty, and ninety we, O Kaurama, among the
  Rusamas have received.
2Camels twice-ten that draw the car, with females by their side,
   he gave.
  Fain would the chariot's top bow down escaping from the stroke
   of heaven.
3A hundred chains of gold, ten wreaths, upon thee Rishi he
  And thrice-a-hundred mettled steeds, ten-times-a-thousand cows
   he gave.
4Glut thee, O Singer, glut thee like a bird on a ripe-fruited tree.
  Thy lips and tongue move swiftly like the sharp blades of a pair
   of shears.
5Quickly and willingly like kine forth come the singers and their
  Their little maidens are at home, at home they wait upon the
6O Singer, bring thou forth the hymn that findeth cattle, findeth:
   wealth. p. 364
  Even as an archer aims his shaft address this prayer unto the
7List to Parikshit's eulogy, the sovran whom all people love,
  The King who ruleth over all, excelling mortals as a God.
8'Mounting his throne, Parikshit, best of all, hath given us peace
   and rest,'
  Saith a Kauravya to his wife as he is ordering his house.
9'Which shall I set before thee, curds, gruel of milk, or barley-
  Thus the wife asks her husband in the realm which King
  Parikshit rules.
10Up as it were to heavenly light springs the ripe corn above the
  Happily thrive the people in the land where King Parikshit
11Indra hath waked the bard and said, Rise, wander singing here
   and there.
  Praise me, the strong: each pious man will give thee riches in
12Here, cows! increase and multiply, here ye, O horses, here, O
  Here, with a thousand rich rewards, doth Pūshan also seat him-
13O Indra, let these cows be safe, their master free from injury.
  Let not the hostile-hearted or the robber have control of them.
14Oft and again we glorify the hero with our hymn of praise, with
   prayer, with our auspicious prayer.
  Take pleasure in the songs we sing: let evil never fall on us.
Story of Abraham & Ismael

Atharaveda(10:1:2, mantras 26-33)

2Complete, with head and nose and ears, all-beauteous, wrought
   with magic skill
  Afar let her depart: away we drive her.

26Krityā, begone, stay not. Pursue as 'twere the wounded crea-
   ture's track.
  He is the chase, the hunter thou he may not slight or humble thee.
27He waits, and aiming with his shaft smites him who first would
   shoot at him,
  And, when the foeman deals a blow before him, following strikes
   him down.
28Hearken to this my word; then go thither away whence thou
   hast come; to him who made thee go thou back.
29The slaughter of an innocent, O Krityā, is an awful deed. Slay
   not cow, horse, or man of ours.
  In whatsoever place thou art concealed we rouse thee up there-
   from: become thou lighter than a leaf.
30If ye be girt about with clouds of darkness, bound as with a
  We rend and tear all witcheries hence and to their maker send
   them back.
p. 4
31The brood of wizard, sorcerer, the purposer of evil deed.
  Crush thou, O Krityā spare not, kill those practisers of magic
32As Sūrya frees himself from depth of darkness, and casts away
   the night and rays of morning,
  So I repel each baleful charm which an enchanter hath pre-
  And, as an elephant shakes off the dust, I cast the plague aside.

Atharavaveda(7:6:1, mantras 4,6,7,9,10)

Aditi is sky, and air's mid-region, Aditi is the father, son, and
  Aditi all the Gods and the Five Nations, Aditi what is now and
   what is future.
2We call for help the Queen of Law and Order, great mother of
   all those whose ways are righteous,
  Far-spread, unwasting strong in her dominion, Aditi wisely lead-
   ing, well protecting.
p. a273
3Sinless may we ascend, for weal, the vessel, rowed with good
   oars, divine, that never leaketh,
  Earth, our strong guard, incomparable Heaven, Aditi wisely lead-
   ing, well protecting.
4Let us bring hither, in pursuit of riches, Aditi with our word,
   the mighty mother,
  Her in whose lap the spacious air is lying: may she afford us
   triply-guarding shelter!

Chapter 5

Muhammad in the Yajurveda
Yajur Veda(1:7:4)

Bright Yajurveda(3:53, 20:37, 20:57, 21:31, 21:55, 27:13, 28:2, 28:19 and 28:42)

Bright Yajurveda(3:35) (4:25)

Bright Yajurveda (16:1,2,8,22,23,24,26,29,36,42)

Bright Yajurveda (16:1)
“O Emancipator from misery! O wise Rudra! I salute your rage! I salute your arrow and your powerful arms!”

Bright Yajurveda(16:2)
O Rudra! Your Personality is gracious placid and sacred! O Girish! Look at us with your most pleasing personality.

Bright Yajurveda(16:8)
Those who are his servants, I salute them as well

Bright Yajurveda(16:29)
I salute the matted-haired Rudra, the shaven-headed Rudra! Thousand-eyed, armed with many arrows, the Rudra I salute sleeps in the mountains has the knowledge of the sacred! I salute the Rudra, who carries arrows and showers them to their targets!”

Bright Yajurveda (16:36)
I salute the resolute and fearless judge Rudra! I salute Rudra downed with quiver and arrows! I salute Rudra, equipped as a warrior, with his sharp arrows!

Bright Yajurveda(16:42)
Salute to Rudra, lives a domestic life, then remains free! Salute to Rudra, the vessel to cross the sea of sins! Salue to Rudra, busy in society, then a devoted pilgrim! Salute to Rudra, hides in the bush, then rides the waves!”

Bright Yajurveda (16:22)
O Rudra! Picture of an archer, salute to you! Salute to the Rudras, who join the bow-stricking to bow! Salute to the Rudras, who pull the strings and shoots the arrows!”.

Bright Yajurveda(16:23)
Salute to the Rudras, who shoot arrows at the enemy and chase them away! Salute to the Rudras, who remain conscious, awake or asleep! Salute to the Rudras, who remain present, present or absent! Salute to the Rudras, in movement or at Rest!”.

Bright Yajurveda(16:24)
Salute to the Rudras, who assemble and lead the assembly ! Salute to the Rudras, the horse-like and the horse-riders! Salute to the Rudras, who, like a divine army, strike with sacred verses and many such means! Salute to the mothers accompanying them, and the ladies with ability to strike!”

Bright Yajurveda(16:26)
Salute to the Rudras, soldiers and commanders, on the chariots or on foot! Salute to the charioteers and the coachmen!, salute to the great and the small!

Bright Yajurveda(18:36)
O Agni! Establish devotion in the world; in that which perishes; in the heavens; in the space all around; establish devotions! Establish devotion for me, in all directions.

Bright Yajurveda(18:37)
I set you up in the rays of the sun, in the light of the moon, in the music of Gandharva, in the speech of sarasvati, in the control of my subjects in the kingdom of Agni!

Bright Yajurveda(18:48)
O Agni! Enlighten our Brahmins, enlighten our kshatriyas, enlighten our vaishyas, enlighten our shudras, and give me total enlightenment!

Bright Yajurveda(18:49)
Highly praised Boddhurushangsa

Bright Yajurveda(29:27)

 With sacrifice to these we with laudations will honour holy
Narâsamsa's greatness—
To these the pure, most wise, the thought-inspirers, Gods
who enjoy both sorts of our oblations.

We offer our praises to Narashangsa, who, with offering and toast, is full of praise for the angels, whose actions are pleasing, who are free from all sins and are wise.

Dark Yajurveda(1:7:4)
a For the rite you two, for the gods may I be strong.
b Thee for accomplishment!
c The Raksas is burnt up, the evil spirits are burnt up.
d Thou art the yoke.
e Injure him who injures us, injure him whom we injure.
f Thou art of gods the most firmly jointed, the most richly filled,
the most agreeable, the best of carriers, the best caller of the gods.
g Thou art the oblation-holder that wavers not.
h Be firm, waver not.
i I gaze on thee with the eye of Mitra.
k Be not afraid, be not troubled, let me harm thee [1] not.
l (Be thou) wide open to the wind.
m On the impulse of the god Savitr, with the arms of the Açvins,
with the hands of Pusan, I offer thee dear to Agni, to Agni and Soma.
n This of the gods, this of us too.
o For prosperity thee, not for misfortune.
p May I behold the light, the radiance for all men.
q May they that have doors stand firm in heaven and earth.
r Fare along the wide atmosphere.
s I place thee in the lap of Aditi.
t O Agni, guard the offering.

Dark Yajurveda(1:6:4)

a The 7 Raksas is shaken off, the evil spirits are shaken off.
b Thou art the skin of Aditi, may the earth recognize thee.
c Thou art the supporter of the sky, may the skin of Aditi recognize thee.
d Thou art a bowl of rock, may the supporter of the sky recognize thee.
e Thou art a bowl made of the rock, may the rock recognize thee.
f On the impulse of the god Savity, with the arms of the Açvins, with the hands of Prisan, I pour thee out.
g Thou art stimulating, stimulate the gods.
h For expiration thee, for inspiration thee, for through-breathing thee (I pound).
i May I extend for long the life (of the sacrificer).
k Let the god Savitr, of golden hands, seize you.

 With sacrifice to these we with laudations will honour holy
Narâsamsa's greatness—
To these the pure, most wise, the thought-inspirers, Gods
who enjoy both sorts of our oblations.

 [4]. The theologians say, 'Should an offering be made in the house of one who is consecrated, or should an offering not be made?' The man who is consecrated is the oblation, and if he were to sacrifice he would offer a part of the sacrificer; if he were not to sacrifice, then he would omit a joint of the sacrifice. 'The gods, mind born, mind using', he says. The gods, mind born, mind using, are the breaths; verily in them he sacrifices secretly, and the sacrifice is both offered as it were and yet not offered. Now the Raksases are fain to hurt him who is consecrated while he sleeps. Agni

Chapter 6

Muhammad in the Samveda

Word Ahamiddi  in sanskrit and same word in arabic is Ahmed

Samveda(Indra, chapter 3, mantra 152)

Samveda(uttararchik, mantra 1500)
Samveda mantra no. 1349

Samveda(verse 152 and 1500)

Samveda(uthrarchik, mantra 1349)
In this avtar of sacrifice, we bseech your presence, O Narashangsa, the honey-tongued , sweet spoken, master of sacrifice.

Samveda(Indra, mantra 247)
O powerful Indra! Without further delay, elevate the sage, who is resplendent with beauty and busy in your praise, to the station of “the Praised” no one give us happiness except you, praise and glory be to you”.

Chapter 7

Muhammad(asmwam) in the Purana’s

Kalki Purana(part 3, chapter 16, Verses 2 )
When he mounts the throne of the king, everyone will be delighted and everything will be well taken care of, viz, the vedas, religion, the sages of the age of truth, all other sages, and all living brings both mobile and fixed.

Kalki Purana(part 3, chapter 16, Verse 3)
In the previous age the born again worshippers used to decorate the status of Gods with precious jewels and used to charm people by casting magical spells on them, He will stop all that. 

Kalki Purana(Part 3, Chapter 16, Verse 4)
When Kalki assumes the role of the king, nowhere will be seen the crafty rogues, creating the illusion of saints with tilak on their foreheads.

Kalki Purana Part 3, chapter 16, verse 10
Thereafter he duly entertained all those who were born again, with all kinds of food that can be chewed sucked, sipped or drunk, food that are paked and cakes, and food made of grains and fresh meat, and fruits and vegetables.

Muhammad has taught the worship of the formless God in the vedic rhythm i.e, unaided by anything material; and has taught the Divine scripture, the wise Quran, written in the rhythm of pure monotheism; just as the world receives physical light from the sun, so has mankind received the light of guidance from Muhammad

Bhavishwa Purana, Creation, part 1, chapter 4,

The detail story of Adam and Hawwavati(Eve) is mentioned.
The most famous son of Adam was sheth(seth)
Son Anuha(Enos)
Son Kinash(Cainan)
Son Mahallel (Mahalaleel)
Son Yirad(jared)
Son Hanuk(Enoch)(Ilyas)-ascended to heaven with body
Son Matocchil(Methuselah)
Son Lomak(lamech)
Son Nooh(Noah)
Three sons from Nooh
            Son Shem(shem)
            Son Haam(Ham)
            Son Yakoot(Japheth)
As a devotee of Vishnu (meaning in Arabic come to Rahman and Raheem)
Once lord Vishnu told him in his dream,
“O Nooh, know that there will be a catastrophe after seven days, collect your people in an ark, O my devotee, save yourself, you will become the greatest”.

Nooh Son Yakoot had seven sons

Nooh Son Jumra had ten sons
Nooh Son Haam
            Koosh (Cush)
Koosh had six sons
Sheem sons
            Shish (Asshur)
                        Son Kalaja (Peleg)
                        Son Ruu(Rev)
                        Son Juj(Serug)
                        Son Nahur(Nahor)
                        Son Tahara(Terah)
Tahara will have three sons

The word Muslim mean one who submit his will to God and his Commands to follow the last Messenger Muhammad(asmwam). Such a person is called in sanskrit as Aastik, so the opposite of Aastik is Nastik, same as opposite of Muslim in Kafir, so Nastik and kafir are same word but different in pronounciation.

Bhagavat Purana (12:2:19)
Adorned with eight qualities and  richers riding a swift horse given to him by the angels, and with a sword in his hand, the savior of the world will subdue all the miscreants.

Kalki purana(2:5)
“O God! With the companionship of four brother I will destroy the devil”.

Bhagavat Purana (12:2:20)
The one whose grace is unparalleled, who moves around on an extremely swift horse, whose foreskin is removed, and who has the authority of a king, he will be the one to destroy innumerable war lords and bandits.

Bhagavat Purana(12:2:21)
His body adour will be sweet-smelling,

Kalki purana 2:4
He will be born in the city of shambhal(bakkah) in the house of chief priest.

Bhagavat Purana (12:2:18)
His father’s name will be Vishnu-Yash(Vishnu name of God as Allaah and Yash means bakth as Abd so the name is Abd-Allaah)

Kalki Puana (2:4 & 2:11)
His mother name will be sumati (sumati in Sanskrit and meaning come in Arabic as Amina)

The age in which the final avatar will appear according to Veda there are four ages in universe
1-     Satya-Yug
a.       The age of truth, this is the first age and is 1,728,000 years long
2-     Treta-Yug
a.       This is the second age and is 1,296,000 years long
3-     Dwaper-Yug
a.       This is third age and is 864,000 years long
4-     Kali-Yug
a.       This is fourth age and is called age of sins and end age of universe and is 432,000 years long.

Bhagavat Purana (12:2:17)

Bhagavat Purana(12:2:19)

Bhagavat Purana(1:3:24)
The last of all the Avatars.

The word Muslim mean one who submit his will to God and his Commands to follow the last Messenger Muhammad(asmwam). Such a person is called in sanskrit as Aastik, so the opposite of Aastik is Nastik, same as opposite of Muslim in Kafir, so Nastik and kafir are same word but different in pronounciation.

In the distant future Bharat 3 kings like shaka and Bhoja will from time to time visit Jesus Christ and Muhammad to obtain religions knowledge from them.

Bhavishwa Purana Creation, part 3, chapter 3, verse 5-8, verse 15-17
King Bhoja had an idol with him made of stone, when Muhammad saw that, he said, ”One whom you worship, eats my left-overs”. Saying this, he did indeed feed the idol with his left-overs, when he heard and saw this, king Bhoja was bewildered, He then accepted the Mlechcha religion.

Bhavishwa Purana Creation, part 3, verse 23-28
During the night, an angel appeared in the garb of a demon and addressed king Bhoja, “O King! Even though your religion is the best of all religion, from now on, I will name it as a demonic religion, by the command of God, from now on, the one who has got his foreskin removed, who does not wear a tiki, who is bearded, and who invites loudly(i.e, gives Adan to call to Success) will be dear to me, He will eat of clean animals, he will rid all religions of their superstitions. This will be my religion”. Having said this, the angel disappeared.

Bhavishwa Purana, Creation, part 3, chapter 4,

That Narashangsa will be taken to the hevens on a horse which belong to the angels.

Bhagavat Purana(12:2:19)
It is said, the leader of the world will ride a swift horse given to him by the angels.

Kalki Purana(last Chapter, verse 1)
Mount of kalki avatar will be a white horse, that goes as fast as the wind.

The great Rishi, Kalki, has been prophesized in many Sanatana Scriptures, Among them the following are noteworthy:


Chapter 8
Muhammad in the Mahabharata

Mahabharata (forest section chapter 190)

At last, in the house of the Brahmini Vishnu-Yash,
 He will be born, in the town called Shambhali,
 very brave, very wise kalki, in that house,
born, to do great deeds, in due course,
 he goes to war, to defy oppositions,
 every arrangement will be completed for him!
 Weapons in heaps and chariots, armours,
 many will join him as warriors.

Victory in Religion and king of the day,
 on the seat of majesty, and people pleased,
 He will honour the MLECHCHAS like true Brahmins,
 and transform the whole world, that gem of a man.

And said Markandeya ‘Listen, o king!
 Kalki Avatar, with help Divine;
Destroys the wicked, then pilgrim at last,
 prepares his return, the fortunate one:

The Brahmin gives to the world at large;
 secure the dignity of the word of God,

Enters he, in a garden agreeable
 sorrow in his heart, for what he left behind,
people of the world, those living around,
follow his example and visit him there.

Lo, the Age of Truth has made a return,
and falsehood suffers its sorry plight,
 Men of truth become active again,
Happy they live, with sincere trust.

The house which the wicked had filled,
With clamour of their hand-made gods;
Will now be cleansed for the worship of truth,
The king with his subject standing next.

Superstitious, that have grown their roots,
From the hearts of men, will have to depart.

In all seasons, the crops of efforts,
Those who are near, in it have a share;
Play by the rules of charity or them,
Happiness then, becomes a common game.

They will then devote to prayer and sacrifices,
And will uphold the basic principles six,
The heart will remain serene, with that single ambition.
Rule with valour and truth, that is the mission,

With religion alone, the leaders of men,
Can dispense justice, in looking after them;

The news is in the air, and the Rishis say,
Composed in the Puranas, sure as the day;
I sing it to you, in your presence,
Past and future, which is yet to  commence.

Chapter 9
Muhammad (asmwam) in Manu Samhita
Manu Samhita(5:8)
The great MAMAHA will be a non-Aryan desert-living camel-rider

Chapter 10

Holy Veda Constitute God is One

Rigveda (10:114:5)

असपत्नः सपत्नहाभिराष्ट्रो विषासहिः |
यथाहमेषां भूतानां विराजानि जनस्य ||

asapatnaḥ sapatnahābhirāṣṭro viṣāsahiḥ |
yathāhameṣāṃ bhūtānāṃ virājāni janasya ca ||

Slayer of rivals, rivalless, victorious, with royal sway,
Over these beings may I rule, may I be Sovran of the folk.

Indra Mitra, Varuna, Agni, Garuthana, Yama and Matarikha are different names which are used to describe different aspects of the same Divine Being.

“ the supreme being is One, there is none other than Him”.

“the supreme being is One, there is non other than Him”.

“the supreme being is One, there is non other than Him”.

तवमग्न इन्द्रो वर्षभः सतामसि तवं विष्णुरुरुगायो नमस्यः |
तवं बरह्मा रयिविद बरह्मणस पते तवं विधर्तःसचसे पुरन्ध्या ||

tvamaghna indro vṛṣabhaḥ satāmasi tvaṃ viṣṇururughāyo namasyaḥ |
tvaṃ brahmā rayivid brahmaṇas pate tvaṃ vidhartaḥsacase purandhyā ||

Hero of Heroes, Agni! Thou art Indra, thou art Viṣṇu of the Mighty Stride, adorable:
Thou, Brahmaṇaspati, the Brahman finding wealth: thou, O Sustainer, with thy wisdom tendest us.

The supreme being manifests the manifest. He fulfills the desire of the good natured. He is the lord. He is Omnipresent, He is worthy of all praise. He is the object of all respect. He is Rich. He is the Greatest. He is the creator of everything and has the knowledge of everything.

तवमग्ने रुद्रो असुरो महो दिवस्त्वं शर्धो मारुतं पर्क्ष ईशिषे |
तवं वातैररुणैर्यासि शंगयस्त्वं पूषा विधतः पासि नु तमना ||
tvamaghne rudro asuro maho divastvaṃ śardho mārutaṃ pṛkṣa īśiṣe |
tvaṃ vātairaruṇairyāsi śaṃghayastvaṃ pūṣā vidhataḥ pāsi nu tmanā ||

 Rudra art thou, the Asura of mighty heaven: thou art the Maruts’ host, thou art the Lord of food,
Thou goest with red winds: bliss hast thou in thine home. As Pūṣan thou thyself protectest worshippers.

The supreme being is the sustainer of the Heavens and the Earth, for the wind of prosperity. He is the source of power. He is the One who gives provisions. He goes everywhere riding a powerful wind, He is the Beneficient, He is the Cherisher, He Protects his worshippers!

तवमग्ने दरविणोदा अरंक्र्ते तवं देवः सविता रत्नधासि |
तवं भगो नर्पते वस्व ईशिषे तवं पायुर्दमे यस्तेऽविधत ||

tvamaghne draviṇodā araṃkṛte tvaṃ devaḥ savitā ratnadhāasi |
tvaṃ bhagho nṛpate vasva īśiṣe tvaṃ pāyurdame yaste'vidhat ||

 Giver of wealth art thou to him who honours thee; thou art God Savitar, granter of precious things.
As Bhaga, Lord of men! thou rulest over wealth, and guardest in his house him who hath served thee well.

The supreme being bestows riches to those who sing his praise. He is the lord of the precious sun. He maintain human affairs. He is the object of generation. He is bountiful, he looks after those who worship him in their homes.

That God, is One, who enters the hearts of men and knows their secrets.

Shetash-watar Upanishad chapter 6, mantra 11
The lord of universe is one: He is the soul of every living being, He is immanent in every form of life: He directs all actions, He is above all: He is everyone’s refuge, He sees all, He knows all; no epithet is applicable to him.

यं समा पर्छन्ति कुह सेति घोरमुतेमाहुर्नैषो अस्तीत्येनम |
सो अर्यः पुष्तीर्विज इवा मिनाति शरदस्मै धत्तस. . . ||

yaṃ smā pṛchanti kuha seti ghoramutemāhurnaiṣo astītyenam |
so aryaḥ puṣtīrvija ivā mināti śradasmai dhattas. j. i. ||

Of whom, the Terrible, they ask, Where is He? or verily they say of him, He is not.
He sweeps away, like birds, the foe's possessions. Have faith in him, for He, O men, is Indra.

One who does not believe in Him is His enemy. He destroys the possessions of His enemies.


यः पर्थिवीं वयथमानामद्रंहद यः पर्वतान परकुपितानरम्णात |
यो अन्तरिक्षं विममे वरीयो यो दयामस्तभ्नात जनास इन्द्रः ||

yaḥ pṛthivīṃ vyathamānāmadṛṃhad yaḥ parvatān prakupitānaramṇāt |
yo antarikṣaṃ vimame varīyo yo dyāmastabhnāt sa janāsa indraḥ ||

He who fixed fast and firm the earth that staggered, and set at rest the agitated mountains,
Who measured out the air's wide middle region and gave the heaven support, He, men, is Indra.

He can quieten the moving and restless world. He has created space. He is the one who holds aloft the Heavens and the Earth.
In the Holy Vedas La Ilaha illaa-Allaah is worded as One God, no Second.
 (Ved prakesh-Muhammad in Hindu Scripture page 34, para1, line 7)

Chapter 11
Similarity in Holy Geeta and Holy Quran

Holy geeta and holy quran
holy geeta
Holy quraan
Ishwar(god, allaah) kill them

Order to jihad
(2:18) (2:31,32,37,38) (3:19) (3:30)
 (3:41-43) (4:42) (8:7) (11:33-34) (18:59-60) (18:73)

Jihad is prescribe
Religion(islam) is set by ishwar
Religion(islam) is set with human nature
(4:1-3,15) (18:66)
(4:26) (42:13)
The religion which is first and brought by first men, god want to establish the same religion, the sanatan dharma, the first religion, that is islam,
(28:5) (7:137)
God do not descend on earth through human form
(9:11) (7:24)
(16:102-103) (6:101,103)
You have to follow the scripture
Lord is beginless, birthless
Surrender to god alone ( physically and soully)
Peace lay in god propagation (dawaah)
God reside in heart
Everything created by god
Quraan is confirming to previous book

Fools belive in other than god
Jihad with jannat, no jihad no jannat
(9:20) (2:2)

Mujahid for jannat

Shaheed (martyr)

Jannat is great and for those who fight again unlawful people

Those who do not follow god

Jannat is everlasting
Order to fight(jihad)
(9:29,, 111,112)
No compulsion in deen
Not willing to fight-jihad
Kill them (kafir-evil made law)
If you do jihad, killed or kill, you will get jannat or power, and u will remove your sin
Surrender to ishwar alone, u will get jannat, peace, and forgiveness from god
(18:62, 66)

The religion which is first, god want to establish the same religion that is islam
Coming back to first man religion,
Worship only one god alone
God is the lord of everything
Sura 114
God  is going to remain everlasting
Live for god alone
(Bidaat) innovation in religion is forbidden (haram)

Hereafter one day is equal to earthly 1000 years
Sura mairaj
About killing of girl child and children
(16:56-60) (6:137, 56-70)
The people worship other than god to angel, because they think, the result is very fast
(39:11-20, 15)
Jihad in geeta,
Jihad is religious work
God himself has killed irreligious people
(8:7)(3:30)(11:33-34) (2:11)
(2:37) (1:26-28)
(2:216)(9:14)(9:30)(8:17-19)(4:74) (3:157, 150) (9:123) (3:172, 173)
All rishi(prophet) are fought for god cause
(2:37)(2:30-40) (12:2) (11:32-34) (18:17)(8:7)
(60:1-4) (9:39-41)(2:190-193)
Bible :
2 chronicle 20:15,
luke 22:36,37,38
luke 22:29
If prophet teaching found contrary to the tradition of rich person, they were rejected or slain
Holy geeta
(2:87, 91) (5:70)
Is men is free
Men is free
World of soul
(2:12) (2:10-20) (2:20-27)
(17:85) ( 7:172) (40:11,12) (84:19) ( 56:60-61)
The one who is born is sure to die
Those who like jannat are foolish people, this is said by wordly materialistic people
(2:2, 32,37)
Sura muttaffin, 68:all,     ( 83:29-31) (68:15, 51)
Fight against the evil

Fight against evil if they are your relative too

Fight against evil, just for the sake of god

What the man think when the eviler are there relative

Who will not follow the scripture will be in hell forever
(1:44) (9:3) (16:15-16) (16:23-24) (17:1)

If not fight(jihad) for good, what will happen, no jannat and no good

God encourage for fight( jihad) against evil
(2:6-8)(5:1)(8:1)(14:21) (18:1)

God know everything, everywhere

Feeling of men is transparable and fleeting

Who is wise man

About soul

Do your duty

Perform action

Mujahid are lucky one to get jannat or power

If you will not fight(jihad) you will indulge yourself in sin and zillat

What evil people think when good people do not oppose them

Fighting(jihad) will remove sin and zillat

Who are unwisely people

Jannat in geeta

How you have to fight without any attachment

Perform your duty only for god alone

Man of stable mind

About mind

How anger comes

Who goes to complete ruin

Who’s sorrow will come to an end

Who will have happiness

About followers of sense(bodily invented)

Who will attain peace

Who will not attain peace

Who will attain jannat

About knowledge

What is action

Who is hypocrites (munafeeq, munafequn)

Sacrifice yourself for good

Angel support mumin or god followers

Who is benefitted from sin

When we do good action (obey god) world will benefit

God favours

Who’s life is useless

Who follow the self

Who will attain the supreme goal

Whom people follow

God says for himself

There are three type of world (a) world of souls (b) world of earth (c) world of hereafter

Man follow god

God is working (active and alive)

Who is fool

What is egoism

Finding fault and doubt in god , who are they

All living creature follow their tendencies

Who is the enemy of man (desire)

Biology pshycology of man

What is sin, how it is perform

About embryology

Who is greater in body

The line of prophet (adam and noah)

About rules of god

Supreme knowledge

Name of god

Who worship angel

Haram and halal

About teacher

About  hereafter ( akhirat)

How you will get supreme blish by knowledge and righteous work

Who is karam yogi

About sanyasi

There is no difference between knowledge and righteous work,

To god nor ur action nether your knowledge is needed

What is sense
(5:22) (10:4-5)

Who is the friend of man

Who is greater in man

Who are they who do not realise the quality of god

Four type of people worship god

Who invented worship other than god

God donot hany any form there is no example like him

Human fall prey to infatuation

Take refuge in god

Practising one god will attain supreme goal

The time of hereafter compare with wordly life
God donot come on earth in the form of man
(9:11) (10:11-13)

Towheed, oneness of god

God is not like a man, free from manhood

Those who practised towheed-oneness of god, god will help them,

God calrigy the situation of worship in earth

Sadaqa or charity in geeta

Sinner can worship god, god will forgive sin
(9:30-34) (10:3)

God look for welfare

God created all the nature of man and creature
(10:4-5) (13:19-20)

God do’s everything with will

God is near to heart

Geology in geeta

Entire universe is small for god

Duaa in geeta

Religion is for all time

God slain himself

Shaitan(raksas) in geeta

Salutation in god

Angel are friend

Type of worshiper with form

Type of worshipper with formless
(12:13-20) (18:68-71)

Who is dearer to god
(12:13-20) (18:68-71)

What is body
(13:2-7,11-11, whole chapter) (13:26,28,29,32-34) (14:1-3,22-25) (15:5-10)

What is igonorance
(13:11) (158:10-11) (16:8-11) (18:25, 60)

God can do everything –sees all, listen all, all nature

About heart
(13:17) (15:11,15) (18:61)

God created sun and moon
(13:33) ( 15:12)

God controlled good and evil

Enemy of universe, who is terrorist and what is terrorism

About om, tat, sat
Om = everything god do by will
Tat = think everything is created by god
Sat = sacrifice everything for god sake alone

Some people concept of life
(18:3-6, 20-40)

To purify from sin what should be done

Who will enjoy the life

God shown us the good, do as your wish

No one is greater than jihad
Our relative love should not stop to do jihad
(2:2-5) (18:73)
Jihad is the tradition of prophet
Fight(jihad) against evil and coruption
(2:18) (4:43)
(2:190-193) ( 47:4) ( 4:74-76) (8:39) (9:29)
Order to fight(jihad)
(4:43) (2:2,18,37) (8:7)
(2:244) (4:84) (9:20,36,123) (47:4) (61:11) (9:29) (25:52)
Encourage to fight
(2:32) (8:7)
(4:84) (2:216) (47:14) (61:11) (8:65)
You are responsible for yourself so fight(jihad)
Those who fight have huge reward from god
Help each other

Fight with those who misled about religionj
Whole geeta
Kill imam of mislead
Whole geeta
God want to punish them with your hand
To remove corruption what should be done

Munafequn do not fight
If you do not fight no jannat and only hell fire
(48:16-17) (9:81)
Mumin will be winner( believer of god will be winner)
Those who are died in god cause are not dead

(2:154) (3:169)
All sin will be forgiven if you fight(jihad)

Donot fear only fight

Jihad is prior for beliver (mumin)


























Chapter 12
Similarity of Holy Veda and Holy Quran

Same constitute of Holy Veda and Holy Quran

Holy Veda
Holy Quraan
 one whom no eye can see, on the other hand, He sees all eyes, know that He is Brahma
Anam (6:103)
No Vision can grasp Him, but his grasp is over all Vision.
Rigveda (1:189:1)
‘O Self-revealing lord of the Universe, guide us to path which is beautiful.
Show us the straight way
(Shetash-watar Upanishad chapter 6, mantra 11)
The lord of Universe is One. He is the soul of every living being, He is immanent in every form of life; He directs all actions, He is above all; He is everyone’s refuge; He sees all, He Knows all; no epithet is applicable to Him”.
Ikhlas (112:1-4)
“Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal Absolute; He begets not, nor is He Begotten; and there is non like unto HIM.
Brahma is the Truth
Allaah is Haqq(the truth-the reality)
Holy Geeta –
His Face is looking at every directions
Whithersoever you turn, there is the face(presence) of God
Holy Veda and Holy Geeta
There are instructions to be respectful to One God, and to seek his forgiveness from all sins.
Say(O Muhammad) I am but a man like you; it is revealed to me by inspiration, that your God is One God; so stand true to Him and ask for his forgiveness.
Holy Veda, Geeta, Purana, Upanishad
One who rejects the instruction is called Nastik, literally Arabic word mean Kafir
One who rejects the commands of God and His Prophet Muhammad is called Kafir,
Literally Sanskrit word mean Nastik




Religion of all prophets is one and name of religion is Submission to God alone.

Bhavishwa Purana

Chapter 13
Muhammad (asmwam) in the Bible

Old testament Deuteronomy (18:18)
I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.

St. Matthew (5:17)
Think not that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I am not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them”.

Deuteronomy (34:10)
And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the lord knew face to face.

Genesis (17:2)
That I may make my covenant between me and you, and may multiply you greatly.

Genesis (17:3)
3 - And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying,
4 - As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
5 -Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

Genesis (17:8)
And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.

Genesis (17:17)
Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? And shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?

Genesis (17:5)
Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

St. John 14:15-16
If you love me keep my commandments, And I will pray the father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you for ever-

St. John 14:26
But the comforter, which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said unto you.

St. John 14:30
Hereafter I will not talk much with you; for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.

St. John 15:26
But when the comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the father, even the spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.

St. John 16:7
Neverthless I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you”.-

St. John 16:13
Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will show you things to come.

St. Matthew 3:11
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier that I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the holy ghost, and with fire’.

St. Matthew 3:12
Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire”.-

St. Matthew 21:43
Therefore say I unto you, the Kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof”.

Old testament Deuteronomy 33:2
Prophet moses prophesied at the time of his death, the lord came from Sinai, and rose up from seir unto them; he slined forth from mount paran, and he came with ten thousandsof saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them.
According to old testament, Genesis(21:21) paran is Arabia.

Old testament, song of Solomon(5:10)
My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.

New testament, Jude(1:14)
Behold the lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints.

Bhavishwa Purana, Creation, Volume 3, chapter 2, verse 25,-27-28
It is about Jesus (pbuh)

Chapter 14
Muhammad (asmwam) in Holy Buddist

Holy Buddist.
Antim Buddha- Maitreya
Gospel of Buddha by carus page 217.
“O Nanda, I am not the first Buddha in this world, nor am I the last. In time, there will appear a Buddha in this world, who will give the teachings of truth and charity. His disposition will be pure and holy. His heart will be clean. He will posses knowledge and wisdom. He will be the leader and guide of all men. He will teach the truth , as I have taught the truth, he will give the world a way of life which will be pure and at the same time complete, O Nanda, his name will be maitreya.
(Mohammad in the Buddhist Scripture, page 1 by Warren).

The followers of Buddha attain perfection, they cannot be led astray-
The Dhammapada S.B.E. Vol X, Page 67.

Quran (2:136)
Say, [O believers], "We have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."

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