fight with munafeeq
(quran and sahi hadith)it will update every time, it get new conspiracy from munafeq
the dealing with munafeeq, required highly knowledable, intelligent, conspirator, targetor, that is the reason
Allaah said, fighting with munafeeq muslim, is very sensitive job, so pls follow quran and sahi hadith
( mufti hussain makki, dr hussain laden, imam abu hanifah laden,
sheikh osama houti, mufti khalid ibn tamiyyah, sheikh muktar albani)
half of quran and sahi hadith is dedicated to find out who is munafeeq, and what are their conspiracy, and how they execute, what are their methodology,
- auuzubillaahi-minashaitaan-nirraziiim,بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
And follow that which is revealed to you from your Lord. Indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted.
so Allaah says that, pls come to Allaah and prophet, both are enough to fight against munafeequn and their methodology,
here i have mention a overview how munafeequn try to destroy the hadith
==============================munafeequn will always behind the hadith, because hadith is the one which Allaah has given us the tool to fight munafequn, so pls start learning hadith
in this ayat, Allaah says that, verily Munafeeq will be powerful, but no need to worry, just worry that, put your trust to Allaah alone, and Allaah book is enough, (quran and sahi hadith)
so the major factor in which munafeq will try to involve you is ,
tawakkal on Allaah ( book and sahi hadith, and their methodology, practise)
and other is wahi is enough ( quran and sahi hadith is enough)
(current event of munafequn )
the royal family of saud is the leader of munafequn right now, who is leading all the munafequn of world to stop the islamization of muslim ummah,
pls understand muslim,
they are playing with muslim mind,
they are utilising all the resource of mumin against muslim,
iran is supporting with troops to shaitan asad, but not supporting hezbullah and hamas agains jews,
iran is supporting shaitan-assad agains muslim, but not supporting agains jews,
so whom iran is supporting, iran is supporting jews,
saudia royal family supporting with troops to bahrain, and yemen, but not supporting people of syria and people of palestine,
why not supporting, because it does not want to distrub jews,
to whom saudia royal family supporting, they are supporting to jews,
saudia royal family and iran regime, they are supporting to shaitanic-jews, shaitanic-munafequn-assad-saleh-maliki
what turkey is doing,
turkey is sending troops inside iraq, but not sending troops inside syria, because, it does not want to support, people of syria,
indirectly turkey regime is supporting jews, by standing ...........quite and silent,
try to understand, saudia royal family, iran ruling regime, turkey ruling regime are leader of munafequn,
pls pray that, there queue must come soon.....
science and religion
both word are same and one,
then who is dividing this word and why
is beautifully created a division between good vs good, so it is
strategic and tactics of shaitan to deceive human kind and jinkind,
so how to save ourselves from this deceiviing nature of shaitan,
like example,
moses vs mohammad
both are prophet of universe from Allaah, both are good and great,
like example
jesus vs mohammad
both are prophet of universe from Allaah,
both are good and great
so in same way, need to understand the knowledge of reveleation that is quran and sahi hadith
science and religion
science mean reason,
the prophet Muhammad (saas) said first thing Allaah created on earth is reason.
reason mean science
science is created by Allaah
and the person who follow science is known as religion.
so religion mean a person who follow science
right now to understand the concept of word, there are two type of understanding going on in world.
one is understanding of kuffar and munafequn, and other understanding is of muslim.
kuffar and munafequn understand the word in different way, and their understanding is wide spread in masses through media, because media is controlled by kuffar+munafequn.
muslim understanding is of quran and sahi hadith.
science mean reason,
the prophet Muhammad (saas) said first thing Allaah created on earth is reason.
reason mean science
science is created by Allaah
and the person who follow science is known as religion.
so religion mean a person who follow science
right now to understand the concept of word, there are two type of understanding going on in world.
one is understanding of kuffar and munafequn, and other understanding is of muslim.
kuffar and munafequn understand the word in different way, and their understanding is wide spread in masses through media, because media is controlled by kuffar+munafequn.
muslim understanding is of quran and sahi hadith.
Kuffar and munafequn understanding
Muslim understanding
Religion is bondage
Religion is independent
Religion is cult
Religion is open
Religion is slavery
Religion is freedom
Religion is sun by priest and richer community
Religion is run by law
Law is bend to obey richer community
Law is uphold at any cost
Richer community enjoy music and sex
Music and sex is punishable
Priest obey to richer community
Law is uphold at any cost
Whatever priest and richer community dictate is law
Quran and sahi hadith is law
Every action is preferred to priest (fatwa)
Every action is preferred to quran and sahi hadith
Religion is to obey priest (pure slavery)
Religion is to obey law (pure independence)
Every member is considered business unit, so finance is provided with
Every member is considered brother and sister, finance provided
without interest
Religion is practised with will of priest and richer community
Religion is practised with science
Science mean reason
So whatever kuffar and munafequn are describing about religion is
correct because of their sufferering at the hand of priest and richer
But in muslim the scenario is opposite, here everybody enjoy
religion, because it give independence.