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minhaj prophet Muhammad(saas)

question and answer related with Minhaj of last prophet Muhammad (saas)

this is series, and will be publishing and writing......will be going on new question arise about minhaj ..............................................
the group ( mufti hussain makki, mufti khalid ib tamiyyah, sheikh muktar albani, dr hussain laden, imam abu hanifa laden, sheikh osama houti)

at-Tawbah Publications:Minhaj as Sunnah By Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah

At-Tawbah Publications

Minhaj As sunnah By Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah

Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah may Allah have mercy on him says:

Alhamdulillah to the one that sent the Prophets and Messengers who give glad tidings and warnings, and sent with them the book in truth to judge between what the people differed about, and the only ones who differed in regards to the book are those that were given to them after the evidences were wide spread between them. Allah guides those people that differed about the truth with his permission and Allah guides whom He wills to the straight path!

And I bear witness that there is no deity worth of worship except Allah alone with no associates with Him, the same way Allah the glorified and All Mighty witnessed when he said:

“(18. There is no god but He: That is the witness of Allah, His angels, and those endued with knowledge, standing firm on justice. There is no god but He, the Exalted in Power, the Wise. )” Al-Imran 18

And I bear witness that Mohammad is the slave and messenger of Allah عليه الصلاة و السلام In which Allah said in the Quran:

“(128. Now hath come unto you an Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful. 129. But if they turn away, Say: "(Allah) sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!")” At-tawba 28-29

Soon after, some of the people of Ahl Assuna WA’ljama3a brought to my attention a book that was written by some of the scholars of the Rafida calling to his sect of the Imamia Arrafida, calling with it who ever he can call from the rulers and others of the people of ignorance and who have little understanding in knowledge and religion; those who don’t know the core of the religion of the Muslims.

The people that helped him are the ones that it was their habit of helping people like him; like those who show outwardly that they are Muslims (while they are not) from the Rafida and like the Batinia and Atheists who are originally from the core of the Sabia’a philosophers outside the fold of truth of Islam (i.e. following the messengers and the ones that do not consider following them an obligation) and who do not forbid the following of those other than the messengers or religions. What they actually do is the make these other religions in the category of sects and political parties which according to them there is no harm in following them; and they made prophet hood in the place of just politics that was put for the benefit of the regular people in this world.

These type of people multiply and show them selves more and more as ignorance and the people of ignorance become abundant, while at the same time less people of knowledge in prophet hood and proper following of them are around who show the light that makes the darkness disappear along with Shirk and deceit.

Those people do not totally deny Prophet hood; they actually believe in some parts of it and disbelieve in others (depending on what sect it is) and that is why their story gets so distorted (amongst some of the people) because of how they glorify some of the Prophet hood especially the ignorant and the Rafida and the Jahmiya who are the door to those atheist; from this enters the rest of the groups the deny the names of Allah and His clear book just like the heads of the Atheist alqaramita, albatinia and others of the hypocrites.
The person who brought this book to me mentioned that this is one of the greatest reasons in proving their sect and why many people lean to it from kings and others. This book was writing for a king that was known by name as "خدابنده" “khdaabndo” and they asked me to show what is in this book of misguidance and false speech. Doing so of which would be a victory for the slaves of Allah the believers and showing the falsehood in the speech and sayings of the Atheists who overstep their boundaries "مفترين".

So, I brought to their attention that this book, be as it may the strongest of what the say in regards to their arguments and evidences; that these people are the most misguided of people from the truth, and the evidences are either reported or thought up (نقلية ام عقلية), and these people are the most misguided in both what is reported or conjured up by their brains in the sects and in proof and they are closest to the people that Allah said about them:

“(10. They will further say: "Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we should not (now) be among the Companions of the Blazing Fire!")” Al-mulk 10

These people are from the biggest liars in what is reported and the most ignorant in what is logical. They believe that what the scholars know from necessity is falsehood and they also believe that some of these things that the scholars know from necessity which is mutawatir from one century to the next of the highest level is also falsehood; they can’t tell the difference between the ones that deliver knowledge and those that narrate Ahadeeth and events; they can’t tell the difference between who is known as a liar or who made a mistake or who is ignorant in what they reported and they can’t tell the difference between who is trustworthy or a memorizer who doesn’t make mistakes who is known for his knowledge and history.

It is of no surprise that their “Leaders” in these things are more or less followers or imitators of others and even if they thought that they were providing the different evidences; for they sometime follow the Mu’tazila and the Qadaria and sometimes they follow the Mujasima and the Jabaria, and they “Rawafid” are the most ignorant of all these sects in theorizing, and for this reason they were known as the most ignorant sect who are amongst the Muslims by the people of knowledge and religion!

From them who entered corruption into the religion of what cannot be counted except by the Lord of all the slaves. From their door entered the atheism of the Ismailia and the Nusria and others from the Batinia hypocrites; also the enemies of the Muslims from the idolaters and people of the book arrived and they conquered the Muslim lands using them; while at the same time cursing the women and taking their money (i.e. disbelievers against the Muslims) and shed their blood in falsehood; and many other things ran it’s course against the Umma with their help and their corruption in religion and in worldly matters, all of which only the Lord of the worlds knows to which extent.

The core of this sect is from the events of the heretics and hypocrites the leader of the believers Ali ibn Abi Talilb رضي الله عنه punished during his time; He burned a group of them using fire; he also ordered the death of others who fled from his sword severing forearm (سيفه البتًّار) and he promised a whipping to another group for over stepping their boundaries from what he knew from the news of them. For it has been narrated in great frequency from many different ways that he used to say on the pulpit in Kufa and many have heard him say: The best of this Umma after its Prophet is Abu Bakr and then Umar; and with this answered his son Mohammad ibn Haneefa in what Bukhari has narrated in his authentic work and others from the scholars of the Haneefa denomination.

For the reasons mentioned above the early Shia who were friends with Ali or were from that time never had any arguments or conflicts as to the preference of Abu Bakr and Umar, but in fact their arguments and conflicts were in regards to who is better between Ali and Uthman! This is all from what the big scholars of the Shia confess to from the early and late scholars. One of the scholars that mentioned this is Abu Qasim Al Bakhly who said: “a questioner asked the partner of ibn abd Allah ibn abi nimr”: He said to him: “who is better Abu Bakr or Ali?” so he said to him: “Abu Bakr” so the questioner said to him: “Do you say this and you are one of the shia?” So he said: “Yes, and who ever is shia says this, and by Allah he has raised the level of Ali; this is what he used to say: “The best of this nation after its Prophet is Abu Bakr and then Umar” So would you have us return what he has said? Would you like us to make him out as a liar? By Allah that is not the case, he was not a liar!! Abu Qasim Al Bakhly mentioned this in his criticism of ibn Alrawndi in his objection to Al Jahith, Alqadi Abd AlJabar Almahdani reported this of him in his book “cementing prophet hood” "تثبيت النبوة" .

Minhaj As sunnah – Part Two

So, when they kept pushing for an answer to this clear misguidance, mentioning that in not doing so there is disgrace to the believers and the thought of the people of oppression that there is a kind of inability in answering this slander. So, I wrote what Allah made easy for me in answering them; in fulfilling the promise Allah has taken from the scholars of the believers, and in bearing witness of Allah, like Allah said:

“(135. O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well- acquainted with all that ye do. )” An-Nisa 135

Standing by is and declining to do justice goes against being a witness to Allah and must not stand by with-holding the truth. ß (from what I understood he is saying)

Allah has ordered us to be truthful and making the truth clear and he has forbidden us from withholding the truth and lying in what is necessary in knowing or showing to others like the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام said in the Narration that is agreed upon:

“(The seller and buyer have a choice as long as they do not leave each other, so if they are truthful and are clear in their dealings then blessing will be with their transaction and if they with-held (i.e. information) and lied in their transaction then the blessings are wiped away)” Bukhari/Muslim – this hadeeth is also mentioned in the other 4 of the 6 books of hadeeth!

Allah also says:

“(8. And call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, and His covenant, which He ratified with you, when ye said: "We hear and we obey": And fear Allah, for Allah knoweth well the secrets of your hearts.)” Al-maida 8

** Here the sheik continues and quotes other evidences from the Quran that it is obligatory on him and others from the people of knowledge not to with-hold knowledge and to make things clear especially if there is a necessity in doing so and they are:

Al-baqara – 143

Al-Hajj – 78 – Amongst the majority of scholars the meaning is that the people were called muslimeen before the Quran was sent and in the Quran

Al-baqara – 140

Al-Imran – 187

Al-baqara – 159, 160

The sheik continues and says:

The result of with-holding the knowledge is the cursing of the people that came after by the people from the beginning, so who ever has knowledge let it be known to others, because the person who with-holds knowledge on this day is the same as who with-holds the knowledge that came to the Prophet Mohammad عليه الصلاة و السلام.

This is because the first generation of this Umma is the one that held this religion in truth and knowledge and with their actions and communicated it to the others, so by belittling them is belittling and destruction of the religion which necessitates the leaving that which Allah has sent with His messengers. (i.e. belittling them is like cursing them and saying that they are not trustworthy or hypocrites and the likes which will be discussed)

This was the intention of the first people who showed what is called Tashiu3 or belonging. So, it was their intention to push people from the path of Allah and to nullify what the Prophets came with and for this reason they did this in the time of weakness of the denomination. So, the real face of this misguiding innovation is atheism; except that many of those who weren’t hypocrites or atheist joined in great numbers because of the great cloud surrounding the issues and the great ignorance which is also mixed with some of their whims so misguidance was accepted and this is the core of this invalid beliefs "باطل".

Allah said:

1. By the Star when it goes down,-

2. Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled.

3. Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.

To –

19. Have ye seen Lat. and 'Uzza,

20. And another, the third (goddess), Manat?

21. What! for you the male sex, and for Him, the female?

22. Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair!

23. These are nothing but names which ye have devised,- ye and your fathers,- for which Allah has sent down no authority (whatever). They follow nothing but conjecture and what their own souls desire!- Even though there has already come to them Guidance from their Lord!

Annajm – 1 – 3 and 19 – 23

So Allah has taken away any suspicion about His messenger of being misguided or following his whims and misguidance is having no knowledge.

Like Allah says:

72. We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it;- He was indeed unjust and foolish;- Al-ahzab 72

So, the unjust is who follows his whims and the foolish is who ever is misguided except those who repent to Allah like Allah says:

73. (With the result) that Allah has to punish the Hypocrites, men and women, and the Unbelievers, men and women, and Allah turns in Mercy to the Believers, men and women: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Al-ahzab 72

For this reason Allah asked us to say in our prayer:

6. Show us the straight way,

7. The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray. Al-fatiha

So the people that are misguided are like the Christians who didn’t know the truth and the ones who Allah is angry with are like the ones who follow their whims like the Jews who knew the truth and still acted in opposite to it!

Also, the straight path includes knowing the truth and acting upon it like in the supplication: Oh, Allah show me the truth and help me in following it and show me the misguidance and help me in avoid it and don’t let me get mixed up so I end up following my whims!

Also in the authentic book of Muslim in which Aisha رضي الله عنها says: the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام used to say when he prayed at night: “Oh the Lord of Gibreel and Meekael and Israpheel the Fatir of the heavens and earth, the knower of the witness and the unknown you judge between your slaves in which they differ, so guide me to (understand) which they have differed with your permission. It is you who guides whom you will to the straight path” Saheeh Muslim

So who ever goes astray of the straight path has followed his desires which he thought were correct and what ever his own self guided him to and who is more misguided than the one who follows his whims with-out the guidance of Allah? Allah surely doesn’t guide the misguided people!!

This is the situation of the people of innovation who oppose Ahl Assuna Wa’l Jama3a, for they do not follow except conjuncture and what their souls tell them; for in them is great ignorance and oppression. Especially the Rafida who have the greatest level of following their whims because of their ignorance and oppression (of them selves) they make enemies of the best of friends of Allah after the Prophets (i.e. Companions of the Prophet) of those who were first to do Hijra and Ansar and who ever followed them in sincerity رضي الله عنهم و رضوا عنه; in the same token they take friends those people who are disbelievers and hypocrites of the Jews and Christians and some of the Atheist like the Nusria and Ismailia of the misguided. So you find them, or most of them take the side of the disbelievers and the people of the book when ever there are differences in sayings or actions or wars between the Muslims and the other people.

Just like it has been tried by the Muslims on more than one occasion, like them helping the Turk and others against the people of Islam in Kharasan and Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula and the Sham and others. Also, their helping of the Christians against the Muslims in Egypt and Sham and others; in many instances of which the greatest is probably the events when the disbelieving Turk came to the lands of the Muslims and many Muslims of which only Allah knows their numbers, they were of the greatest people with animosities towards the Muslims and helpers to the disbelievers; and their helping of the Jews is something well known until they made (i.e. treated) people like donkey’s.

Minhaj As sunnah – Part Three

The sheik Countinues:

This author named his book “The way of blessing, in knowing the Imama”

"منهاج الكرامة في معرفة الإمامة" and it is more deserving of being called “The way to be regretful” "منهاج الندامة" , just like a person who claims to be purified while he is of those who Allah didn’t choose to have their hearts purified, so the people of oppression and disobedience and hypocrisy were described as impure rather than being described as pure!

Also, from the greatest darkness of hearts is for a slave to have in his heart hate towards the greatest of the believers and the head of the friends of Allah after the Prophets and for that reason Allah didn’t leave anything for the people who came after those great people (i.e. companions) except those who say:

10. And those who came after them say: "Our Lord! Forgive us, and our brethren who came before us into the Faith, and leave not, in our hearts, rancour (or sense of injury) against those who have believed. Our Lord! Thou art indeed Full of Kindness, Most Merciful." Al-hashr 10

For this reason there was a similarity between them (i.e. shia) and the Jews in having that darkness in the heart and following the whims and others of the manners of the Jews and between them a similarity with the Christians in the excessiveness and ignorance amongst other manners of the Christians in which they were similar in ways with both of these parties and still to this day people make the similarities between them.

One of the most knowledgeable scholars of the shia is Al-Sha3be and the likes of the scholars of Kufa and it has been confirmed that Al-Shabe said: “ I have not seen any one more stupid than the Khashabia, and if they were birds they would have been Rakhama” (i.e. Rakhama is a kind of bird that is described with treachery, and dirt and worst kind of bird) and if they were animals they would have been donkey’s and by Allah if I had asked them to give me this whole house filled with gold on the condition that I lie against Ali they would have done so and by Allah I would never lie against him ever” and much more has been narrated of him, but from what I can see all the extra that has been narrated is from someone other than him.

It has also been narrated from Abu Hafs Ibn shahine in his book Al-Lateef Assuna: Narrated to us Mohammad ibn Qassim ibn harroon, Narrated to us Ahmad Ibn Al-waleed Al-wasatte, Narrated to us Ja3far ibn naseer Al-toose Al-wastee from Abd Arrahman Ibn malik ibn magool of his father said: Al-sha3be said to me: “Be ware of these people of desire the misguiding and the worst of them are the Rafida, they didn’t enter Islam from wanting or fearing of Allah, but rather for the abomination and destruction of the people of Islam. Ali رضي الله عنه has burned them using fire and he sent them to distant lands and from them is AbduAllah ibn Saba, a Jew from the Jews of San3a was sent to Al-Sabat and AbduAllah Ibn Ysaaar was sent to Khasir. What the Rafida say is the same as what the Jews have said before them. The Jews said: “There can’t be a king except from the progeny of the house of Dauood” While the Rafida said: There can’t be an Imam except from the progeny of Ali” and the Jews said: “There is no Jihad for the sake of Allah until the Anti-Christ comes out and the sword comes down from the sky” while the Rafida said: “There is no Jihad for the sake of Allah until the Awaited “Mahdi” comes out and a caller calls from the sky” and the Jews delay the prayer till the stars come out at night while the Rafida delay the Maghreb prayer until the stars come out while the Narration from the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام says: “My nation will continue being on the Fitra as long as they don’t delay the Maghreb until the stars come out” Albani said this hadeeth is saheeh in his compilation. Also, the Jews deviate from the Qibla by a little bit and so do the Rafida and the Jews let their cloths fall beneath their ankles and so do the Rafida during the prayer. Also, the Jews do not see that there is a wait period between when a women is divorced and when she can get married again and so do the Rafida, and the Jews altered the Tawrat while the Rafida Altered the Quran. The Jews and the Rafida also are not sincere in their saying of Salam as the both say “Assam Alikum” Poison be upon you, and the Jews do not see that there is wiping on the shoes while the Rafida believe the same thing! Some of the other things mentioned by the sheik are:

The both make taking the peoples money halal
Both hate Gibreel alihiassalam
The Jews say that he is our enemy of the angels
The Rafida say that he made a mistake when he went to Mohammad instead of Ali

The Rafida are also similar with the Christians in that they see nothing is given to women during marriage and that temporary marriage is allowed.

However, the Jews and the Christians are better than the Rafida in two things. The first is when the Jews were asked who are the best people they said the companions of Musa while when the Christians asked who are the best people they answered the friends if Isa while when the Rafida were asked who are the worst people on earth they replied the companions of Mohammad!

They were ordered to ask Allah for forgiveness for them and they cursed them instead, so the sword is upon them until the day of Judgment, no flags are raised for them and their feet are never strengthened and their word will never unite upon anything, and no supplication is answered for them, their words will always be different and their party will always be split up, and every time they prepared the fire of war Allah put it out!

** Sheik Al-Islam continues and mentions something very close to this narration from another way so I will not repeat what is being said please go to pg 33 of the first book of “Minhaj Assuna” to read the other Narrations

The Sheik then continues:

The label of Rafida appeared when they refused Zaid ibn Ali ibn Hussain in the khilapha of Hisham. Abu Hatim Al-bisty said: Zaid ibn Ali ibn Hussain was killed in Al-Kufa and was put on a wooden cross and he was of the greatest of Ahl Al-bayt and one of their scholars and the Shia did not like him.

From the time of Zaid the Shia split into Rafida and Zaidia, this happened when Zaid was asked about Abu Bakr and Umar and he asked Allah to have mercy on them so they refused him, so he said to them, “you refuse me?” So they were called the Rafida for refusing him and who ever didn’t refuse him were called the shia Al-Zaidia.

When he was crucified they used to go to the place of his crucifixion at night and worship there, and Al-sha3by died in the beginning of the khilapha of hisham or towards the end of the khilapha of his brother before him, so that is why we know that all the narrations that contain the name Rafida in them are fabricated because that had not happened yet!

However, they used to be called other things at that time, like Al-khashabia (people of wood) because of their saying we will not fight using swords except with a Ma3soom (protected one) so they fought with pieces of wood?? And because of that a lot of narrations came from Al-sha3by saying that he has not seen anyone stupider than Al-khashabia!!

Also, it is important that I point out that when someone says that the Rafida do this and this, what is meant is that some of the Rafida and not all of them just like when Allah says about the Jews:

30. The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah.s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! Attawba - 30

64. The Jews say: "(Allah)'s hand is tied up." Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the (blasphemy) they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched: He giveth and spendeth (of His bounty) as He pleaseth. But the revelation that cometh to thee from Allah increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah doth extinguish it; but they (ever) strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not those who do mischief. Almaida – 64

Not every Jew said this, but some of them did! Also the saying of Allah:

173. Men said to them: "A great army is gathering against you": And frightened them: But it (only) increased their Faith: They said: "For us Allah sufficeth, and He is the best disposer of affairs." Al-imran 173

What is intended is the kind of people and it is known that the people that are saying this aren’t the whole people and aren’t the people that are being addressed for example.

So, all in all what was mentioned about the Rafida is there and there are multiples of what is being mentioned. Like the Rafida making the meat of the Camel and the duck haram like the Jews and always combining the prayers so that they only pray three times a day like the Jews and their saying: “there is no divorce except with a witness on the husband like the Jews” and making the bodies of the Muslims and people of the book impure and making their slaughtered meat haram and the washing of the plates that are used by other Muslims like the Samira who are the worst of the Jews and this is why the Muslims consider them most similar to the Samira and then you have their use of Taqia (hiding what they truly believe) and showing other of what is in their hearts of evil and hatred to others just like the Jews!!

In regards to some of the other stupidities then they are many: For example, they do not drink from the river that was dug up by Yazeed Ibn Muawiya while they do not consider that the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام and those who were with him used to drink from the wells and rivers dug up by the disbelievers. Another Example is how some of them do not eat from the berries of Ash-sham and it is known that the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام and his companions used to eat from the cheese and wear from the cloths brought to them from the lands of the disbelievers, actually most of the clothes they wore was made in the land of the disbelievers.

Also, the way they hate using the word ten or working with it, even when they build something for example they do not use ten poles because they hate the best of the companions who are the ten with glad tidings of paradise: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talha, Al-Zubair, Sa3d ibn abi Al-Waqass, Sa3eed Ibn Zaid (Ibn Umro Ibn Nufile), Abdu-Arrahman Ibn A3wf, Abu Obaid Ibn Al-Jarrah رضي الله عنهم جميعا who they hate all of them except Ali ibn Abi Talib رضي الله عنه and they hate the rest of the Muhajereen and Ansar of those who were first in belief and gave their allegiance to the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام under the tree and their count was 1400 and Allah has told us that he is pleased with them!

Also, in the authentic book of Muslim and others from the Narration from Jabir that a boy of Hatib ibn abi balta3a said: Oh Messenger of Allah, By Allah Hatib will be entered into the Hell fire, so the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام said: You just lied, He witnessed the fight of Badr and Al-hudibia” Even though there is a difference in sayings of this hadeeth it is mentioned in Saheeh Muslim

The Rafida free them selves of the majority of those companions, rather, they claim to be free from all of the companions of the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام except for a just a few in the count of maybe up to 20.

Now, it is known that if in the whole world you took the names of the biggest disbelievers that wouldn’t mean that we leave the name. Just like Allah used the name "تسعة" و "عشرة" in the Quran. Like:

Anaml – 48

Al-baqara – 196

Al-A3raf – 142

Al-fajr – 1,2

It is also confirmed in the authentic work (Bukhari) that the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام used to do I3tikaf on the last 10 nights of Ramadan until he passed away. He also said of the night of power to seek it in the last 10 nights and it has also been confirmed in the authentic work that the prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام said that there are no days where good deeds are most beloved to Allah aside from the these 10 days (i.e. last 10 days/nights of Ramadan), and there are many other examples of this!

And from the strangest things is that they like the saying “nine” while they hate “nine” of the 10 who were told of the glad tidings of paradise??

Another example of their stupidity is how they leave the name of Abu Bakr and Umar and Uthman and they hate who ever has those names and dealing with them. It is known that if those people were of the biggest disbelievers it wouldn’t have been made part of the religious rulings that people do not get named with those names, because between the companions there was someone named Waleed and the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام used to make a dua in Qunoot for Waleed when he used to say: ”Oh Allah save Alwaleed ibn Alwaleed” while his father Alwaleed ibn almughira was of the greatest people of disbelief and was mentioned in the quran when Allah said:

ذرني و من خلقت وحيدا

Al-mudathir 11

And there were some of the companions named Umro, while there were some of the disbelievers named Umro. For the next paragraph Sheik al-Islam just compares some of the names of the companions to names of the disbelievers just further proving that there is no evidence for what the shia do!

So, the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام and his companions didn’t hate names just because some of the disbelievers had those names. If for examples it was made that the people with those names (i.e. Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman) were disbelievers that still wouldn’t make naming people with those names disliked. It is well known that Ali رضي الله عنه named his sons with those names so it was known that there is nothing wrong with naming people with those names. So, who ever hated naming with those names is known with their wanting to go against the religion of Islam and with all of this if someone was named with Ali, or Ja3far or Hassan or Hussain the treated him well; all of which they have no evidence for doing so except that he is of them. Of course they do all of this with full knowledge that ahl Assuna call some of their sons with those names as well which shows that having that name doesn’t mean that the person is one of them. In the end it is obvious that these people follow their whims and they have a very high level of ignorance!!!

It is also good to point out that not everything that was rejected by people from them was done because it is falsehood; rather some of what they said was rejected and some was accepted and what is correct is what the people agreed with them on, however, they were never correct on one issue by them self. Also, some of the innovation that are said are from them like saying bismillah out loud during the Salat, and leaving the wiping of the socks, and leaving the Qunoot in Fajr and Muta’t Alhaj and others, but these can all be considered things that are argued about between the people of Ahl Assuna and they can be correct or mistaken and it is not serious unless it is really taken as something as a sign of their belief in which it must be pointed out and rejected.

Another example of their stupidity is how the set up the reception for the Mahdi in different ways. Like the understairs *السرداب * that they claim he is hiding or staying in, also others set up for him an animal for him to ride like a donkey or a horse amongst others so that he rides it when he comes out. They also camp out near the river or other places and times while they call on him to come out by saying “ Oh our mawlana come out!” and they carry the weapons when it is well known that no one fights them. From them there are people, who wait during the times of the prayer while they do not pray because they are afraid that the Mahdi will come out while they are praying and they will not be able to take care of his needs at that time. While some of them stand and stay in places that are far away like Madina for example and during the last 10 days of Ramadan keep on calling for him to come out using loud voices.

It is well known that if he was around and Allah ordered him to come out then he will come out whether they called on him to come out or not, and that if Allah didn’t order him to come out then it doesn’t matter what they say. Also, if Allah sent him out then He would arrange for him to have something to ride and who will help him be victorious and he is of no need of having people sit there and wait for him, those people that are always standing there are of those that have been misguided in this world while at the same time thinking that they have done good (when they have not).

Allah has also blamed in his book those people that call on things that do not answer their calls (i.e. calling on idols and the Mahdi for example) where Allah says:

13. He merges Night into Day, and he merges Day into Night, and he has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law): each one runs its course for a term appointed. Such is Allah your Lord: to Him belongs all Dominion. And those whom ye invoke besides Him have not the least power.

14. If ye invoke them, they will not listen to your call, and if they were to listen, they cannot answer your (prayer). On the Day of Judgment they will reject your "Partnership". and none, (O man!) can tell thee (the Truth) like the One Who is acquainted with all things. Fatir – 13-14

All of this and these idols are present and sometimes there used to be devils in them that give signs and talk to them. It is known that who ever addresses things that are not present are in a worst situation that those who address things that are actually there (like idols), so this is just another sign that the supplication for the awaited one that Allah hasn’t created yet is a worst misguidance than that of those who call on the idols. If they say that they believed that the awaited one is actually in existence that would put them in the same position as the ones who used to call on the idols and say that we believe that these idols are intercessors for us with Allah, so they end up worshiping other than Allah what neither benefits them or harms them while saying these are our intercessors!

The point is that both of them call on what doesn’t benefit them, even if those took them as intercessors and the others say he is a protected Imam, so they befriend and fight for him the same way the disbelievers did with their idols and they make it a corner of their religion that with-out believing in (imama) the religion is not complete except with it just like the disbelievers make that rule for their idols they used to worship!

Allah says:

79. It is not (possible) that a man, to whom is given the Book, and Wisdom, and the prophetic office, should say to people: "Be ye my worshippers rather than Allah.s": on the contrary (He would say) "Be ye worshippers of Him Who is truly the Cherisher of all: For ye have taught the Book and ye have studied it earnestly."

80. Nor would he instruct you to take angels and prophets for Lords and patrons. What! would he bid you to unbelief after ye have bowed your will (To Allah in Islam)? Al-Imran 79 – 80

So, if this is the situation of those people that take the angels and the scholars as gods then what about the ones that take the Imam who doesn’t exist as one? In which Allah also said:

31. They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One Allah. there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him). Atwba – 31

It has been proven from the narration in Tirmithy and others from the Narration of Adi ibn Hatim said: Oh prophet of Allah they didn’t actually worship them? So the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام said they made the permissible impermissible and the impermissible permissible and they obeyed them and that was their worship of them” So, those people took people as gods (they were present) while at the same time these people (i.e. Rafida) make the permissible and impermissible tied to the sayings of the Imam that is not existent who’s there is no truth to him, and then while all of this is going on they also listen to what is said that he has said as permissible and impermissible; even if it went against the Quran and the Sunna and the agreement of the righteous scholars. This all happened to the point that if they differed about something and had two different sayings they say: The saying of the person that is not known is the truth, because it is the saying of the protected Imam. So, they make what is permissible what this person made permissible and what is impermissible what he made impermissible when he isn’t even in existence; and of those people that say he is around but no one knows him and it is impossible for anyone to narrate anything from him!

Another example of their stupidity is how they use solid objects or animals to act out against those people they hate; so what they do is act out a punishment on to those objects or animals like them taking a sheep for example and it could be redish because Aisha used to be called الحميراء so what they do is make it Aisha and start taking off its hairs amongst other things and see that this is punishment for Aisha? They also take (حلساً) filled with fat and then they cut it open and drink it’s fat saying that this is like killing Umar and drinking his blood. Also, some of them name their donkeys with abi bakr and Umar and then they punish these donkey’s, thinking that they are punishing Abu Bakr and Umar? Sometimes they write the names of these companions on the bottom of their feet and hit there feet against the ground saying they are giving them a punishment, while some name their dogs with those names while others object to having their dogs named with names of disbelievers who are the people of hell fire. Some, also glorify Abu Lu Lu Almajoosi because of how he killed Umar while the Muslims are all in agreement that he is one of the biggest disbelievers for his action.

Another example of their stupidity is how they lie to the people for example in their calls that in some of these places one of Ahl Al-bayte are buried there, when in reality it is a disbeliever or just one of the lay people with all the signs proving just that!

It is known that the action of these people against these animals amongst other actions are not done except by the stupidest of people, because it is known that if we wanted to punish pharaoh or Abu Lahab or Abu Jahl and others who the Muslims have agreed on their disbelief this type of punishment it would have been of the greatest acts of ignorance, because it is known that there is no purpose served with this action. Actually, if a disbeliever was killed or died it is not permissible to dismember the body, so his stomach should not be opened or his ears and nose shouldn’t be taken off except if this was in the case of retaliation for something the disbelievers did first.

It has been proven in the authentic works of Muslim and others that the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام when he would send a leader of an army he would give him advice of having fear of Allah and then to treat the Muslims well and also said: If you attack do it for the sake of Allah and fight those who disbelieved in Allah and do not over-act and do not use treachery and do not dismember parts of the dead and do not kill babies” There are other Narrations like this one!

So, if we are talking about the people that they hate if they were in fact disbelievers and they are not allowed after their death to do anything to their bodies and can’t open their stomachs or pull out their hair even though this might serve some sort of purpose in the long run, which means if they did this to others thinking it is them it obviously done out of total ignorance, so what if it is done to animals that it is impermissible to harm with-out the right of doing so, so they do what they get absolutely no benefit from, actually they get something harmful to their religion and worldly affairs which obviously includes the absolute level of stupidity and ignorance!!!

Another example of their stupidity is holding places for mourning and crying out loud for those who passed away in the many years that had passed. While it is known that who ever is killed and others who die if people did that for them right after they died it was of the things that was made impermissible by Allah and His messenger, because it has been confirmed in the authentic work (Bukhari) that the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام said: “whoever slaps his cheeks and rips his clothes and called using the calls of ignorance is not one of us” and it has also been confirmed in the authentic work that he said: “I am free of the one that shaves, and the one that yells out loud and the ones that rips the cloths” and he also said in the authentic work: “If the one that cries out loud doesn’t repent before her death, she will come on the day of judgment wearing "درعا من جرب و سربالا من قطران" and he also said: “Who ever is cried on will be punished with the same” and the Narrations in this meaning are many!

So, here you have “The Rafida” who comes with the slapping of the faces and the tearing of the clothes and the calls of the days of ignorance and other things that are considered reprehensible actions after the death of someone of many years. If they did these things right after the death of that person it is one of the greatest evil deeds that have been forbidden by Allah and His messenger, so how is it after such a long time?[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/ToshUser/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG]

It is also known that many of the prophets and others who were better than the Husain were killed by oppressors. Such as his father was killed and he was better than him, and so was Uthman and his killers were the beginning of these great trials that happened after the death of the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام and upon that all the evil and wickedness multiplied in comparison to the death of Husain. Others were also killed and no one set up any places for mourning or for crying neither right after or after a long time except those idiots who if they were birds would have been kharama and if they were animals they would have been donkey’s.

On top of all of this some of them don’t light the wood of Attarafa because it reached them that the blood of Husain fell on a tree from that area? While it is known that there is nothing against lighting that tree even if there was blood on it, who ever blood it happens to be so how about all the other trees that no blood fell upon it???

Their stupidity takes a long time to detail and it doesn’t need to have been attributed to anyone, however it should be known how the people of that time described them from the Tabieen Tabieen like that which has been confirmed from Al-sha3bi or the sayings of Abdu Arrahman or others. While many of these people we might not take what they say alone as evidence against anyone, maybe because of his weakness in memorizing or to an accusation against him in understanding narrations, even if he had some knowledge about one of the branches of knowledge, but they deserve the following and listening, because the many witnessing of such events implies the knowledge even if the person narrating it isn’t someone who is trustworthy, until the knowledge becomes in the high frequency even if it is from the people who do evil things as long as they never got together and planned to say these things on purpose. The truth is accepted as long as it is supported by the evidence that is provided even if it wouldn’t be accepted by just the person who is actually saying it. For this reason I mentioned the sayings of some of these scholars although some of their sayings by them selves wouldn’t be taken as evidences alone.

What should be known is that what is found of sayings and actions of the shia of which could be multiples of what is mentioned, but it is not specific to just the Imamya Ithna Ashria or the Zidia, but it could be in many of the people that over step their boundaries and even the normal lay people. Like what was mentioned about them in making eating the meat of Camels impermissible and that divorce must have the agreement of the wife and other things that the lay people say. Even if the scholars of the Shia don’t say some of these things, but it was from the corner stone of their sect which is associated with ignorance, so they their sect contained the most lies and ignorance!

Minhaj As sunnah – Part Four

We will with the will of Allah show the true path of straightening out, in knowing this book “Minhaj Anadama” with the permission and strength of Allah. This author took the road of those before him of the scholars of the Rafida like kabin ibn na3man al-mufeed and others; the Rafida aren’t people of knowledge or experience in the art or way of looking into issues and debating and understanding evidences and what is considered to be impossible or contradictory. Just like they are from the most ignorant of people in what is Narrated and the Narrations and results of what had happened and telling the difference of what is authentic and what is weak; actually most of what they rely on from what has been narrated has holes in who the narration is attributed to, and many of these people it has been attributed to are known for being liars and even Atheist and their scholars rely on these type of people like abi mukhnif and others who are known as liars between the scholars of knowledge. Even though these are the greatest people the Rafida rely on in matters of what has been narrated to them! They even went so far as relying on people who are the greatest in ignorance and lying against others who aren’t even mentioned in books and no one knows them in the knowledge of men!

The people of knowledge had agreed upon the fact that when it comes to narrations and history and attribution of saying that the Rafida are the biggest group of liars amongst all sects, and lying is not something new to them. That is why they are well known for being liars. Imam Malik was asked about the Rafida and he replied: “Do not talk to them and do not narrate anything from them for they are liars” The friend of Al-shafie said, I heard Ashafi say: “I have not seen anyone more than the Rafida when testifying” Also, Yazeed ibn haroon said: “It may be written from every man of innovation as long as they do not call to that innovation except the Rafida for they are known liars” then you have Shareeka saying (and he is actually one of the shia who is bearing witness against the Rafida him self): “I carry the knowledge from everyone I meet except a Rafidi because they fabricate narrations and then take it as a religion”

** The sheik then goes on and mentions other Narrations of scholars that said they wouldn’t take the narrations or witness of Rafidies and that they are known liars

The sheik continues:

The returning of the witness of the people who are known as liars is well known between the Fuqha and is agreed upon by them. However they differed as to the witness of the rest of the people of whims, should their witness be accepted? Or should it be rejected? Or should the witness of those who call to their innovation be rejected? And the third option is the one that was taken by most of the people of the knowledge of Narrations. They do not accept a narration or take the witness of someone who calls to his innovation and that is why you will not find any narrations of the people who call to the innovation in the authentic books, even if there was some narrations of people of innovation such as the Khwarij and Shia and Murji3a and Qadaria but that is because they never called to their innovation. Who ever of them deserved to have been called out on what they were doing wrong also deserved to be neglected and abandoned until the returned from their innovation (showing it and doing it amongst the people and not trying to hide it) and who ever is abandoned didn’t have knowledge taken from them!

Also, the Fuqha differed as to the prayer behind the people of whims and evil deeds; some of them said it was ok in any case while others said it was not ok, the more correct view is that people are not told not to pray behind them because the prayer of these people is invalid but rather because if they showed this evil then they deserved to be abandoned and if they were abandoned then they should not be brought to the front ranks of the Muslims as leaders of the prayer and from this door you also do not visit their sick or go to the funeral prayers for them, which is all for the benefit of these people leaving the evil deed that they continue to do.

If it has been known that this is from the door of punishment in the law it is known that it differs according to the different situations especially from how little or how big their innovation is and knowing their situation. For it might be better off being kind to someone and better off at abandoning another just like the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام used to do by being very kind to a certain people and would give them booty for example because he was scared of the trials they might fall in while not giving others money.

He said in the authentic work: “I give some people and I don’t give others, and the ones that I don’t give anything to are more beloved to me than the people I give things to, I give to the people that Allah made in his heart some hardness while I don’t give to men that Allah has made their hearts rich and good and from them is Umro ibn taghlb.” He also said: “I give a person and I don’t give a person who is more beloved to me because I fear that the other person (which he gave to) would have Allah throw him on his face in the hell fire” or in the way that the Prophet said it. The Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام used to abandon some of his companions like he did with the three that didn’t go to the battle of Tabook because what is wanted from this abandonment is the return of the people to the obedience of Allah, so people will have different ways in order to bring them back to the truth; either using soft ways or scare techniques and social pressures such as abandonment.

For who ever this is clear now will understand that who ever totally rejected the narration and witness of someone from the people of innovation has a weak position because the people who have passed entered into many differences that were much greater. Also, who ever let the people who openly show their innovation as leaders and scholar’s with-out showing their falsehood is also in a weak position. Also, who ever prayed behind someone who openly shows his innovation with-out denying the mistakes that are occurring and with-out changing this person with the ability to do so is with-in a weak position; because this involves silently agreeing to what is being done which is an evil that is hated by Allah and His messenger with the ability to deny it and change it and this is not permitted. From the companions and the great people who prayed behind those kind of people and others when they were leaders over them, because of this it was one of the cornerstones of ahl Assuna to pray behind the leaders regardless of the situation of these leaders, just like they made hajj with them and invaded with them and this is explained in more detail in a place other than this.

What is meant here is that the scholars are all agreed upon the fact that the Rafida lying is more apparent than any other sect around. Also, who ever studies the books of studying the people of Narration like the books of Yahya ibn s3eed al-qattan and many others he will realize that what is known amongst them is that the shia are liars to a degree much more than any other sect. Even in the books of authentic narrations like bukharies work he doesn’t narrate from some of the old shia like Aasim ibn Damra and others like them of the best shia, but rather he narrates from Ali and others of Ahl Albyt like Hassan and Husain…..

Innovations differ in kind, from this we get that the khwarij even though they leave Islam the same way an arrow leaves the bow and the prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام ordered us to fight and kill them and the companions and scholars of the Muslims agreed upon fighting them and the Hadeeth about them came from over 10 ways in which Muslim narrated them and Bukhari narrated them from 3 different ways they are not of those who are known for lying. Actually, they are known for their truthfulness; to the level that it is said that their narrations are the most truthful, but they were ignorant and misguided in their innovation and their innovation was not out of being atheist or heretics but it was more because of their ignorance and misguidance in knowing the meanings in the book (i.e. Quran and Sunna)

However, the Rafida innovation was more out of being atheist and heretics, and many of them lied on purpose and they them selves admit it when they say that our religion is the religion of Taqia which is one of them saying with his tongue what is not in his heart and this is the real lying and hypocrisy. Regardless of all that they still claim that they are the believers exclusively of all the other sects in Islam and they describe the people of the past (i.e. companions) with apostasy and hypocrisy and so they are like it was said: It is not that the people who showed their Islam are closer to hypocrisy and apostasy from them and there are not more people who became apostates and who are hypocrites in any sect than is found in their sect (i.e. Rafida) and you can include the Nusria and others from the atheist groups and Ismailia and their likes.

Their dependency on how they derive rulings from what has been narrated to them comes from ahl Albayt; and what has been narrated can either be truthful or a lie either on purpose or by mistake and they (Rafida) are not people who have knowledge of what is correctly narrated or what is weak like the people of Hadeeth know. Even if it has been proven that some of these things narrated are truthful then there is the mistake that they built it is as an obligation to accept the narration on the basis of three things: 1) that one of these people being narrated from are protected *Ma3soom* just like the Prophet. 2) That what is being narrated has been directly reported from the Prophet عليه الصلاة و السلام and it has been known that they have said that what ever we have said we have narrated directly from the Prophet and they claim that Allah has protected all of those people who narrated. 3) That the agreement between all these family members is proof and then they claim that the family members that narrations are accepted from are just 12 and what ever one of them has said they have all agreed upon it.

So, the legitimate rulings have these cornerstones which are obviously corrupt just like we will prove when that time comes. They also do not rely on the Quran or on the Narration or on the agreement of the scholars unless there is a protected one (Masoom) and they do not use any kind of measurement between things (Qias) except if it so clear that it can’t be missed.

Their reliance in looking at and logical things for the later generations has been mainly from the books of the Mutazila, and they have agreed with them in the questions regarding the attributes of Allah and the predestination. However, the Mutazila use their brains better and are more truthful than the Rafida, and there is no one in the Mutazila that stabs at or belittles the khilafa of Abu Bakr or Umar or Uthman رضي الله تعالى عليهم جميعا Rather, they are agreed upon confirming the khilafa of those three.

If we talk about favoring one over the others then most of the Mutazila used to favor abu bakr and umar رضي الله عنهم over all of them, but towards the end they stopped favoring anyone and some of them favored Ali رضي الله عنه so between them and the zaidia became something very similar. Also, the older mutazila scholars used to agree that Ali is just and they would then say that one of the two groups overstepped its boundaries, either Ali or Talha and Zubair but they would not say who!

There were some of the talkers from the shia that used to add too much to the attributes of Allah to the point that they were not satisfied with what was said by Ahl Assuna, to the point that they didn’t agree with ahl Assuna in regards to the Quran not being created and that Allah is seen in the here after amongst other things and towards the end they really started taking the way of the Mutazila because it was not known before that they took the same beliefs as the Mutazila. The first person to ever say that Allah has a body is Hisham ibn hakam and even AlJahith wrote in his book “The proofs of prophet hood”: There is no Rafidi except and he claims that his god is like him and that the beginning really mixed him up to the point that he started saying that Allah doesn’t know about what is going to happen until he creates that knowledge and there were many who were known as atheist and heretics who wrote books about the cornerstones of their beliefs.

To be continued Inshallah….……
 “Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.” Koran 9:29
Mohammed also stated in Hadith 9:4 that “Wherever you find infidels kill them; for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.” Mohammed also stated in Hadith 9:50, 57 that “No umma (a member of the Muslim community) should be killed for killing a kafir (an infidel) … Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” ( )




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