Hijab:Allaah has very systematically, stopped human being from becoming prey to shaitanism,
but shaitan has very beautifully involve human being into shaitanism,
one is the wearing hijab, hijab is for men and women both,
men hijab is (beard)(not staring womenhood)(avoiding porn)(wearing cloth to hide aura)
women hijab is also the same(wearing cloth on face as require)(not staring manhood)(avoiding porn)(wearing cloth to hide aura)
suppose if this is not follow what will happen to the human being they are as follows:-
(1) when human being stare each other, they may fell into health problem, because after stareing they feel sex, but they cannot do sex each and everytime they stare, so they may get health problem, doctor get benefit indirectly government get tax out of it, right now it is one of the successful business in world
(2) because of staring, they feel sex, and then they search for other partner for sex, by which illegle sex industry run, police department of government get benefit by getting free sex from sex worker
(3)because of sex industry, sex trafficking and sex kidnapping and sex slavery get increase day by day
(5)then because of sex trafficking, our sister in world, cannot live the life of normal human being,
(6) because of staring, they like to see the porn movies, and pornography, and u know right now it is one of the succeful industry for all the government of world,
(7)and because of pronography, as u know half of the population of man world is becaming homo day by day,
(8)because of homo, the women dont get the sex properly in night,
(9)women are searching for sex day by day, and because of fearness of family, they are attracking young boys more,
(10)because of this young boys are loosing erectness in maturing stage,
(11)and this is the problem of world right now. the homo is the real social-eco-political problem in coming world
(12)and if they wore the cloth to hide the auro, then they just need the simple cloth,
(13)simple cloth will resolve the purpose, but
(14)fashioncracy come here, as they did not want to wore the cloth on aura,
(15)then to make themselves look attractive, they need to spend all their money which they have in pocket,
(16)their pocket became empty as their pocket became empty,
(17)when there pocket became empty u know what will happen to human being,
(18) without money i think what will be the problems human being facing........
so with this problem innovation is by hijab
so with this problem solver of human being is hijab
The Messanger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said "
the woman is awrah ( what is to be covered)" (Al-Tirmidhi).
The companions of the Messanger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) including ‘Aa'ishah, Ibn Abbass, Ibn Umar, Ibn Masood (may Allaah be pleased with them all) and others were unanimous in defining this word, they all said, "this is a large cloth which is wrapped round so as to cover the whole body except the eyes" (see Ibn-Katheer, Al-Qurtubi, Al-Tabari.).
Al- Bukhaari narrated that ‘Aa'ishah said: “May Allaah have mercy on the first Muhaajir women. When Allaah revealed the words ‘and to draw their veils all over Juyoobihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms)' they tore their aprons and covered their faces with them.”
narrated that ‘Aa'ishah said: “The riders used to pass by us when we were with the
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in ihraam. When they came near us we would lower our jilbaabs from our heads over our faces, and when they had passed by we would uncover our faces.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1562.)
the woman is awrah ( what is to be covered)" (Al-Tirmidhi).
The companions of the Messanger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) including ‘Aa'ishah, Ibn Abbass, Ibn Umar, Ibn Masood (may Allaah be pleased with them all) and others were unanimous in defining this word, they all said, "this is a large cloth which is wrapped round so as to cover the whole body except the eyes" (see Ibn-Katheer, Al-Qurtubi, Al-Tabari.).
Al- Bukhaari narrated that ‘Aa'ishah said: “May Allaah have mercy on the first Muhaajir women. When Allaah revealed the words ‘and to draw their veils all over Juyoobihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms)' they tore their aprons and covered their faces with them.”
narrated that ‘Aa'ishah said: “The riders used to pass by us when we were with the
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in ihraam. When they came near us we would lower our jilbaabs from our heads over our faces, and when they had passed by we would uncover our faces.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1562.)
already the article has been written and it is in the http://debaterobertspencer.blogspot.com,
just need to compile and copy from that blog, pls waitin..........
it will be completed soon,
hijab is the billioniar business for country and munafequn and kafir and mushreeq, they will propagate against hijab, because if the women start wearing hijab, then their business will be in lossess...........
here is the answer of question and doubt raised by robert spencer in his book
chapter -10- muhammad's legacy, answer : the truth about muhammad (robert spencer),
Chapter 10- muhammad’s legacy
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Chap 10
Page 169, line 1,
Robert, again you never missed a chance to degrade the prophet,
Robert you have never media your faith,
Robert you have never talk about your sexlife, your girl friend life
In America, how many are girls who want to marry with president,
In America, how many oldage citizen have teenage girl in their house,
The girl are used like slave girl,
This is not hidden, you look through the media,
But here Allaah swt, commanded, Muhammad to marry Aaisha,
And surprisingly
Muhammad marry her like wife with mature age,
This is special for only Muhammad not for followers,
Robert show me, from 10000 sahabah, how many marry to teen age girls, Muhammad marry to needy girl or poor girl
Sahabah also practise to marry needy girl or poor girl
Because you do not hae any proof or reference you canot show,
But Robert you forget that
The religion which you follow(jews)
(jews-richer-made-teaching=rabbi) allow sex of under age girl and that too without marriage,
What a surprisingly,
Robert got exposed,
Chap 10
Page 169, line 2,
Robert, again confusing,
What can do , a person who donot know, what he can do,
One side Robert says
Muhammad like girls
Another side Robert say
Muhammad dislike girls
Chap 10
Page 169, line 4,
Roert know islam followed by
So, Robert want to say that
Moses law are draconian, jesus law are draconian,
Chap 10
Page 170, para 2, line 2,3,
Robert collecting lie,
What a co-incidence,
Robert for everything gives reference, but for Christianity foundation no reference, what a co-incidence,
Jesus is the prophet of islam as Robert mention in previous writing,
Muhammad is in line and end of prophet of islam as written by Robert,
And now Robert says Christianity is founded by jesus
What a lie,
Christian know that Christianity was founded by paul, who is jews,
his task is to remove hatredness of jews from Christianity.
Robert, what are you writing,
Can you marry a single widow from your family, show me if you have courage and love for your fellow citizen,
single widow from your society and show that you are care taker of
society, so if you cannot then, why you are stoping other to marry
As you said Muhammad is set model of follow muslim
muslim marries widow, but you check in jews and Christian, after
their husband died or left, what happen to them, they becomes the
slave girl or prostitute in society,
What a co-incidence Robert,
We are here to sole your sister problem,
And you are the one donot want to sole your sister problem
We are still ready to take responsibility of marring widow from jews and Christian,
Robert you heck muslim socity put high regard to girl,
They protect their sxcity also
And you check what happening in your surrounding
A 9 year girl rape by whole village for constantly three month, ( cnn )
A 9 year girl rape by her father constantly 20 year (cnn)
What Robert,
What are you writing,
Don’t you put your mind to solve the problem of sister,
Instead Robert, you are creating problem,
your age jews and Christian using girls and making them sex addit,
destroying civil society, social society, and you don’t want other
people should solve your sister problem,
Bad Robert , bad very bad.
Chap 10
Pae 171, para 3, line 1,
Robert, so you mean to say that moses also done the same thing, so Robert want to say moses is also.......
Chap 10
Page 171, para 3, line 2,
What a co-incidence Robert don’t know the history of jews, history of roman, what a surpise,
The rabbi used to have 4 year girl in their offices, to do sex, because it is allowed through jews scripture,
What a surprise,
The roman constitution
Consider girl as the property of kingdom, and they used to snatch from their partent at the age of 2 to 4
What surprise
So Robert donot know the jews scripture, Robert do not know the roman constitution.
Because of this, girl child are used to killed by their parents,
Muhammad liberated jews from rabbi system, (who practise pedophile)
Muhammad lieberated roman citizen, who practise girl as prostitute of kingdom,
What a surprise Robert
What makes you to hide the truth
But don’t worry trouth speack itself.
Chap 10
Page 172, para 2, line 1,2,3,
knows well munafequn are every where but this is something different
then jews, in jews scripture, you can keep the 4 year girl just for
Chap 10
Page 172, para 3 and 4,
Robert says half of girl in Afghanistan and Bangladesh are married before they reach the age of eighteen,
But Robert pls check the media in America and Europe
Half of girls are becoming prostitute before they reach the age of eighteen.
My God , God bless Robert with good attitude,
then also we are ready to marry girl after they become prostitute, we
will protect them we will surve them till death,
What a co-incidence
Robert want that the girl in America and Europe must remain prostitute,
Robert want that they must not get help from any one,
What Robert how you care your fellow citizen,
But sister of American and Europe ,
I promise don’t worry
We are coming to protect you
So how come Robert, do not want to assist fellow citizen,
Muhammad is an excellent example,
Who have taken care of 12 widow and one virgin,
Wowo that really a great example,
And quraan insisted to marry orphan, widow, poor, needy, ( quraan 3:4-5)
But Robert what is happening in Christian and jews world,
A population of 1 billion, still waiting for marriage, still no one want to marry a widow or orphan girl,
And everybody try to make her prostitute or slave girl,
Robert if you wish
Go to cnn and bbc and check yourself,
Chap 10
Page 173, para 1, line 7,
Robert everywhere recorded reference but here
Robert forget referene, what a co-incidence,
Islamic law liberate women from sex slavery in men society,
Check my book
Women –liberation from men society,
And Robert say disadvantage,
I think what Robert say in context of his thinking is correct,
Because of Islamic law Robert cannot enjoy or destroyed civil society,
As example:-
(a) If Christian started wearing hijab as they used to wear the hijab, Robert cannot enjoy their bodily show,
(b) Robert will not sell textile, the textile industries will ne down,
(c) The cosmotic industry will be down
(d) The huge amount of tax collection throught women beauty product will be down
(e) If
Christian start wearing hijab as they used to do before, then Robert
will not enjoy the prostitute, Robert will not enjoy the pedophiles
(as prescribe by jews scripture)
(f) So far Robert it is a numerous disadvantage in sialmic societies
(g) If Christian start wearing hijab, then whole of hospital industries will be down,
(h) Huge amount of tax collection will be down
(i) Huge amount of interest collection by bank will down
(j) So Robert, it is a numerous disadvantage in Islamic societies,
reader, just check what roert want, and who are the people who hate
islam, it is financial vampire community, who hate islam,
The true jews followers of moses never hate islam
The true Christian followers of jesus never hate islam
The true hindus followers of adam and noah and abrahm never hate islam
Only the financial vampire will hate islam and will invest in Robert to spread lies
But Robert forget that
Readers know the fact from both side
Chap 10
Page 173-a
Robert really don’t want to solve the problem of girl/women/wife,
in this ayat, Allaah swt cautions men, to behave properly as women
are like empty farms, so whatever you tilth, you will get the same
Allaah want to says that in social society, don’t blame the girl/women/wife for all the problem,
Men are the creator of problem not the women,
Women only shows the result
But the real problem starter is men,
So men, behave properly and cautiously,
So Allaah want to make men alert of their behaviour and want to say that whatever you have tilth,you will get,
Robert, everywhere try to creat confusion.
Chap 10
Page 173, para 2, line 4, 5,
Again Robert want to create confusion, don’t worry Robert, your doctor hussain has arrived,
Ok lets start treatement
(Quraan 2:282)
donot want to put the burden of witness to women, because in day to
day life women already occupied, they get very less time to other
As women take care of children
As women take care of brother
As women take care of father
As women take care of mother
As women take care of husband mother and father
As women take care of daily meals
As women take care of household work
As women take care of cleanliness in house
As women take care of neighbours
As women take care of other women problems
As women take care of their needs
And now a days women take care of financial helath of family
How much women are busy,
looking into their busi-ness, don’t want to put more burden of
witness, because witness means you need to remember each and every
move of incidence
Chap 10
Page 173, para 2, line 7,8,9,10,
I have already explain the word, right hand-possesà that is pios property or rehabitalation of captive women,
Chap 10
Page 173, para 3, line 1,2,3,
Christian(richer-made-teaching) husband donot have responsibility of
family, and women is equally consider financial health responsibility,
in Islamic socity, the girl don’t have financial responsibility, she
is independent of financial liability in father house, if she earn she
can spend whatever she want, even she is independent of financial
liability, in husband house, if she earn she can spend whatever she
want, she does not have any financial liability, hen also Allaah
consider giving them half of the male portion.
Really Muhammad is set a great example for muslim,
What a great care taker for women,
She does not have any financial responsibility and getting half portion of father property,
Wow great Muhammad,
Chap 10
Page 173, para 3, line 4,
“husband to beat their disobedient wives” ,
Again want to create confusion, don’t worry, doctor came for treatement
In Christianityand non-muslim society,
Women are equally considered financial responsibility,
Women are not given any share from father property, (in religion scripture)
in constitution, recently before 5 years they hae inserted. So far
from adam to till now no portion of father property is given to girls,
in non-muslim society,
But in father house, she is considered as responsible for financial assistance,
She cannot spend money by her choice,
She must give the money to father,
In husband house,
She is considered as responsibile for financial assistance,
She cannot spend money by her choice,
She must give the money to husband and husband father,
Beside this she must take care of her bodily problem from herself,
If she cought anything worng, she is thrown out from father or husband house,
Then imagine where she will go, or no where to go,
in Islamic society, she is enjoying independent, no burden, if we
found out misbehaviour then we don’t leave her or abonden her, instead
we cure her,
in curing her, beating her is one procedure, so we donot throw out of
house, like in jews and Christianity or non-mulsim society,
more of time what happen, munafequn create the misunderstanding
between wife and husband, so that husband should abandon the wife, and
they can (munafequn) use the wife, but Allaah has expose their
mischieveness by practising this procedure,
Munafequn create misunderstanding in husband ( that your wife donot listen to you pls abonder her)
Munafequn create misunderstandin in wife ( that your husband donot love you, you, you pls abandon her)
( because Allaah love couple should stay together)
Munafequn èis
word for those people, who show themselves as problem solver, but in
real they are problem creator, in every society it exist, and they
search for vicim.
So Allaah very tactiful foils the plot of munafequn by giving this procedure,
So, if husband beat her, husband think my wife is improving and husband will leave the idea of abondening her,
And they both can be together,
In America this problem exist,
More than 50 percentage, every 10 out of 7 indulge in marriage breaking,
And American and European and even isralies, they are fedup with these problem,
So friend follow this simple procedure
It is for those men and women,
This procedure are not new, it is followed by moses and abrahm,
You will see you can decrease your 70 percent of social problem, and will effective concentrate on financial problems,
If we talk about problem of non-muslim life then the list is very lengthy,
Who is trying to solve problem,
On the name of problem solving they are collecting huge amount,
On the name of culture, they are calling towards problem, like alcoholic society,alcohol is the root cause of many problem,
On name of fashion they are calling towards sex addiction,
Sex addiction is the root cause of many problem,
On name of financial help, they are calling towards slavery,
Interest is the root cause of all problem,
On name of business they are calling towards loan, on yur land property, making you no-where to live,
Dear friends, they are taking everything from you,
So what else you have in your hand,
And they called this as free-dom,
What a free-dom friends,
They are taking your land and giving you free-dom
They are making your daughter prostitute and giving you free-dom
They are making your wife, like slave girl, giving you freed-dom
They are taking your income and giving you free-dom
Lets conclude what Muhammad free-dom means,
Come to Muhammad
No property tax on land
Loan are without interest for living,
Get good husband , who will protect you and serve you till death
Come to Muhammad,
poor allowance and interest free money because we are one family ( in
jews and Christianity and non-muslim, they utter we are one family,
at the time of Borrowing money, they take 20 percent interest, they
show there meaming of one family.)
come to Muhammad,
liberate yourself from financial slavery, and check here what is meaning of one family ( but be aware of munafequn)
Chap 10
Page 174, para 2, line 2,
I already explain where is inequalities
Chap 10
Page 174, para 3, line 1,2,3,4,
Reobert, here forget the jews law and Christianity law, moses-jesus-muhammad, everybody follows same law,
Chap 10
Page 174, para 5, line 5,6,
What Robert, write, Robert himself don’t know,
Chap 10
Page 176, para 4, line 4,
Muhammad has totally 137 battle under his commands,
For 100 battle i have the reference,
When CIA, FBI, eliminate the criminal, what they do , prevail peace and justice,
When criminals and injustice, get killed what will prevail peace,
So islam is religion of peace,
Chap 10
Page 176, para 4, line 5,6,
Robert, why a muslim will listen to you,
Very strange,
If a muslim will listen to you, he or she is called as munafequn,
part -1-chapter 5 - islam : oppresses women, answer : politically incorrect guide to islaam and crusades (robert spencer),
Chapter 5- islam oppresses women
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Part1, chap5, page 63, heading
Robert, what a coincidence and what a evil confusion,
Islam liberate women, munafequn oppress women,
Jews and Christian oppress women,
Part1, chap5, page 63, side para 1
Robert, jokingly, what a surprise, for this sentences, Robert has not given any reference, so it mean Robert is saying lie,
Part1, chap 5, page 63, side para 2,
Robert, quraan says improve-wise your wife,
But jews and Christian say change your wife with one another, so which is the best, improve or change
Part1, chap5
Page 63, side para 3
already told that in muslim country 50 percent child marriage is
happening and in jews country 50 percent population of child girl
prostitution is happening, so which is the best, child marriage
(protection) or child prostitution (exploitation)
Part1, chap 5,
Page 63, side para 4, line 2
So a seductive exploitation of men is good you mean,
To safe guard social family value of other women, quraan prohibited seductive women,
Robert says that “ a women who exploit the other women family is good”
you know Robert in jews and Christian community, this is happenining,
and right now it is serious social economic problems of Americans and
Europeans countries, if friend you follow this law, you will be savin
lots of women house
Part1, chap 5, page 63, side para 4, line 3,4,5,
Robert you have not given any reference, so it mean you are lying,
Part1, chap 5, page 63, para 1, line 1-12,
are giving the reference of munafequn , who donot know islam, women
are allowed to pray in masjid, they are allowed to participate in
The example you can see in the life of Muhammad,
Life of moses, sahabah of Muhammad,
You know 77 out of 35 women were present, when hussain got shahadah,
You know better the reference, you are tyring to mix the saying of common man.
Part, chap5, page 64, para 3, line 5,6,
islam is already open to wwomen, that the reason, Christian women are
understanding and practicing islam, and Taliban are not oppose to
education of women, they are oppose to western education of women,
Robert don’t worry
I m your doctor,
Robert create confusion, i will remove confusion.
Part1, chap5, page 65, para 5, line 2,3,
there is no word inferior or superior, don’t worry i am there to
remove confusion,, men are made financial responsibile for
family,women are not made financial responsible, so it is system of
management of family, family is like a small organisation, as in
organisation, one is ceo, in same way in family father is the ceo, so
in islam , husband is as ceo of family, and given him the
responsibility of financial management of family organisation.
So Robert,
you into the family of jews and Christian , there are major dispute
between wife and husbad, and 90%population will solve the problem,
So Robert
they follow this principal they would sole their social problems, may
GOD make them understand towards this principals of family
Part1, chap5,
Page 65, para 1, line 3,4,
This quotation already i have explain you, if jews and Christian follow this, they would solve their major social problems,
Part1, chap 5, page 65, para 1, line 12, 13,
Robert, this is the solution to the present problems of world, women population is 50%
population is 50% ( inside man population 25% are homo), so if men
don’t marry 2 women, then the problem will create another problem
which is unsolveable, because chritianity give permission of one
So Robert,
This is the better solution for Christianity,
Part1, chap5,
Page 65, para 1, line 19, 20, 21,
This is also a blessing for women, already discuss
Part 1, chap 5, page 65, para 1, line 23-26,
This is also discuss, and blessing for women,
Part 1, chap 5,
Page 66, para 1, line 1,
So if compare, a Christian husband to the muslim husband, then you will understand the difference
Part 1, chap 5,
Page 66, para 2, line 3,
Robert,here you are saying lie, because you ve not given references,
Part1, chap 5, page 66, side para 1,
you know very well, islam prefer to save the life first, they have
done by their own hill, why you are considering it as islam,
You know Robert,
You try creating confusion,
But i am there (inshaa-aallaah) to remove confusion.
Part1, chap 5,
Page 67, side para 1,
Robert want to say that
“prostitution is better than marriage”
Through this you would solve the problem of Christian girl.
Part1, chap 5,
Page 68, side para 1,
You know very well, that muslim who donot follow Muhammad is the munafequn, and your reference is of munafequn ,
Then why you want to refere here, just to creat confusion.
Part1, chap 5,
Page 69, para 2, line 1,
always talk about quraan and hadith, and Robert always give
reference, but here Robert has not given references, so what it means,
it means Robert is saying lie, and Robert is giving the reference of
Robert know very well that, for everyaction , the quraan and hadith is required.
Part1, chap 5
Page 69, para 1, line 11,
you know in jews and Christian society, how rape happen, if they
follow this principal they would have stop maximum percentatge of rape
, Robert you want that jews and Christian girls get rape.
Part 1, chap 5, page 70, para 1, line 5 – 15,
you are really giving the example of people, people are not islam, on
the name of islam, people can do anything for that reason, ALLAAH has
given them a name munafequn,
So Robert why you are giving the example of munafequn,
You always give the reference of quraan and sahih hadith, and here you are not giving the reference of quraan and hadith,
So what it mean, it mean you are saying lie or trying to manipulate the thoughts,
Part1, chap5, page 71, para 2, line 1,
Really Robert creat confusion, but don’t worry Robert, i am there to remove your confusion,
Zaid use to leave in prophet house, and people started thinking him like adopted son,
People made it adopted son, and adopted son has different right then own son,
So Robert,
is the medicine or solution to the existing problem in Christian
world, adopted son doing sex with adopted mother, if you want can
check cnn or bbc,
Part1, chap 5, page 71, para 3, line 1-7,
Since you are making confusion with quraan and hadith,
And now you went to iran, Shiite islam is also follow quraan and hadith,
few people made their own practice, what you can do and what i can do
this are few people practice, why you are making it Islamic, it is
not at all Islamic practise,
Part1, chap 5,
Page 72, para 1, line 1-10,
this was the practise of jews and Christian and pagan, so Muhammad
stop this practise, the prophet Muhammad stop all the practise o f
jahiliya one by one.
You are referring here to create confusion but, i think now our confusion is removed.
Part1, chap5,
Page 72, para 2, line 1-5,
“ rape : four witness needed”
Robert, you are really doing like two mouth snake,
side you say that no one should acoompany girl, when they go out,
when she go out without someone, nobody will rape her, and if go out
with one person, then first that person will fight against the
evil-doers, she would not be rape.
Then here you are objecting for four witness,
it can be chance that women can start blaming man of rape, so it is
available to create confusion in people management.
So four witness is required,
And Robert you are so concern of rape , then why you want to oppose,
“ going out with someone”,
And you know Robert
is facing this problem now if somebody want to break the relation of
wife and husband, then they start blaming her with someone,
And they are successful in doing this,
So Robert with this principal, they solved their problems,
And Robert they can save the family right now. The social problems are engulf the chrisitiandom,
Follow Muhammad principal and solve your problems,
Part1, chap5, page 73, para 1, line 1-12,
you have given a reference of those society where everybody is
adulter, so everybody will adulter, then who will practise principal,
If everybody is adulter, then why they want to punish the girl, that means they want to punish the girl because of jealous,
Not because they want to follow principal, of moses, ( 7:53-811)
Part1, chap5
Page 73, para 2, line 1-16,
What a surprisingly
bible, the people brought the girl, those people brought the girl who
already adultered, and they donot want to repent, and they brought
the girl for punishment so it mean, they don’t want to follow law, but
they want to make other people to follow the law,
Here the case is different, everybody want to follow the law,
The girl came herself and testifies herself and girl want to repent, what a great girl, she is ,
But Robert,
you observe this incident in church in church what happen, when a
girl go and confess herself and ask for forgiveness before church
father they say,
“ sleep with me, god will forgive your sin”
Even this practise happen with munafequn system also.
Part1, chap5,
Page 74, para 2, line 1,
Sex satisfaction is the major problem in non-muslimdome and munafequndom house
and Robert,
If they practice this, they would have saved there husband going to another women, or a women going to another man,
You know well,
90% of non-muslims and munafequn girls search for sex satisfaction outside husbanddom,
What a good principle
If non-muslims and munafequn could follow this, they would have saved lots of
Wife searching sex-satisfaction outside house,
Just search the media,
Part1, chap 5, page 75, para 2, line 1-8,
Robert, say women at risk or i say the munafeq at risk,