more index will be added, and the index will added in such a way, it will help you in daily life as
(1) every body is behind money, is Allaah mention this in quran,
the answer is yes
sura zukruf - Allaah mention that, financial management of world is made by him, so that humankind would do better living and to make other better living, but human kind indulge in gathering money so enjoy in this life, and they abonden the mission of helping other,
same index will be followed by hadith inshallaah, the work is under process pls make duaa for we all to complete this milestone.
Bani Qaynuqaa3:118,3:120,5:82,8:56-61
(hostility toward M. after Badr. Eventually resettled first in Wadi al-Qura, then near the Syrian border)
(5:82 Most Bani Qaynuqaa at Yathrib hoping that Quraysh would end fledgling Islam after Badr: 3:118, 3:120)
Birds6:38,16:79,21:41,27:16,27:17,27:20,34:10,38:19,67:19Borders (jurisdictional boundaries)8:72
(8:1 Booty belongs to M to avoid squabbles between fighters and those who stayed behind to protect M during the battle of Badr)
(Sa'd's judgement against Bani Qurayz.ah's treachery at Uhud was from Old Testament: Deuteronomy 20:13-14 - "And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of thy sword: (14) But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.")
Canaan 5:12 Captives 8:67, 8:70
(8:67 M and Abu Bakr dismayed by 8:67. God accepts their decision to let the captives live - 8:70)
Caravans (winter to Yemen, summer to Syria) 106:2
Cattle 16:5-7, 16:66, 22:28, 23:21, 39:6, 47:12
Cave, People of (Seven Sleepers of Ephesus?) 18:9-22
Charity 2:43, 2:83, 2:110, 2:177, 2:262-265, 2:267, 2:270-274, 2:277, 3:92, 3:134, 4:39, 5:12, 5:55, 9:5, 9:18, 9:60, 9:71, 9:121, 21:73, 22:41, 22:78, 24:37, 27:3, 30:38-39, 31:4, 36:47, 41:7, 47:36-38, 51:19, 52:40, 57:7, 57:10-12, 63:10, 64:16-17, 73:20, 76:8, 92:18, 98:5, 107:7
Chastity 23:5, 24:30-31, 24:33, 70:29 Children 16:72, 17:64, 18:46, 19:77, 26:133, 34:35, 34:37, 40:67, 46:15, 57:20, 58:17, 63:9, 64:14, 64:15, 65:7, 68:14, 71:12, 71:22, 74:13, 80:36
(Asad: attempting to divine the future is forbidden)
(Watt: "popular" demons sought to spy on paradise - meteors "chased" them away)
Conservation 6:141, 7:31 Contract Law (see also Wills)
Creation of everything
Creatures 6:38, 42:47, 42:49 Credit 2:282
Crystal 76:15-16
Death 3:185, 3:193, 4:78, 21:35, 33:19, 33:23, 44:56, 47:27, 56:60, 56:84-87, 63:10, 75:29
Disbelievers (see also Hypocrites) 48:26
Divorce 4:130, 65:1
Drugs (see Intoxicants)
Elisha 6:86, 38:48
Embryology 22:5, 23:14, 35:11, 40:67, 75:37-39
Envy (see materialism)
Evolution (?) 71:14, 71:18 Ezra 9:30
Fasting 2:183-184
Fig 95:1 Fighting 9:14, 9:123, 22:39, 47:4, 48:16
(Non-Muslims fought alongside M at Battle of Hunayn (p. 304 of Lings' _Muhammad_) and Bedouin fought alongside M against Tabuk (ibid. p. 318))
Food (see also Health rules) 3:93, 35:12, 40:79, 80:24
Fornication (see Marriage) Friends 8:72, 41:34, 60:7
(Syraic purqaana - salvation)
(Asad: distinguishing right from wrong) Future
Games of Chance
Geographic locations and History
Ginger 76:12 God
Gods of pre-Islamic Arabs by name 71:23 Gog and Magog 21:96
Gold 35:33, 43:35, 43:71, 56:15
Golden armlets 43:53
Golden Calf 2:51, 2:54, 4:153, 7:148, 7:152, 20:88
Goliath 2:249
Grain 36:33, 55:12 Grave 9:84, 22:7, 35:22, 36:51, 54:7, 60:13, 70:43, 77:26, 80:21, 82:4, 100:9, 102:2
Greed (see Materialism)
Green One (al khadir, al khidr) 18:60-82
Greetings 4:86, 25:63
Housing 16:80
Hud 7:65-72, 11:50-57, 11:89, 26:124-138, 46:21-25
Hudaybiyyah, Truce of 48:18-29
'Idda (waiting period for newly divorced women) Idolatry
Idris 19:56-57, 21:85 (Ezekial or Elijah) Ijmaa (consensus)
Imran, House of 3:33 In sha' Allah 18:23
Inheritance 2:180, 89:19
Iram 89:7-8 Iron 57:25
Isaac 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 11:71, 12:5, 12:6, 12:38, 14:39, 21:72, 37:112-113, 38:45
Ishmael 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:86, 14:39, 21:85, 37:102-109, 38:48
Job 4:163, 6:84, 21:83, 38:41-44 John the Baptist 3:38-40, 6:85, 6:86, 19:7-15, 21:90
Jonah 4:163, 6:56, 10:98, 21:87, 37:139-148, 68:48
Jordan 2:58
Joseph 6:84, 12:4-101, 12:102, 40:34
Judgement 4:58, 5:8, 6:151-152, 37:53, 40:78, 45:21, 50:29, 51:6, 60:10, 69:18, 76:24, 82:9, 95:8
Kufr (denier of the truth, ingrate) 2:108, 3:52, 3:80, 3:167, 3:177, 5:41, 5:61, 9:12, 9:17, 9:23, 9:37, 9:74, 16:106, 49:7
Litigants 38:21-24
Livestock 40:79
Locusts 54:7, 105:3
Lot 6:86, 7:80-84, 11:70, 11:74, 11:77-83, 11:89, 15:59-72, 21:71, 21:74, 22:43, 29:28, 29:32-33, 37:153, 38:13, 50:13, 54:33-39, 66:10
Lote tree 53:14, 53:16, 56:28
Luqman 31:13-19
Manna 7:160, 20:80
Metallurgy 18:96-97
Michael (angel) 2:98 Milk 16:66, 47:15
Mineralogy 16:14, 35:12
Mi'raj (see Ascension)
Moses 2:136, 3:84, 6:84, 6:91, 7:103-162, 10:75-93, 11:96, 11:110, 14:5, 14:6, 14:8, 17:2, 17:101-104, 18:60-82, 19:51-53, 20:9-98, 21:48, 22:44, 23:45-49, 25:35, 26:10-66, 27:7-14, 28:3-43, 28:44, 28:48, 28:76, 29:39, 32:23, 33:7, 33:69, 37:114-120, 40:23-27, 40:53, 41:45, 42:13, 43:46-55, 44:17-36, 46:12, 46:30, 51:38-40, 53:37, 61:5, 79:14-25, 87:19
Mountains 15:19, 16:15, 16:81, 17:37, 20:105-107, 27:61, 31:10, 33:72, 34:10, 38:18, 41:10, 42:32, 50:7, 77:27, 78:7, 79:32, 81:3, 88:19, 95:2 Muhammad 47:2
Nepotism disallowed 33:40 Night 25:47
Night Journey 17:1
Noah 3:33, 6:84, 7:59-64, 7:69, 9:70, 10:71, 11:25-33, 11:36-48, 11:89, 14:9 17:3, 17:17, 19:58, 21:76, 22:42, 23:23-29, 25:37, 26:105-120, 29:14, 37:75-79, 38:12, 40:5, 40:31, 42:13, 50:12, 51:46, 53:52, 54:9, 57:26, 66:10
Old Testament
Oppression 2:193, 8:39
Orphans 2:220, 4:6, 4:127, 93:7
Patriarchy 33:5 Pearls 35:33, 52:24, 55:22, 55:58, 56:23, 76:19
Pen 68:1, 96:4
Poets 21:5, 26:224, 37:36, 52:30
Pomegranates 55:68 Prayer 2:45, 9:103, 51:18, 70:22-23, 75:31, 96:10, 108:2
Qiyaas (systematic reasoning) Quail 7:160
Qur'an (Syraic qeryaanaa - scriptural reading) 4:82, 5:16, 7:204, 9:111, 10:15, 10:37, 11:13, 11:14, 12:3, 15:87, 15:91, 16:98, 17:9, 17:41, 17:45, 17:46, 17:60, 17:82, 17:88, 17:89, 18:54, 20:2, 20:114, 25:4, 25:6, 25:30, 25:32, 27:1, 27:6, 27:76, 27:92, 28:85, 30:58, 34:31, 36:2, 38:1, 39:27, 41:26, 41:44, 42:7, 43:31, 46:12, 46:29, 47:24, 50:1, 50:45, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40, 55:2, 56:75, 59:21, 69:40, 73:4, 73:20, 76:23, 84:21
Red Sea
Refugees 59:8 Religion 110:2
Sabians 22:17
Sacrifice 108:2 Salih 7:73-79, 11:61, 11:89, 26:142-158, 27:45-52
Samaritan 20:85, 20:87, 20:95
Saul 2:247 2:249
Sea 2:50, 2:164, 5:96, 6:59, 6:63, 7:138, 7:163, 10:22, 10:90, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 17:67, 17:70, 18:60, 18:61, 18:63, 18:79, 18:109, 20:77, 22:65, 24:40, 26:63, 27:63, 30:41, 31:27, 31:31, 42:33, 45:12, 52:6, 55:24, 81:6
Shu'ayb 7:85-93, 11:84-95, 26:177-189, 29:36
Sight 41:22
Silk 22:23, 44:53, 76:12, 76:21
Silver 43:33-34, 76:15-16, 76:21
Sin 4:111
Sky 88:18
Stealing 4:29
Swine 5:60 Synagogues 22:40
Thamud 7:73, 9:70, 11:61, 11:95, 14:9, 15:80, 17:59, 22:42, 25:38, 26:141, 27:45-52, 29:38, 38:13, 40:31, 41:13, 41:17, 50:12, 51:43, 53:51, 54:23-31, 69:4, 69:5, 85:18, 89:9, 91:11
Time 103:1 Torah 3:3, 3:93, 5:44, 5:46, 5:66, 5:68, 5:110, 7:157, 9:111, 48:29, 61:6, 62:5
Trees 22:18, 23:20, 27:60, 31:27, 36:80, 55:6, 56:72 Trinity
Trusts 23:8 Truth
Tubba 44:37, 50:14 Twelve tribes 7:159
Wools 16:80 Women
Abrogation 2:106, 13:39, 16:101, 17:86, 87:6-7 Abu Lahab (Abd al-Uzza) 111:1-3
(succeeded M's other uncle Abu Talib as head of Hashim tribe and revoked Hashim tribal protection for M.)
Adam 2:31-32, 3:33, 5:27, 7:19-25, 17:61, 17:70, 18:50, 19:58, 20:115-123, 40:31, 41:13, 41:15
Alcohol (see Intoxicants)
Alliances 8:72, 9:7
Apostacy 3:72, 3:86-88, 3:90-91, 3:167, 4:137, 5:54, 9:74, 9:107, 16:106, 33:14
Ascension (mi'raj) 53:13-18
(1) every body is behind money, is Allaah mention this in quran,
the answer is yes
sura zukruf - Allaah mention that, financial management of world is made by him, so that humankind would do better living and to make other better living, but human kind indulge in gathering money so enjoy in this life, and they abonden the mission of helping other,
same index will be followed by hadith inshallaah, the work is under process pls make duaa for we all to complete this milestone.
index of the Qur'an
Topics starting with A
Aaron, Ablution, Abraham, Abrogation, Abu Lahab (Abd al-Uzza), Acacia flowers, Ad, Adam, Adultery, Adversity, Aging, Ahmad, Al Rass, Alcohol, Alliances, Angels, Anger, Ants, Apes, Apostacy, Arguments/Attacks, Ark, Armor, Ascension (mi'raj), Astronomy, Atoms, Authority, Azar.
Topics starting with B
Baal, Badr, Bani Qaynuqaa, Bakkah, Beasts, Bedouin, Bees, Behavior, Belief, Believers, Bible, Biology, Birds, Borders, Botany, Booty, Builders, Burial, Business, Byzantines.
Topics starting with C
Cain and Abel, Calendar, Canaan, Captives, Caravans, Cattle, Cave (People of), Charity, Charms (sexual or costly ornamental), Chastity, Children, Christians, Churches, Clothing, Commandments, Communications, Conservation, Contract Law, Corruption, Cosmology, Covenants, Creation of everything, Creatures, Credit, Crystal, Customs.
Topics starting with D
Danger, Date palms, Dates, David, Death, Defense, Deities, Dignity, Din, Disbelievers, Disciples (of Jesus), Divers, Diversity, Divorce, Dogs, Donkeys, Drugs.
Topics starting with E
Earth, Earthquake, Ecology, Elephant, Elijah, Elisha, Embryology, Envy, Evil, Evolution, Ezra.
Topics starting with F
Family, Fasting, Fig, Fighting, fiqh, Fire, Food, Forgetting, Forgiveness, Fornication, Friends, Furqaan, Future,
Topics starting with G
Gabriel, Games of Chance, Geographic locations and History, Ginger, God, Goddesses of the pagan Arabs, Gods of pre-Islamic Arabs by name, Gog and Magog, Gold, Golden armlets, Golden Calf, Goliath, Gospel, Government, Grain, Grave, Greed, Green One (al khadir, al khidr), Greetings, Guardianship.
Topics starting with H
Hagar, Hair length, Hajj, Haman, Handicapped, Harut and Marut, Health rules, Hearing, Heaven, Hell, History, h.j.b, Homosexuality, Honey, Horses, Housing, Hud, Hudaybiyyah (Truce of), Humankind, Hunayn, Hunting, Hur'in, Hydrology, Hypocrites.
Topics starting with I
Iblis (Satan), 'Idda, Idolatry, Idris, Ijmaa, Ill, Iman, Immorality, Imposters, Imran (House of), In sha' Allah, Inheritance, Interest, Intoxicants, Iram, Iron, Isaac, Ishmael.
Topics starting with J
Jacob, Jesus, Jews, j.h.d, jilbab, Jinn, Job, John the Baptist, Jonah, Jordan, Joseph, Judgement.
Topics starting with K
Kabah, Khaybar (defeat of), Killing, Kings, Knowledge, Kufr.
Topics starting with L
Language, Laws, Life, Lion, Literacy, Litigants, Livestock, Locusts, Lot, Lote tree, Luqman.
Topics starting with M
Madyan (Midian), Magians, Manna, Marib, Marriage, Mary, Materialism, Mecca, Medinah, Menstruation, Metallurgy, Michael (angel), Milk, Mineralogy, Mi'raj, Mockery, Monastic asceticism, Monks, Months, Moses, Mosque, Mountains, Muhammad, Mules.
Topics starting with N
Native peoples, Necessity, Nepotism disallowed, Night, Night Journey, Noah, Nuclear physics.
Topics starting with O
Oaths, Old Testament, Olive, Olive trees, Oppression, Orphans.
Topics starting with P
Parents, Patriarchy, Pearls, Pen, Persecuted, Persecutors, Pharaoh, Piety, Pollution, Poets, Poor, Pomegranates, Prayer, Predestination versus Free Will, Pregnancy, Prisoners of War, Privacy, Prophet, Psalms.
Topics starting with Q
Qarun, Qiblah, Qiyaas, Quail, Qur'an, Quraysh.
Topics starting with R
Ramadhan, Record of personal deeds, Red Sea, Refugees, Religion, Religious, Resurrection, Retribution/Restitution, Revelation, Revenge, Ruby.
Topics starting with S
Sabbath, Sabians, Sacrifice, Salih, Samaritan, Saul, Sea, Sex, Sexes, Sharia', Sheba, Sheitan, Ships, Shu'ayb, Sight, Silk, Silver, Sin, Sinai (Mt.), Skin, Sky, Slaves, Solomon, Sorcery, Spider, Spouses, Stealing, Superstition, Sunna, Surah, Swine, Synagogues.
Topics starting with T
Tabuk, Tamarisks, Ten Commandments, Thamud, Time, Torah, Treachery, Tree, Trees, Trinity, Trusts, Truth, Tubba, Twelve tribes, Two Horned One.
Topics starting with U
Uhud, Usury.
Topics starting with W
War, Water, Weather, Widows, Wills, Wine, Witnessing, Wools, Women.
Topics starting with Z
Topics starting with B
Baal37:125Badr8:5,8:12,8:17,8:42(March 624, Ramadhan 2AH)Bani Qaynuqaa3:118,3:120,5:82,8:56-61
(hostility toward M. after Badr. Eventually resettled first in Wadi al-Qura, then near the Syrian border)
(5:82 Most Bani Qaynuqaa at Yathrib hoping that Quraysh would end fledgling Islam after Badr: 3:118, 3:120)
- first temple3:96
- argue in a kindly manner with those given earlier revelation16:125,29:46
- avoid becoming involved in matters you know nothing of17:36
- avoid grave sins and shameful deeds53:32
- avoid guesswork about one another49:12
- be generous16:90
- be just in your opinions4:58,5:8,5:42,6:152,16:90(see Judgement)
- be true and equitable4:135,5:8,25:72,55:8-9,70:33,83:1-3
- community should be moderate2:143,25:67
- conceit discouraged4:36,31:18,57:23
- don't
- each group given a law and way of life2:148,5:48,10:47,10:74,13:38,16:36,16:63,16:84
- forgive Jews who distort the Qur'an5:13
- forgive non-believers31:15,45:14
- forgive readily42:37
- keep promises2:177
- maligning believers is sinful33:58
- men (toward women)24:30
- pass by frivolous people in a dignified manner25:72
- peacemakers rewarded42:40
- perform excellent deeds4:58
- repel evil with something better13:22,28:54,41:34
- thereby perhaps making a good friend of a former enemy 41:34
- rulers make decisions after consultations42:38
- speak justly toward those in want, if you can do nothing else17:28
- towards
- treat non-belligerent non-believers with equity60:8
- vie with each other to do good deeds3:133,23:61
- wives of the Prophet33:28-34
- women (toward men)24:31
- men and women are each others' friends and protectors9:71
- those who treat them badly24:23,33:58,85:10
Birds6:38,16:79,21:41,27:16,27:17,27:20,34:10,38:19,67:19Borders (jurisdictional boundaries)8:72
- two sexes to every plant13:3
(8:1 Booty belongs to M to avoid squabbles between fighters and those who stayed behind to protect M during the battle of Badr)
(Sa'd's judgement against Bani Qurayz.ah's treachery at Uhud was from Old Testament: Deuteronomy 20:13-14 - "And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of thy sword: (14) But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.")
- enjoy that which is lawful and good8:69
- must not benefit those already rich59:7
- one fifth goes for charity8:41
- indirect reference to?5:31
- be fair in dealings4:58,6:152,17:35,26:181-182, 55:8-9,83:1-3
- don't cheat trading partner4:29
- punishment for 4:30
- record credits and debts in writing2:282
Topics starting with C
Cain and Abel 5:27-31 CalendarCanaan 5:12 Captives 8:67, 8:70
(8:67 M and Abu Bakr dismayed by 8:67. God accepts their decision to let the captives live - 8:70)
Caravans (winter to Yemen, summer to Syria) 106:2
Cattle 16:5-7, 16:66, 22:28, 23:21, 39:6, 47:12
Cave, People of (Seven Sleepers of Ephesus?) 18:9-22
Charity 2:43, 2:83, 2:110, 2:177, 2:262-265, 2:267, 2:270-274, 2:277, 3:92, 3:134, 4:39, 5:12, 5:55, 9:5, 9:18, 9:60, 9:71, 9:121, 21:73, 22:41, 22:78, 24:37, 27:3, 30:38-39, 31:4, 36:47, 41:7, 47:36-38, 51:19, 52:40, 57:7, 57:10-12, 63:10, 64:16-17, 73:20, 76:8, 92:18, 98:5, 107:7
- do not be remiss in helping those who are "erring ones" 24:22
('Aisha slandered by Mistah, Abu Bakr's kinsman. Abu Bakr ordered to maintain monetary support of Mistah when he wanted to withdraw it because of the slander) - during consultation with the Prophet 58:12-13
- during the Hajj 22:36-38
- giving secretly is better 2:271
- niggardliness 2:268, 3:180, 4:37, 25:67, 47:37, 57:24, 92:8
- not payment for favors received 92:19
- precedence of spending 2:215, 2:219
- sharing food 24:61, 89:18, 107:3
- spending to earn praise forbidden 4:38
- those displeased with distribution of 9:58, 9:76
- towards slaves 16:71
- usury and hoarding (withholding) money meant for charity 9:34
- punishment for 9:34-35
- who and what meant for 9:60
(9:60 - After Battle of Hunayn and Siege of Taif some Quraysh converted because their political world had disintegrated. This apportioning of charity was meant to complete their integration and be comfortable with their decision. Also, those others who were on the brink of conversion at this time were included by this verse.)
Chastity 23:5, 24:30-31, 24:33, 70:29 Children 16:72, 17:64, 18:46, 19:77, 26:133, 34:35, 34:37, 40:67, 46:15, 57:20, 58:17, 63:9, 64:14, 64:15, 65:7, 68:14, 71:12, 71:22, 74:13, 80:36
- adopted ones should be named after their fathers 33:5
- baby daughters wrongly thought an evil sign 16:58-59, 43:18, 53:21-22
- breast feed for two years 2:233, 31:34
- do not kill for fear of poverty 6:151, 17:31
- female offspring buried alive will ask for what crime she'd been slain 81:8-9
- gift of female offspring 42:49
- gift of male offspring 42:49
- helpless 4:127
- ignorant at time of birth 16:78
- in Heaven 40:8, 52:24, 56:17
- of Adam 36:60
- of Israel 2:40, 2:47, 2:72, 3:180, 5:12, 5:70, 5:78, 7:105, 10:90, 17:2, 17:4, 17:101, 17:104, 20:47, 20:80, 20:94, 26:17, 26:22, 26:59, 26:197, 27:76, 32:23, 40:53, 43:59, 44:30, 45:16, 46:10, 61:6, 61:14
- commandment concerning killing by 5:32
- pre-Islamic customs of slaying children 6:137, 6:140
- wet nurses 2:233
- and Jews (see Jews)
- asked not to deify Jesus 4:171
- come closest to feeling affection to Muslims 5:82
- enjoined not to follow errant old beliefs and customs 5:77
- most have forgotten what they've been told to bear in mind 5:14
- now comes to you an apostle 5:15, 5:19
- righteous will be rewarded 2:62, 5:65, 5:69
- wrongly say "Jesus is God's son" 9:30
- of fire 22:19
- "the veil" or women's clothing in non-household situations 24:31
- women's outer garments prevent harassment by hypocrites 33:59 (see charms)
(Prophet's enemies harassing his wives with the excuse that they couldn't discern the difference by the clothing his wives wore)
- general religious 2:42-45, 2:83, 2:110, 2:177, 3:104, 3:110, 3:113-114, 3:134, 4:58, 5:12, 5:55, 6:151-153*, 7:33, 7:156, 8:3, 9:18, 9:20, 9:71, 9:86, 9:112, 10:87, 13:22, 14:31, 16:90, 16:110, 22:41, 22:78, 23:57, 24:56, 25:68, 26:181-184, 26:227, 31:3-4, 31:14-19, 35:29, 40:55, 42:36-43, 58:13, 73:20, 90:13-17, 98:5
- kindness towards others 4:36
- leave company of those in the act of mocking God's law 4:140, 6:68, 28:55
(Asad: attempting to divine the future is forbidden)
(Watt: "popular" demons sought to spy on paradise - meteors "chased" them away)
Conservation 6:141, 7:31 Contract Law (see also Wills)
- contract must be in writing 2:282
- during journey a person's "word" is acceptable 2:283
- when things go wrong don't punish scribe or witness 2:282
- witnesses told to be truthful 2:283, 5:8, 25:72
- witnessing for credit transactions (two men, or one man and two women) 2:282
Creation of everything
Creatures 6:38, 42:47, 42:49 Credit 2:282
Crystal 76:15-16
Topics that start with D
Danger- be prepared for 4:71
- fruit 50:10
- Muslim to Christian calendar conversion formula 622 + H * (354.36/365.24)
Death 3:185, 3:193, 4:78, 21:35, 33:19, 33:23, 44:56, 47:27, 56:60, 56:84-87, 63:10, 75:29
- and flight from battle 33:16
- angel of 32:11
- in God's cause 3:195, 22:58, 47:4
- those communities who have no revelation will not be destroyed 6:131, 9:115, 10:47, 11:117, 15:4, 16:119, 17:15, 28:59
- those slain in God's cause are alive 2:154, 3:169
- while fleeing evil towards God 4:100
- none besides God 25:68
Disbelievers (see also Hypocrites) 48:26
- ask Muhammad to invoke God's wrath upon them as proof 6:57-58, 8:32, 10:49-52
- bear their company in kindness 31:15
- bear what they say in patience 6:34, 20:130, 50:39
- communities that were punished (summary) 22:42
- covenants with 8:56, 8:72, 9:4, 9:7
- do not be remiss in helping them 24:22
- God brings their scheming to nought 8:30, 8:36
- leave company of those in the act of mocking God's law 4:140, 6:68, 28:55
- protect them if they ask you to 9:6
- punishment
- repulsed during War of the Confederates 33:25
- should not visit or take care of mosques 9:17
- speak kindly to them 17:53
- striving hard against 9:73, 25:52, 66:9
- treat non-belligerents with equity 60:8
- will only ally with other disbelievers 8:72
Divorce 4:130, 65:1
- after waiting period, dissolve or reconcile 2:231, 65:2
- two witnesses 65:2
- alimony 2:233, 2:241
- extends to ex-husband's heir 2:233
- can be revoked twice 2:229
- dowry status 2:229, 2:236-237
- find wet-nurse if necessary 65:6
- Man
- mother shouldn't suffer because of her fatherless child 2:233
- pre-Islamic 58:2
- reconciliation attempt 4:35
- separation of Mother and child only if both parents consent 4:233
- sinless if marriage unconsummated 2:236
- bride entitled to half of the dowry 2:237
- Woman
- after third divorce (this one from another husband) can return to original husband 2:229
- entitled to maintenance 2:241, 65:1, 65:5-6
- equal right to divorce 2:228
- fear ill treatment by husband 4:128
- may keep what her husband gave her 2:229
- not to be expelled from their homes 65:1
- three menstruation wait to disprove pregnancy 2:228
- three month wait for those free of menstruation 65:4
- unless marriage unconsummated 33:49
Drugs (see Intoxicants)
Topics that start with E
Earth 51:20, 51:48, 91:6- changed into another earth 14:48
- creation of 3:190, 79:30
- inclination of rotational axis to orbital plane 22:61, 57:6
- rotation of 3:190, 7:54, 10:6, 13:3, 14:33, 25:62, 39:5, 41:37, 45:5
- earth has been spread for all living things 55:10
Elisha 6:86, 38:48
Embryology 22:5, 23:14, 35:11, 40:67, 75:37-39
Envy (see materialism)
Evolution (?) 71:14, 71:18 Ezra 9:30
Topics that start with F
Family 8:75Fasting 2:183-184
Fig 95:1 Fighting 9:14, 9:123, 22:39, 47:4, 48:16
(Non-Muslims fought alongside M at Battle of Hunayn (p. 304 of Lings' _Muhammad_) and Bedouin fought alongside M against Tabuk (ibid. p. 318))
- aggression
- be brave 4:104
- between two groups of believers 49:9
- do not acquire slaves except through war 8:67
- do not beg for peace 47:35
- exemptions 9:122, 48:17
- foes cease, you must cease 2:193, 4:90, 8:37, 8:61
- forbidden during the four sacred months 9:36
- free slaves after fighting ends 47:4
- go forth humbly 8:47
- in God's cause 4:74, 4:77, 4:84, 9:38-39, 9:41
- killing only during hostilities in progress 2:191, 4:89, 4:91, 5:33, 8:39, 8:57, 9:5, 9:12
- not for material gain 4:94
- prepare well 8:60
- repentance of recent belligerents 5:34, 9:5, 9:11
- skirmish with Meccan caravan 2:217
(2:217 Abdallah bin Jahsh attacks small Quraysh caravan before Badr) - when ordained 2:190-193, 2:216-217, 4:91, 22:39, 60:8
Food (see also Health rules) 3:93, 35:12, 40:79, 80:24
- blessing of 6:118, 6:138
- forbidden 2:173, 5:3, 6:121, 6:145, 16:115
- except in dire circumstances 5:3
- historic (cucumbers, corn (garlic), lentils, onions) 2:61
- lawful 2:168, 5:4, 6:118, 6:146
- restrictions as punishment for Jews 4:160
Fornication (see Marriage) Friends 8:72, 41:34, 60:7
- avoid active disbelievers 3:28, 3:118-120, 4:139, 5:57, 15:94, 58:14, 60:1, 60:13
- leave company of those in the act of mocking God's law 4:140, 6:68, 28:55
- forbidden are those who fight against you because of your religion 60:9
(Syraic purqaana - salvation)
(Asad: distinguishing right from wrong) Future
Topics starting with G
Gabriel 2:97, 53:6-7, 53:13-18, 66:4Games of Chance
Geographic locations and History
Ginger 76:12 God
- a day for Him is
- ability to do anything 2:106, 2:117, 3:165, 3:189, 8:41, 9:116, 11:4, 16:40, 40:68, 41:39, 42:49, 57:2
- best of all judges 95:8
- beyond definition 43:82, 67:12
- brings disbelievers schemes to nought 8:30, 8:36
- cause human beings to disappear and bring forth other beings 4:133, 14:19, 35:16
- causes laughter and crying 53:43
- caused a man to sleep for a century 2:259
- decrees what befalls humans 9:51, 57:22
- enemy of those who deny the truth 2:98
- extol his glory from morning until night 33:42
- false daughters of 16:57, 17:40, 43:16, 52:39, 53:21-22
- by name 53:19-20
- forgives those repentant of sinning due to ignorance 16:119
- gives humans free will 36:67
- giving it all up for him 4:66-68, 4:125
- good and evil are from Him 4:78
- grants life and death 44:8, 53:44, 57:2, 67:2
- guides and leads astray who He will 2:26, 6:35-36, 6:125, 14:4, 16:93, 16:104, 28:56
- hard strivers rewarded better 4:95-96, 5:54, 9:120, 49:15, 61:11
- has no consort 72:3
- has no intercessors 39:3
- has no son 43:81, 72:3, 112:3
- has not forsaken you during your hard times 93:3
- is everywhere 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 4:126
- is the
- knows that beyond comprehension 6:59, 6:73, 9:94, 9:105, 13:9, 32:6, 34:48, 35:38, 39:46, 49:18, 59:22, 62:8, 64:18, 72:26, 74:31, 87:7
- loves those who behave equitably 49:9
- Meccan attitude of God as the "highest god" but one among many 10:18, 29:65, 36:23, 39:38, 43:86
- made no laws regarding that of which He didn't speak 5:101, 6:140, 6:148 7:32
- mercy towards prisoners of war who have good in them 8:70
- nature of 2:255
- no human is a divinity 3:64, 3:151
- not a trinity 4:171
- refuge from evil with 113:1-5, 114:1-6
- remembering him standing, sitting, lying down 3:191, 4:103, 10:12, 25:64
- shapes you in the womb 3:6
- throne rests upon the water 11:7
- to Him belong the finest names (al asmaa al husna) (Asad: attributes of perfection) 7:180, 17:110, 20:8, 59:24
- will create things of which you have no knowledge 16:8
- wills no wrong to His creation 3:108, 4:40, 17:71, 21:47, 22:10, 26:209, 40:31, 41:46, 45:22, 50:29, 64:11
Gods of pre-Islamic Arabs by name 71:23 Gog and Magog 21:96
Gold 35:33, 43:35, 43:71, 56:15
Golden armlets 43:53
Golden Calf 2:51, 2:54, 4:153, 7:148, 7:152, 20:88
Goliath 2:249
- and David 2:251
Grain 36:33, 55:12 Grave 9:84, 22:7, 35:22, 36:51, 54:7, 60:13, 70:43, 77:26, 80:21, 82:4, 100:9, 102:2
Greed (see Materialism)
Green One (al khadir, al khidr) 18:60-82
Greetings 4:86, 25:63
- proper conduct of 4:5-6, 6:151
- punishment for bad ones 4:10
- when to end it 4:6
- witnesses required to end it 4:6
Topics starting with H
Hagar- and Ishmael 2:158
- abstention from quarreling during 2:197
- duty to visit Mecca (Makkah) 3:97
- exemption from 2:196
- fasting during 2:196
- hunting forbidden 5:1, 5:94-95
- rules 5:2
- sacrifice during 2:196
- welcomed into home 24:61
- children
- food 2:173, 5:1, 5:3, 5:5, 5:96, 6:118-119, 6:121, 6:142, 6:145-146, 16:115
- caught by your hunting animals 5:4
- intoxicants forbidden (see Intoxicants)
- menstruation 2:222
- family in 13:23, 40:8
- filled with mighty guards and flames 72:8
- immortal youths in 56:17, 76:19
- parents united with offspring 52:21, 56:36
- pure spouses in 2:25, 3:15, 4:57, 36:56, 43:70
- several 2:29, 2:164, 3:129, 6:73, 6:101, 17:44, 55:30, 65:12, 67:3, 71:15, 78:12
- virgin mates of modest gaze 37:48-49, 38:52, 55:56, 55:72-74, 56:22, 56:34-36, 78:33
- burning despair and ice cold darkness in 38:57
- chain of 70 cubits 69:32
- inmates will neither die nor remain alive 87:13
- stay for a limited duration 78:23
- study it 3:137, 12:110-111, 14:5
- ask the Prophet's wives from behind a screen 33:53
- barrier between heaven and hell 7:46
- God should speak to Muhammad from behind a veil 42:51
- hearts veiled from Muhammad's call 41:5
- invisible barrier when reciting the Qur'an 17:45
- Mary kept herself in seclusion 19:17
- racing steeds hidden by veil of distance 38:32
- separated, disbarred 83:15
- regarded as evil 26:165-166, 27:55, 29:28-29
Housing 16:80
Hud 7:65-72, 11:50-57, 11:89, 26:124-138, 46:21-25
Hudaybiyyah, Truce of 48:18-29
- "Pledge of the Tree" 48:18
- born with a restless disposition 70:19
- capable of great moral feelings and great spiritual heights 91:8
- created in fine form 95:4
- created in pairs 78:8, 92:3
- creation of 2:30, 4:1, 6:98, 7:189, 10:4, 15:26, 15:28, 15:33, 39:6, 71:14, 96:2
- from a drop of sperm 16:4, 18:37, 22:5, 23:13, 35:11, 36:77, 40:67, 53:46, 75:37, 76:2, 80:19
- from clay 6:2, 7:12, 15:26, 17:61, 23:12, 32:7, 38:71, 38:76, 55:14
- with water 37:11
- from dark transmuted slime 15:26, 15:28, 15:33
- from dust 3:59, 18:37, 22:5, 30:20, 35:11, 40:67, 53:32
- from earth 11:61
- from seminal fluid 86:6
- from male and female 49:13
- diversity in 30:22, 35:28
- given free will 36:67
- grows gradually from the earth 71:17
- has always been prone to be most foolish 33:72
- insignificant compared to the Universe 40:57
- mates of your own kind 7:189, 16:72, 30:21, 42:11
- selfishness ever present in soul 4:128
- vilest are those who don't use reason 8:22, 8:55
- about animals trained to hunt 5:4
- scum 13:17
Topics starting with I
Iblis (Satan) 2:34, 3:155, 3:175, 4:38, 4:60, 4:76, 4:116, 4:119-120, 4:140, 4:145, 5:90, 5:91, 6:38, 6:43, 6:68, 7:11-12, 7:20, 7:21, 7:27, 7:175, 7:200, 7:201, 8:11, 8:48, 12:5, 12:42, 12:100, 14:22, 15:31-40, 16:63, 16:98, 17:27, 17:53, 17:61, 17:64, 18:50, 18:63, 19:44, 19:45, 20:116, 20:120, 22:52, 22:53, 24:21, 25:29, 26:95, 27:24, 28:15, 29:38, 31:21, 34:20-21, 35:6, 36:60, 37:65, 38:41, 38:74-85, 41:36, 43:62, 47:25, 58:10, 58:19, 59:16'Idda (waiting period for newly divorced women) Idolatry
Idris 19:56-57, 21:85 (Ezekial or Elijah) Ijmaa (consensus)
- welcomed into home 24:61
Imran, House of 3:33 In sha' Allah 18:23
Inheritance 2:180, 89:19
- apportionment to
- don't hold unloved wives for 4:19
- for men 4:7
- for women 4:7
- if no heirs 4:176
- summary 4:33
Iram 89:7-8 Iron 57:25
Isaac 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 11:71, 12:5, 12:6, 12:38, 14:39, 21:72, 37:112-113, 38:45
Ishmael 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:86, 14:39, 21:85, 37:102-109, 38:48
- and Hagar 2:158
Topics starting with J
Jacob 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 6:85, 11:71, 12:38, 12:68, 19:6, 19:49-50, 19:58 (Israel), 21:72 Jesus 2:136, 4:163, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:30-34, 21:91, 23:50, 33:7, 61:6, 61:14- bears witness on Resurrection Day 4:159
- Christians asked not to deify 4:171
- creation of 3:45-49, 19:22
- disciples 3:52, 61:14
- divergent views about 43:65
- followers above others on Resurrection day 3:55
- healing of blind, lepers, raising the dead 5:110
- his holy inspiration 2:87, 2:252, 5:110
- his nature is as Adam's 3:59
- is the means to know Judgement Day 43:61 (alternate translation)
- Jews boast of killing 4:157
- not God 5:17, 5:72, 5:116
- only an apostle 4:171, 4:172, 5:75, 19:30
- only seemed slain and crucified 4:157
- resurrected 4:158
- resurrection foretold 3:55, 19:33
- truth about him will be realized when people die 4:159
- and Christians 2:120, 2:139, 2:140, 3:75, 5:68
- apostle comes to them 5:32
- concealing part of the scriptures 2:42, 2:140, 2:146, 2:159, 2:174, 3:71, 5:15, 6:91
- enmity and hatred among them 5:64
- fights between 2:113
- food restrictions 6:146
- have no rights to claim God's bounty exclusively 57:29
- heaven not only for them 2:111
- say they are "God's Children" 5:18
- some believe in baseless mysteries and powers of evil 4:51
- some have broken scriptures into parts 15:90
- some pursue the right course 5:66
- usury and hoarding (withholding) money meant for charity 9:34
- punishment for 9:34-35
- vie them in doing good deeds 3:114, 5:48
- believe in but few things 4:155
- claim that they alone are close to God 2:94, 62:6
- denied good things of life 4:160
- reasons for 4:161
- foods which are forbidden for 6:146
- restrictions as punishment 4:160
- good deeds of ancestors don't count 2:136
- hurting themselves by their misinterpretations 5:64
- mistaken to believe in their own revelations only 2:91
- most have forgotten what they've been told to bear in mind 5:13
- most hostile to Muslims 5:82
(5:82 Most Bani Qaynuqaa at Yathrib hoping that Quraysh would end fledgling Islam after Badr: 3:118, 3:120) - ransoming each other during the Prophet's life 2:85
- religious commandments 2:43, 2:84-85, 5:32
- retribution given in the Torah 5:45
- righteous will be rewarded 2:62, 5:65, 5:69
- say "Ezra is God's Son" 9:30
- say "Our hearts are full of knowledge." 2:88, 4:155
- slaying prophets 2:61, 3:21, 3:112, 3:181, 3:183, 4:155, 4:157, 5:70
- some
- warning to 4:47
- non-believing parents trying to persuade a believer to polytheism 29:8, 31:15,
- striving hard against disbelievers 9:73, 25:52, 66:9
- striving hard in God's cause 2:218, 3:142, 4:95, 5:35, 5:54, 8:72, 8:74-75, 9:16, 9:19-20, 9:24, 9:44, 9:86, 9:88, 22:78, 29:6, 29:69, 49:15, 60:1, 61:11
Job 4:163, 6:84, 21:83, 38:41-44 John the Baptist 3:38-40, 6:85, 6:86, 19:7-15, 21:90
Jonah 4:163, 6:56, 10:98, 21:87, 37:139-148, 68:48
Jordan 2:58
Joseph 6:84, 12:4-101, 12:102, 40:34
Judgement 4:58, 5:8, 6:151-152, 37:53, 40:78, 45:21, 50:29, 51:6, 60:10, 69:18, 76:24, 82:9, 95:8
- be just 4:58, 5:8, 5:42, 6:152, 16:90
- don't let hate lead judgement astray 5:8
- Day 2:123, 2:177, 2:254, 3:9, 3:25, 3:106, 3:114, 4:41 4:59, 4:136, 5:69 5:119, 6:15-16, 6:31, 6:40, 6:128, 7:8, 7:53, 7:187, 9:29, 9:35, 9:44, 9:45, 9:77, 9:99, 10:15, 10:28, 11:3, 11:8, 11:25, 11:84, 11:103, 11:105, 12:107, 14:21, 14:29, 14:30, 14:41, 14:42, 14:44, 14:48, 14:49, 15:36, 15:38, 16:77, 16:84, 16:87, 16:89, 16:111, 17:71, 17:104, 18:99, 18:100, 19:37-39, 19:75, 19:85, 20:15, 20:105-112, 21:49, 21:103-104, 22:2-7, 22:55-56, 24:37, 25:8, 25:11, 26:82, 27:83, 30:12, 30:14, 30:55, 31:33, 32:14, 33:21, 33:44, 33:63, 33:66, 34:3, 37:20, 38:16, 38:26, 38:53, 39:13, 40:9, 40:27, 40:33, 40:51, 40:59, 42:7, 43:66, 43:83, 43:85, 44:40, 45:27, 45:32, 45:34, 45:35, 47:18, 50:20, 51:12, 52:45, 54:46, 54:48, 56:56, 58:22, 60:6, 64:9, 69:19-37, 70:26, 74:46, 76:7, 77:13-14, 77:38, 78:17, 79:6-14, 81:1-14, 82:15, 82:19, 83:11, 99:1-8, 101:1, 101:6
- a single blast ("shout") of a trumpet 36:53, 69:13, 74:8, 78:18
- and another to signal the standing before the Seat of Judgement 39:68
- apostles called together 77:11
- are disbelievers really ready for 10:51-52
- repentance then is too late 40:85
- "childrens' hair turns grey" 73:17
- earth
- flash of fire followed by smoke 55:35
- humans' accounts in right and left hands 69:19-32, 84:7-12
- moon split asunder 54:1
- mountains
- seas will burst beyond their bounds 82:3
- skies
- souls and angels stand in ranks 78:38, 89:22
- stars
- three types of soul to judge
- a single blast ("shout") of a trumpet 36:53, 69:13, 74:8, 78:18
- use reason 6:151
- verify reports and rumors 49:6, 49:12
Topics starting with K
Kabah 2:125-127, 2:191, 2:217, 5:95, 5:97, 8:34, 9:7, 48:25, 48:27, 106:3- creation of 2:125
- enter it with shaved heads or short hair 48:27
- polytheists should not approach it 9:28
- another believer inconceivable unless by mistake 4:92, 48:25
- reparations for 4:92
- deliberate killing of believer and punishment 4:93
- don't 6:151, 17:33, 25:68
- don't harm those offering peace 4:90
- female children buried alive will ask for what crime she'd been killed 81:8-9
- hypocrites will be slain in Medina during the "War of the Confederates" 33:60-61
- not for material gain 4:94
- only during hostilities in progress 2:191, 4:89, 4:91, 5:33, 8:39, 8:57, 9:5, 9:12
- oppression more awesome than 2:191, 2:217
- punishment for murder and spreading corruption on Earth 5:32
- retribution 2:178, 4:92-93, 17:33
- Queen of Sheba's opinion about 27:34
Kufr (denier of the truth, ingrate) 2:108, 3:52, 3:80, 3:167, 3:177, 5:41, 5:61, 9:12, 9:17, 9:23, 9:37, 9:74, 16:106, 49:7
Topics starting with L
Language- diversity in 30:22
- anything not explicity restricted is permitted 5:101
- given by God and the Prophet 33:36
- religious law (diin) perfected in the Qur'an 5:3
- attraction of worldly 3:14
- creatures consist mainly of water (See Biology)
- diversity 30:22, 35:27-28
- extra-terrestrial 22:18
- is sacred 17:33
- good things made lawful 5:5, 5:87, 5:88, 5:93, 7:32, 7:157, 16:114, 40:64, 45:16
- path toward contentment made easy 80:20, 87:8, 92:7
Litigants 38:21-24
Livestock 40:79
Locusts 54:7, 105:3
Lot 6:86, 7:80-84, 11:70, 11:74, 11:77-83, 11:89, 15:59-72, 21:71, 21:74, 22:43, 29:28, 29:32-33, 37:153, 38:13, 50:13, 54:33-39, 66:10
Lote tree 53:14, 53:16, 56:28
Luqman 31:13-19
Topics starting with M
Madyan (Midian) 7:85-93, 9:70, 11:84-96, 15:78, 20:40, 22:44, 26:176, 26:160-173, 27:54-57, 28:22-23, 28:45, 29:36, 50:14 Magians 22:17Manna 7:160, 20:80
- bursting of the dam at 34:16
- adultery 17:32
- appoint arbiter from among you when fearing a breach 4:35
- complaints 58:1
- don't hold wives against their will 4:19
- dowry 4:4, 4:19-21, 4:24, 4:25, 5:5, 60:10, 60:11
- forbidden
- if unable 24:33
- if woman fears mistreatment from her husband 4:128
- love (mawaddah) and tenderness 30:21
- polygamy 4:3
- recline with spouses in Paradise 36:56, 40:8, 43:70
- spouses are raiment for each other 2:187
- to adopted son's ex-wife is permitted 33:37
- to man who doesn't ascribe divinity to aught besides God 2:221
- to orphans 4:3
- to single woman only 4:24
- to slave
- to unmarried only 24:32
- to women believing in previous revelation 5:5
- not a deity 5:116
- and the Prophet's wives 33:28
- envy forbidden 4:32, 15:88, 16:90, 20:131
- forbidden 4:29-30, 8:27
- greed brings destruction 102:1-6
- punishment for 4:30
- ruining others forbidden 2:188, 4:32
- squandering 17:27, 25:67
- duty to visit Mecca (Makkah) for the Hajj 3:97
- turn and pray toward 2:144, 2:149-150 (see Qiblah)
- valley of 48:24
Metallurgy 18:96-97
Michael (angel) 2:98 Milk 16:66, 47:15
Mineralogy 16:14, 35:12
Mi'raj (see Ascension)
- God will requite those who mock 3:15
- help those (even who slander you) 24:22
- leave company of those in the act of mocking God's law 4:140, 6:68, 28:55
- some types criticised 57:27
- many indulged in usury 9:43
- some devour people's possessions 9:34
- some turn people away from God 9:34
- taken as lords by some people 9:31
Moses 2:136, 3:84, 6:84, 6:91, 7:103-162, 10:75-93, 11:96, 11:110, 14:5, 14:6, 14:8, 17:2, 17:101-104, 18:60-82, 19:51-53, 20:9-98, 21:48, 22:44, 23:45-49, 25:35, 26:10-66, 27:7-14, 28:3-43, 28:44, 28:48, 28:76, 29:39, 32:23, 33:7, 33:69, 37:114-120, 40:23-27, 40:53, 41:45, 42:13, 43:46-55, 44:17-36, 46:12, 46:30, 51:38-40, 53:37, 61:5, 79:14-25, 87:19
- bringing forth water from the rock 2:60, 7:160
- commands to his people 5:21
- duel by sorcery with Pharaoh's magicians 7:109-126, 10:79-81, 20:65-70, 26:43-47
- forty nights upon Mt. Sinai 2:51, 7:142
- House of 2:248
- parting of the Red Sea 20:77, 26:63
- plagues 7:133-136, 7:163
Mountains 15:19, 16:15, 16:81, 17:37, 20:105-107, 27:61, 31:10, 33:72, 34:10, 38:18, 41:10, 42:32, 50:7, 77:27, 78:7, 79:32, 81:3, 88:19, 95:2 Muhammad 47:2
- admonished
- almost tempted to corrupt the message 17:73
- punishment had he 17:75
- as judge for followers 4:65
- dares not alter the Qur'an nor act contrarily 10:15, 53:11, 69:44-47
- died June 8, 632
- divorce 33:52
- exemptions from "regular" marriage laws 33:51
- like of a pretty woman 33:52
- marriage
- mystical ascension 53:6-18
- not
- only a
- orphanhood and poverty 93:6-8
- prayed for the non-believing Uncle who raised him (enjoined not to) 9:113
- reacted against something lawful 66:1
- "seal" of the prophets 33:40
- summons from 24:63
- taking leave of 24:62
- tortured by pre-revelatory philosophical questions? 93:7, 94:1-3
- turned away the blind man 80:1-10
- unaware of the import of some revelation given him 12:3, 42:52
- unlettered prophet 7:157, 7:158, 62:2
- visiting wives 3:51
- widowed wives not allowed to remarry 33:53
Topics starting with N
Native peoplesNecessity
Nepotism disallowed 33:40 Night 25:47
Night Journey 17:1
Noah 3:33, 6:84, 7:59-64, 7:69, 9:70, 10:71, 11:25-33, 11:36-48, 11:89, 14:9 17:3, 17:17, 19:58, 21:76, 22:42, 23:23-29, 25:37, 26:105-120, 29:14, 37:75-79, 38:12, 40:5, 40:31, 42:13, 50:12, 51:46, 53:52, 54:9, 57:26, 66:10
- ark 7:64, 10:73, 11:37-38, 11:40, 23:27, 29:15, 54:13-14, 69:11, 71:1-28
- came to rest on Mt. Judi 11:44
- flood 7:64, 10:73, 11:40-44, 25:37, 29:120, 29:14, 54:11-12, 71:25
Topics starting with O
Oaths 2:224, 16:91, 16:92, 16:94, 23:8, 48:10, 70:32Old Testament
- followers of 4:153
Oppression 2:193, 8:39
Orphans 2:220, 4:6, 4:127, 93:7
Topics starting with P
ParentsPatriarchy 33:5 Pearls 35:33, 52:24, 55:22, 55:58, 56:23, 76:19
Pen 68:1, 96:4
- people 8:72
- protect them unless they under a regime with whom you have a covenant 8:72
- those who are protectors of 8:72, 8:74
- punishment of 3:11, 20:78-79, 26:66, 28:40, 43:55, 44:24, 51:40, 89:18
- torture by and deliverance from 2:49, 17:103
Poets 21:5, 26:224, 37:36, 52:30
Pomegranates 55:68 Prayer 2:45, 9:103, 51:18, 70:22-23, 75:31, 96:10, 108:2
- be constant in 2:43, 2:83, 2:110
- beautify (adorn) yourselves for 7:31
- content 2:285-286, 3:8-9, 3:16, 3:147, 3:191-194, 17:80-81, 17:111, 23:118, 25:74, 59:10, 66:8
- day of congregation (Friday) 62:9
- direction to face while praying (see Qiblah)
- for sinners to be forgiven 3:135
- for the right reasons 107:4-6
- length of night prayers 73:20
- of Abraham 2:126-129, 9:114, 14:35-41, 26:83-89
- of "Fear" 4:101-102 (while trying to preempt some clans of Ghatafan from raiding the oasis in the Plain of Najd, June 626, beginning of year 5 AH)
- of Joseph 12:101
- of Moses 20:25-35
- of Noah 23:26, 26:117-118, 71:26, 71:28
- of Solomon 38:35
- of Zachariah 19:8, 19:10
- not while drunk 4:43
- prostration 3:113, 7:206, 9:112, 15:98, 16:48, 16:49, 22:18, 22:26, 22:77, 25:60, 25:64, 26:219, 32:15, 39:9, 41:37, 48:29, 50:40, 53:62, 76:26, 96:19
- relaxation of long Medinan nightly vigils 73:20
- restrains one from loathesome deeds 29:45
- sacred duty linked to time of day 4:103
- standing 39:9
- style of 2:238, 17:110
- times of day of
- the midmost (alwust.aa) prayer 2:238 (alternate interpretation)
- the two ends of daylight (t.arafii alnahaar), early watches of the night (zulafan min alleil) (approach or advance of night) 11:114
- the sun has passed zenith (duluuk) till the darkness of night (ghasaq alleil) , recitation at dawn (fajr) 17:78
- rise from sleep and pray during the night as a free offering 17:79
- before
risings of the sun (t.uluu' alshams), before sunset (ghuruub), some
hours of the night (alleil) and day (at.araaf alnahaar - ends of
daylight - dawn and dusk) 20:130
**** Asad translation irregularity *** - morning (ghuduu) and evening (aas.aal - time just before sunset) 24:36
- daybreak (fajr), middle of the day (z.ahiira) and nightfall ('ishaa) 24:58
- enter upon the evening hours (h(1)iina tumsuun - approach evening) and rising at morning (h(1)iina tus.bih(1)uun - approach the morning) 30:17
- noon (h(1)iina tuz.hiruun - approaching noon) and afternoon ('ashiyaan - nightfall) 30:18
*** Asad translation irregularity *** - impelled to rise from their beds at night 32:16
- morning (bukratan) and evening (as.iilaan - time just before sunset) 33:42
- eventide (al'ashii) and sunrise (alishraaq) (when David extolled God's glory) 38:18
- evening (al'ishii) and morning (alibkaar) 40:55
- before sunrise (t.uluu' alshams) and before sunset (ghuruub) 50:39
- and in the night 50:40
- lieing asleep during a small part the night 51:17
- whenever rising from sleep 52:48
- at night and at the time when the stars retreat (idbara alnujuum) 52:49
- half the night or more 73:2-4
- morning (bukratan) and evening (as.ilaan - time just before sunset) 76:25
- during some of the night and throughout the long night 76:26
- summary
- fajr 17:78, 24:58
- when the stars retreat 52:49
- beginning of daylight (one of the two ends of daylight) 11:114, 20:130
- before sunrise 20:130, 50:39
- approach of morning 30:17
- morning
- approaching noon (z..h.r) 30:18
- midmost prayer (w.s.t.) 2:238
- noon (z..h.r) 24:58
- after zenith 17:78
- before sunset 24:36, 50:39
- end of daylight (one of the two ends of daylight) 11:114, 20:130
- approach of evening 30:17
- as night advances 11:114
- darkness of night 17:78
- evening
- times
- fajr 17:78, 24:58, 30:17, 52:49
- bod 11:114, 20:130, 30:17, 52:49
- sunrise 50:39, 20:130, 30:17
- morning 24:36, 33:42, 40:55, 76:25
- noon 2:238, 30:18, 17:78, 24:58
- afternoon 2:238, 17:78
- a.s..l 24:36, 33:42, 76:25, 30:17
- sunset 50:39, 20:130, 30:17
- eod 11:114, 20:130, 30:17
- '.sh.w 30:18, 40:55, 24:58, 76:26
- l.i.l 11:114, 20:130, 17:78, 17:79, 32:16, 50:40, 51:17, 52:48, 52:49, 73:2-4, 76:26
- while in danger 2:239, 4:101-102
- God's spirit is breathed into the fetus 32:9
- aquisition only through war 8:67
- not during small raids 4:94
- to be set free or ransomed after war 47:4
- accept him who confirms earlier revelation 3:81
- as judge 24:48-51
- behaves sublimely 68:4
- charity during consultation with 58:12
- coming foretold 7:157, 61:6
- don't acquire slaves except through war 8:67
- don't raise your voice above 49:2
- emulate his ways 33:21
- evil forces as enemies of all prophets 6:112, 22:52, 25:31
- has come to pardon 5:15
- has come to you 9:128
- has highest claim on allegiance of believers 33:6
- keeps awake 2/3, 1/2, or 1/3 of the night praying 73:20
- lack of privacy 33:53, 49:4-5
- miracles only by God's leave 40:78
- only mortal human 12:109, 16:43, 18:110, 21:7-8, 25:7, 41:6
- people who are false prophets are wicked 6:93, 6:143-144, 6:157, 7:37, 10:17, 11:18, 29:68, 39:32, 61:7
- prophecy in language of target population 14:4, 16:89
- purpose of 2:213, 6:48, 6:130, 14:4-6
- saw Gabriel twice in visions 53:6-7, 53:13-18, 81:23
- some not mentioned 40:78
- some superior 2:253, 17:55
- those who came before had wives and children 13:38
- torment about those who won't accept the message 18:6
- wives
- given to David 4:163
Topics starting with Q
Qarun 28:76-81, 29:39, 40:24 Qiblah (direction to turn in prayer)Qiyaas (systematic reasoning) Quail 7:160
Qur'an (Syraic qeryaanaa - scriptural reading) 4:82, 5:16, 7:204, 9:111, 10:15, 10:37, 11:13, 11:14, 12:3, 15:87, 15:91, 16:98, 17:9, 17:41, 17:45, 17:46, 17:60, 17:82, 17:88, 17:89, 18:54, 20:2, 20:114, 25:4, 25:6, 25:30, 25:32, 27:1, 27:6, 27:76, 27:92, 28:85, 30:58, 34:31, 36:2, 38:1, 39:27, 41:26, 41:44, 42:7, 43:31, 46:12, 46:29, 47:24, 50:1, 50:45, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40, 55:2, 56:75, 59:21, 69:40, 73:4, 73:20, 76:23, 84:21
- bestowed on a blessed night 44:3, 97:1-5
- clear ordinances 16:89, 98:3
- completion of 5:3
- conveyed clearly 5:16, 10:15
- distortion of 5:41
- divine nature of 10:37
- don't approach it in haste 20:114
- easy to understand 44:58
- essence found in earlier revelation 26:196
- full of wisdom 36:2
- gathered by God 75:17
- guidance to humans 2:185
- invisible barrier during recitation 17:45
- is not Muhammad's sayings 53:3, 69:44
- night most fitting for lucid reflections upon 73:2-6
- not from a satanic force 81:25
- not poetry 36:69, 69:41
- reason for 62:2
- recite as much as you may do with ease 73:20
- religious system perfected in 5:3
- revealed in Arabic 12:2, 13:37, 16:103, 20:113, 26:195, 39:28, 41:3, 43:3, 44:58
- sent forth "in waves" (gradually) 77:1
- some verses direct, some allegorical 3:7
- source of health 17:82, 41:44
- surah mentioning war 47:20
- transcription underway at Mecca 25:5
- upon an imperishable tablet 85:21-22
- many indulged in usury 9:43
- some
Topics starting with R
Ramadhan 2:185- and sex during the night 2:187
Red Sea
Refugees 59:8 Religion 110:2
- divergence of opinion 3:19, 42:14, 45:17, 51:8, 78:3, 98:4
- draws together former enemies 3:103
- false ideas upon things allowed and forbidden 16:116
- falsely follow other people's conjectures 6:116, 6:119
- falsely guided by ancestral concept of 43:22
- is not play and transient delight 6:70, 7:51, 47:36
- is self surrender to God 3:85
- no coercion in matters of faith 2:256
- no hardship in 22:78
- pre-Islamic approximate monotheism 29:61-65
- same as it was for the ones before you 42:13
- try and penetrate deepest meaning of 4:162
- use reason in 3:65, 8:22
- wickedness of attributing one's own lying inventions to God 6:21
- law perfected in the Qur'an 5:3
- sects 6:159, 30:32, 43:65
- leave them alone in their ignorance 23:53-54
- should stay together 3:103
- Day 2:113, 2:212, 3:77, 3:161, 3:180, 3:185, 3:194, 4:87, 4:109, 4:141 4:159, 5:14, 5:36, 5:64, 6:12, 6:73, 7:32, 7:167, 10:93, 11:59, 11:60, 11:98, 11:99, 16:25, 16:27, 16:92, 16:124, 17:13, 17:52, 17:58, 17:62, 17:97, 18:47, 18:105, 19:95, 20:100-102, 20:124, 21:47, 22:9, 22:17, 22:69, 23:16, 25:69, 26:87, 28:41-42, 28:61, 28:71, 28:72-81, 28:85, 29:13, 29:25, 30:40, 30:56, 31:34, 32:25, 35:14, 38:79, 39:15, 39:24, 39:31, 39:47, 39:60, 39:67-75, 40:46, 41:40, 41:47, 41:50, 42:17, 42:18, 42:45, 45:17, 45:26, 46:5, 50:42, 54:6-8, 58:6, 58:7, 58:18, 60:3, 68:39, 75:1, 75:6, 78:18, 80:33-42, 85:2, 88:1
- followers of Jesus above non-believers 3:55
- of humans 13:5, 16:39, 17:51, 17:98-99, 20:55, 22:7, 22:66, 25:40, 29:20, 30:11, 34:7, 36:12, 36:79, 41:39, 43:11, 46:33, 53:47, 56:61, 63:7, 71:18, 75:3, 80:22, 85:13, 86:8
- moon is darkened 75:8
- of soul 2:28, 30:25, 31:28
- sun and moon brought together 75:9 (solar eclipse or solar expansion?)
- delivered unto the Prophet's heart, not by a visible angel 2:97, 26:194
- every age has had its own 13:38
- from behind a veil 42:51
- mentioning war 47:20
- nature of delivery 18:24, 42:51, 53:2-11
- warned against 42:40
Topics starting with S
Sabbath 16:124Sabians 22:17
Sacrifice 108:2 Salih 7:73-79, 11:61, 11:89, 26:142-158, 27:45-52
Samaritan 20:85, 20:87, 20:95
Saul 2:247 2:249
Sea 2:50, 2:164, 5:96, 6:59, 6:63, 7:138, 7:163, 10:22, 10:90, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 17:67, 17:70, 18:60, 18:61, 18:63, 18:79, 18:109, 20:77, 22:65, 24:40, 26:63, 27:63, 30:41, 31:27, 31:31, 42:33, 45:12, 52:6, 55:24, 81:6
- darkness in the depths of 24:40
- conception and pregnancy (see Pregnancy)
- consort with wives in a goodly manner 4:19
- don't force female slaves into prostitution 24:33
- during Ramadhan 2:187
- is what your spouse is for, so do it! 2:187, 2:222-223
- with slaves is legal 23:6, 33:50, 33:52, 70:30 (alternate interpretation)
- created from one living entity (soul) 4:1, 6:98
- each entitled to own earnings 4:32
- equality of 2:221, 3:195, 4:32, 4:124, 6:139, 9:67, 9:68, 9:71, 9:72, 16:58-59, 16:97, 24:30-31, 33:35, 33:58, 33:73, 40:40, 42:49, 42:50, 47:19, 48:5, 48:6, 57:12, 57:18, 60:10
- in divorce 2:228
- guides for one another 9:71
- men provide for women 4:34
- opinion about kings 27:34
Shu'ayb 7:85-93, 11:84-95, 26:177-189, 29:36
Sight 41:22
Silk 22:23, 44:53, 76:12, 76:21
Silver 43:33-34, 76:15-16, 76:21
Sin 4:111
- avoiding 4:31
- blaming another 4:112
- forgiveness for 3:16, 3:31, 3:135, 3:147, 3:193, 12:97, 14:10, 33:71, 39:53, 40:3, 40:11, 40:55, 46:31, 47:19, 48:2, 61:12, 71:4
Sky 88:18
- still smoke 41:11
- aquisition only though war 4:94, 8:67
- do good unto 4:36
- don't force female slaves into prostitution 24:33
- God will forgive them if they are forced 24:33
- freeing
- share sustenance with 16:71
- is evil 2:101
Stealing 4:29
- cutting off hands as punishment 5:38
- forgiveness for (before discovery) 5:39
- is wrong even through the judiciary 2:188
- condemned 4:51
Swine 5:60 Synagogues 22:40
Topics starting with T
Tabuk- God's mercy towards those on expedition to 9:118
Thamud 7:73, 9:70, 11:61, 11:95, 14:9, 15:80, 17:59, 22:42, 25:38, 26:141, 27:45-52, 29:38, 38:13, 40:31, 41:13, 41:17, 50:12, 51:43, 53:51, 54:23-31, 69:4, 69:5, 85:18, 89:9, 91:11
Time 103:1 Torah 3:3, 3:93, 5:44, 5:46, 5:66, 5:68, 5:110, 7:157, 9:111, 48:29, 61:6, 62:5
- retribution in 5:45 (also adopted by Muslims)
- forgoing it will be better 5:45
- some Jews turned away from it 5:43
Trees 22:18, 23:20, 27:60, 31:27, 36:80, 55:6, 56:72 Trinity
Trusts 23:8 Truth
Tubba 44:37, 50:14 Twelve tribes 7:159
- scattering of 7:168
Topics starting with U
Uhud (625, 3AH Shawal)- battle of 3:121-123, 3:143, 3:152-154, 3:166
- Banu Salamah and Banu Haarithah almost lost heart 3:122
- and hoarding (withholding) money meant for charity 9:34
- punishment for 9:34-35
- delay repayment (forgiving debt is better) 2:280
- forgo repayment owed you 2:278
- don't "devour" each others possessions 2:188, 4:29
- forbidden 2:275, 3:130
- forgive debt 2:280
- Jews took it even though forbidden to 4:161
- many Monks and Rabbis indulged in 9:43
Topics starting with W
War 47:20- of Confederates 33:9-27
- clouds 7:57, 7:160, 24:40, 24:43, 25:25, 30:48, 35:9, 52:44, 56:69
- and their patterns 2:164
- hail 24:43
- lifting 30:48, 35:9
- lightning 13:12, 30:24
- striking people 13:13
- rain 2:163, 2:265, 6:99, 7:57, 8:11, 10:24, 13:17, 14:32, 15:22, 16:65, 18:45, 20:53, 22:5, 22:63, 23:18, 24:43, 25:48, 27:60, 29:63, 30:24, 30:48, 31:10, 31:34, 32:27, 35:27, 39:21, 40:13, 41:39, 42:28, 42:33, 43:11, 45:5, 46:24, 50:9, 56:69, 57:20, 78:14, 80:25
- and fighting 4:102
- storms 17:68, 17:69
- thunder 13:13
- wind 7:57, 14:18, 15:22, 17:68, 21:81, 25:48, 27:63, 29:40, 30:46, 30:48, 30:51, 33:9, 34:12, 35:9, 38:36, 41:16, 45:5, 46:24, 51:1-4, 51:41, 52:27, 54:19, 67:17, 69:6, 78:14
- to pollinate 15:22
- provisions for one year 2:240
- year in husband's home 2:240
- wait four months and ten days before remarriage 2:234
- OK to plan remarriage during waiting period 2:235
- amending forbidden 2:181-182
- two witnesses when you declare it 5:106
- if those two should falter 5:107
Wools 16:80 Women
- accept those seeking refuge from non-believing husbands 60:10
- gross moral depravity 4:15
- ill willed 4:34
- punishment for 4:34
- lack of outer garments for older 24:60
- pledges of believing women 60:12
- righteous guard intimacies revealed to them 4:34, 66:3-6
- term (time) of pregnancy (see Pregnancy)
Topics starting with Z
Zachariah 3:37-3:41, 6:85, 19:2-12Topics starting with A
Aaron 4:163, 6:84, 7:122, 7:142, 7:150, 7:172, 10:75, 19:53, 20:30, 20:40, 20:90, 20:92, 21:48, 23:45, 25:35, 26:12, 26:48, 28:34, 37:114-120- House of 2:248
- circumstances requiring 4:43
Abrogation 2:106, 13:39, 16:101, 17:86, 87:6-7 Abu Lahab (Abd al-Uzza) 111:1-3
(succeeded M's other uncle Abu Talib as head of Hashim tribe and revoked Hashim tribal protection for M.)
- his wife 111:4-5
Adam 2:31-32, 3:33, 5:27, 7:19-25, 17:61, 17:70, 18:50, 19:58, 20:115-123, 40:31, 41:13, 41:15
- angels to prostrate before 2:34, 7:11
- tree of knowledge 2:35, 7:19, 20:120-121
- banishment from Garden (no blame to Eve) 2:36, 7:24
- not burdened beyond capability to withstand 2:286, 6:152, 7:42, 23:62
- not burdened with another's burden 6:164, 17:15, 35:18, 39:7, 53:38
- patience during 2:153, 2:155, 2:177, 2:250, 3:17, 3:125, 3:142, 3:146, 3:186, 3:200, 7:87, 7:126, 7:128, 7:137, 8:46, 8:65, 8:66, 10:109, 11:11, 11:49, 11:115, 12:18, 12:83, 12:90, 13:22, 16:96, 16:110, 16:126, 21:85, 22:35, 23:111, 28:54, 29:59, 30:60, 31:17, 31:31, 37:102, 38:44, 39:10, 40:55, 40:77, 41:35, 42:33, 46:35, 47:31, 70:5, 76:12, 90:17, 103:3
- behavior towards aging parents in your care 17:23
Alcohol (see Intoxicants)
Alliances 8:72, 9:7
- Christians and Jews 5:51
- forbidden with disbelieving kin 9:23
- forbidden with hypocrites 4:88-89, 4:139, 4:144
- created from fire 7:12, 38:76
- eight will bear God's throne aloft on Judgement Day 69:17
- false claim that they are female 43:19, 53:27
- "guardian" 82:10-12, 86:4
- nineteen lord over hell 74:30-31
- no external angel delivered revelations 2:97, 26:194
- not sent to satisfy whims 15:7-8
- of death 32:11
- sent to inspire 16:2
- withhold 3:134
Apostacy 3:72, 3:86-88, 3:90-91, 3:167, 4:137, 5:54, 9:74, 9:107, 16:106, 33:14
- do not ask for speedy doom for apostates 46:35
- God alone will punish them 3:15, 73:11, 74:11
- give charity even to the "erring ones" 24:22
- punishment in the hereafter 2:217, 9:74
- rejection by others 3:87
- repentance 3:89, 5:34, 9:5, 9:11, 16:110, 33:24
- respond in kind 8:58, 16:126
- being patient is far better
(16:126 After M. saw how Hamzah's body had been mutilated he wanted to mutilate 30 Qurayshi dead. 16:126 was the injunction against that.) - leave, wishing those being left peace 25:63, 28:55
- respond with something better 41:34
- those slandered should provide charity for the "erring ones" 24:22
Ascension (mi'raj) 53:13-18
- celestial mechanics 7:54, 22:65
- celestial navigation 6:97, 16:16
- constellations 15:16, 25:61, 85:1
- motion of objects in the Universe 35:41, 44:39, 45:22, 46:3, 64:3, 86:11
- objects impacting Earth 34:9
- planets 81:16
- Sirius (Alpha Canis Major) 53:49
- stars 22:18, 37:88, 51:7, 79:1, 81:2, 86:3
- sunrise 37:5, 55:17, 70:40
- sunset 55:17, 70:40, 84:16
- allegiance to and variance with 4:59