the answer to robert spencer from his book " the truth about muhammad" and " politically incorrect guide to islam and crusade"
first i thank to robert spencer who has given me opportunity to answers his questions and doubts, since many century the muslim and non-muslim are pondering towards few of the line in quraan and hadith, and they used to murmure all the age, but robert spencer and his friends are the one who gather all the question and doubt in two books, " the truth about muhammad" and " political incorrect guide toward islam"
so i request my reader to give thanks to robert spencer and his friends.
the answer of his question will follow with each post, because, without composing i m directly posting the answer in blog, so to get all the answer it may get two or four days from now,
what i have done, i have read the book, and mark robert spencer question, and given the answer on same point,
like as example :
1) from his book the truth about muhammad, page no 15 for preface, line no. 1, robert quoted, khadija as converted,
answer: the word converted is not correct, because khadija understood the message of god of jesus, and she follow the jesus teaching to obey the messenger of allaah, that is muhammad.
so in this way i have answer his question from his book, with pointing page no. and chapter no. and sometime line no. also.
and if anybody have question or want to ask any new question, they can email me on, or,