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History of Jihad


Muhammad - the first Islamic terrorist
Muhammad, Prophet of Islam is known as the "Apostle of Peace" by Muslims. This is an utter nonsense.

Muhammad was in fact the first Islamic terrorist, criminal and murderer whose entire life was based on victimizing innocents and indulging in mindless violence, carnage and massacre in the name of God. He was a man who destroyed peace wherever he went, and in its place brought terror, carnage, destruction and death.

When Muhammad first started screaming from the rooftops that he alone had the divine word of God, the people of Mecca ignored him. However, when he started insulting and defaming the polytheistic religion of Meccans, they couldn't take it anymore and tried persuading him to stop. Muhammad the coward was too scared of the growing hostility against him. So, instead of calling upon his "Allah" to strike down the Meccans, he crept out one night and fled for his life.

Ever since that incident, Muhammad was determined to take revenge on the Meccans. He escaped to Medinah, which had a sizeable Jewish population, and started plotting his revenge with a small gang of criminals. This was the beginning of Muhammad's trail of violence, hatred and bloodshed that would soon destroy the once flourishing culture of Arabia.

He organised no less than 86 jihadist attacks, 26 of which he led himself.

The details of all his criminal onslaughts in the form of battles and assassinations are chronicled in this article in a chronological manner. One should note that every time the "Apostle of Peace" committed one of his criminal onslaughts, he always justified the crimes by quickly claiming a "divine revelation" which conveniently removed the blame from his bloodied hands.

1) Massacre of unarmed merchants during sacred month
Date: Late January(Rejeb), 623 A.D.
Place: Nakhla
Victims: 4 Merchants from Quraysh tribe of Mecca, the Tribe to which Muhammad himself belonged

Four unarmed merchants were traveling to Mecca to sell their goods consisting of raisins, honey and animal skins. It was the holy month of Rejeb which was considered sacred for trade in Arabia. It was a point of honor that any form of warfare or violence was strictly forbidden in this month. Despite this, Muhammad's gang attacked the helpless men from behind and stabbed two of them to death. They plundered all the goods as booty and Muhammad got one fifths of the share. Muhammad was obviously motivated by nothing but hatred and greed.

2) Slaughter of Meccans who came to defend their caravans
Date: March (Ramadan) 17, 623 A.D
Place: The well of Badr
Victims: 70 merchants from Quraysh Tribe of Mecca, Quraysh army which came to defend them

The merchandise being carried by this caravan was worthmore than 50,000 Gold Dinars. Muhammad ganged up all the criminals of Medina and set out to raid the caravan with 300 men. The Meccans got word of the raid and sent out an army to protect the caravan. Throughout the entire battle Mohammad cowered in a hut which his men made for him. The Muslims killed over two hundred and took seventy prisoners. All seventy of the prisoners were ransomed, and any prisoner who did not fetch a ransom had his head chopped off.

3) Assasination of poets who criticised Muhammad's murderous ways
Date: Late March-April, 623 A.D
Place: Medina
Victims: Two of the most famous poets of Medina, who had the courage to criticize the murderous actions of Muhammad and his gang

After the battle of Badr, the people of Medina were horrified that they had given refuge to such a blatant criminal and his followers in their city. Many began protesting the presence of such violent and murderous people in their city. In a free society like Pre-Islamic Arabia, the poets acted as society's conscience and were free to criticize, satirize and examine the actions of people. The two most famous poets of this kind were Abu 'Afak; an extremely old and respected poet and Asma bint Marwan; a young mother with the gift of superb verse.

Muhammad was enraged at their criticism. When he heard the verses composed by Asma Bint Marwan, he was infuriated and screamed aloud, "Will no one rid me of this daughter of Marwan!" That very night a gang of Muslims set out to do the dirty deed. They broke into the poets' house. She was lying in her bedroom suckling her newborn child, while her other small children slept nearby. The Muslims tore the newborn infant off her breast and hacked the baby to pieces before her very eyes. They then made her watch the murder of all four of her children, before raping and then stabbing her repeatedly to death. After the murder when the Muslims went to inform the Prophet, he said "You have done a service to Allah and his Messenger, her life was not worth even two goats!"

A month later the distinguished and highly respected Abu Afak, who was over a hundred years old and renowned for his sense of fairness, was killed brutally in the same manner as he slept.

4) The Siege of the Banu Qaynuqa
Date: April, 623 A.D
Place: Medina
Victims: The Jewish Tribe of Banu Qaynuqa

In order to get full control of Medina, Muhammad needed to get rid of all his opponents. The strongest of these opponents was Abdallah Ibn Ubayy, a powerful chief who was allied with the Jewish Tribe of Banu Qaynuqa. This tribe was also the weakest, because they were made up of craftsmen, in particular goldsmiths. By attacking them, Muhammad knew he could plunder a huge amount of wealth and weaken Ibn Ubayy. Muhammad needed an excuse to attack them, so he made a girl married to one of his followers. Then, he pretended that she had been teased by the Jews. The Muslims blockaded the fort of the Banu Qaynuqa for fifteen days until the starving Jews surrendered. All their property was seized and looted; many of the prettiest women were taken as prisoners to become sex-slaves. Muhammad kept one-fifths of the enormous booty for himself. This is the way he repaid the kindness of the Jews of Medina, who had given him shelter and a refuge, when Muhammad had run away from Mecca in fear.

5) Battle of Uhud
Date: 21 March, 625 A.D
Place: Mount Uhud
Victims: The Quraysh and their Allies

The people of Mecca were outraged at the massacre of their kinsmen in the Battle of Badr by Muhammad and his army. They had to fight back in order to defend themselves, so they gathered up an army and set out on the march to Medinah. Unlike the Prophet's terrorist methods, they adhered to their precepts of honorable warfare and forewarned Muhammad of their advance.

Muhammad set out with his motley crew of hundreds of murderers, rapists, robbers and sadists. When Muhammad tried forcing the Jews of Medinah to join him, they adamantly refused, knowing fully well the true character of the tyrant. Muhammad and his men camped on the slopes of Mount Uhud, above the camp of the Meccan Army. In his usual insidious manner, the Prophet was too cowardly to fight in an honorable manner and planned to attack before dawn as the Meccans were asleep. The Muslims were too incompetent to implement even this plan properly and ended up alerting the Meccans during the surprise attack.

At this point the Meccans gathered up their weapons and engaged the Muslims in full combat. Muhammad as usual cowered in the background surrounded by his bunch of bodyguards. From time to time he would scream out "Who will become a martyr for Allah" and "Which of you will sell himself for us", exhorting his army with promises of paradise if they fought for him. The Muslims however were no match for the Meccans. Most of them started running for their lives by clambering up the sides of Mount Uhud, at which Muhammad started swearing like a mad man. Muhammad's uncle Hamzah was killed and when the Prophet started backing away in fear for his own life, a brave Meccan charged forward and struck him with a tremendous blow to the head and shoulder. At the sight of his own blood, Muhammad began screaming hysterically and had to be carried away by his bodyguards.

It was only by a stroke of extreme luck that Muhammad survived. His Army was badly defeated and the people of Medina started asking: if this man was indeed a Messenger of God, why had God not given the Muslims victory? Obviously, Muhammad had no answer!

6) Murder of a Jewish poet
Date: Late March 625 A.D.
Place: Fortress of Banu-N-Nadir, outside Medina
Victims: Kaab Ibn Al' Ashraf

Among the Jewish tribe of Banu-N-Nadir, was an eminent poet by the name of Kaab Ibn Al' Ashraf. He was an extremely famous and cultured poet who was considered a genius of verses. He had composed a lament about the Qurayshites who had been so unjustly massacred in the battle of Badr. One day the Prophet proclaimed in his usual sweet manner " Who will rid me of the dog Kaab Ibn Al Ashraf?". A certain Muhammad Bin Maslama replied that he would do it, adding "We shall have to tell lies to do it". Inevitably the Prophet immediately gave the divine authority to lie as necessary. Muhammad Maslama bribed the foster brother of Kaab, a man called Silkan, who was a Muslim. The following night Kaab was visited by his loving foster brother and spent a pleasant evening reciting poetry. Needless to say, after dark, Kaab was dragged out of his bed screaming, and stabbed repeatedly by Muhammad Maslama, Silkan and two other devout Muslims, in full view of his young wife to be. Indeed what a great example of kindness and tolerance, was the Prophet of Islam!

7) Invasion of Banu-N-Nadir
Date: May-June 625 A.D
Place: Fortress of Banu-N-Nadir, outside Medinah
Victims: The entire Jewish tribe of Banu-N-Nadir

The Jewish Tribe of Banu-N-Nadir was outraged at the assassination of their greatest poet Kaab Ibn Al' Ashraf. The fact that one of the greatest literary figures of their Tribe had been mercilessly murdered, simply because he wrote some words that criticized Muhammad, was a cause of immense rage. Even then they were gracious enough to lend money to Muhammad when he came begging at their doors for financing of loans to be paid back. Muhammad, the power crazed maniac, however had many ulterior motives. The sight of the wealth possessed by the Banu- N-Nadir whipped up a frenzy of jealousy inside him. In his envious hatred, he devised a diabolical plot to get rid of the Tribe and rob them of their wealth. The Prophet claimed that Allah himself had come down and revealed that the Tribe of Banu-N-Nadir hated him and were hatching a conspiracy to assassinate the Prophet. The Nadirs were amazed when out of the blue a Muslim messenger arrived at their oasis with the message from the "Holy Apostle of Peace" himself. The message was worded in the usual brutal manner: "Leave my city and live here no longer after the treason which you have plotted against me."

The Nadir were outraged, but being a peace loving people, they decided the best thing to do was to shut themselves up in their fortress and prepare to defend themselves. Immediately Muhammad surrounded them with his Army of murderers and sat down outside in the familiar wooden hut surrounded by his usual bunch of bodyguards. When the Nadir made no move to fight, the "All Benevolent Angel of Mercy" started cutting down every single palm tree in the oasis. In a desert environment like Arabia, this act was equivalent to Mass Murder, considering how hard it was to grow food. The Nadir could not bear to see their oasis destroyed so mercilessly and came out to surrender.

The Peace loving Tribe which had carefully tended their land and made it the oasis that it was, were thrown out at sword point, and stripped of all their belongings. They had to flee for their lives to Khayber another Jewish settlement, which in future course would also be destroyed by the "Apostle of Peace". All the rich booty and land was grabbed by the savage Muslims, but the largest amount of land and most of the loot went as always to the "Epitome of Justice" Prophet Muhammad.

9) Massacre, Rape and Plunder of Banu-L-Mustaliq
Date: December 626 A.D.
Place: The well of Muraysi near Red Sea
Victims: The Tribe of Banu-L-Mustaliq

Muhammad attacked the Banu-L-Mustaliq because of their wealth. In a surprise raid, the Muslims drove them to the Sea. They slaughtered many members of the Banu-N-Mustaliq Tribe and looted away a booty of 2000 Camels, 5000 Sheep and 500 Women! 500 women were captured screaming and crying after they had watched their husbands and sons being slaughtered. The most beautiful captive was Juwayriyya, daughter of the chief of the Banu-L-Mustaliq. Muhammad snatched her to satisfy his own animal lust.

10) Massacre of the Banu -Qurayza
Date: April-May 627 A.D.
Place: Medina
Victims: The Last Jewish Tribe left in Medinah The Banu-Qurayza.

By this time, Muhammad had murdered or driven out all of the Jewish Tribes of Medinah, except the Banu Qurayza. It was time to eliminate this last thorn in his flesh. The Banu Qurayza had been reluctant in helping Muhammad against the Quraysh. Conveniently once again, Muhammad claimed that he had divine knowledge about a conspiracy by the Banu-Qurayza to kill him. He besieged their fortress for Twenty-Five days. When the starving Tribe surrendered, Muhammad forced an old man from their own Tribe to pronounce Muhammad's sentence. The sentence was death to every male member of the Tribe, Slavery for every woman and child and Plunder of all their property.

The Prophet had an immense trench dug around the main market of Medinah. The men of the Banu Qurayza were rounded up & their hands twisted tightly behind them. Then one by one, they were shoved to the edge of the trench and forced to kneel. They were offered a last chance to convert to "The True Faith" and if they refused, had their heads chopped off. As soon as one head would roll off, the corpse would be kicked into the ditch, and so it went. By the time Dawn had colored the sky red in Medinah, hundreds of corpses piled up in a heap in a tangled cesspool of blood, hair and shreds of flesh. Despite the horrific end in front of their eyes, none of the Jews chose to convert to Islam and faced death valiantly. The blood of 900 innocent Jews stained Muhammad's hands on that black day.

Their only crime was that they chose to retain their fundamental human right, of choosing their own God and the religion of their ancestors. Hysterical women & children screamed as they watched their fathers, husbands & sons die. The majority of them were raped savagely and then bundled off to be sold as "used goods". The Prophet had the husband of the Jewess Raihana Bint Amr hacked to pieces before her very eyes, hours after he had murdered her father. No doubt this was the Prophet's perverted version of a wedding present, because after these atrocities he raped the mortified girl and tried to force her to convert to Islam.

13) Slaughter of all Jews in Khaybar
Date: September 628 A.D
Place: Khaybar and surrounding areas
Victims: Over 500 Jews of Khaybar

Khaybar was the wealthiest Oasis in the Hejaz. The Jews who inhabited the Oasis were known for their business acumen. Muhammad could no longer control his slavering desire to attack Khaybar. His immense greed for the fabulous wealth of the Oasis had overwhelmed him. The Prophet set out with 1600 men and laid siege to the Oasis. Although greatly outnumbered, the brave Jews fought bravely and staved off the bloodthirsty Mob of Muslims, for over 14 days. In the end the sheer disadvantage of numbers and the starving state of their children forced the Jews to surrender. They emerged with all their, weapons, foodstuffs and wealth, pleading only for the lives of themselves and their families. Instead the Exalted Messenger of Peace, instructed his army to do exactly as they pleased. The frenzied Muslims pounced upon the helpless Jews and murdered every man they could lay their hands on. Women and children were raped brutally and repeatedly. The Prophet led the way as usual. His eye had fallen upon the most beautiful captive in Khaybar, a Jewess called Safia Bint Huyay. As she stood there traumatized and anguished at having just witnessed her father and fianc�e being hacked to pieces, the Prophet threw his cloak on her to claim as his booty. Minutes later he savagely consummated his "marriage" to her in a sand dune with the blood and gore of Jihad still covering him, even Saifya's father's blood. The remaining women and children who were rounded up were traded in the slave market or retained to be brought up as brainwashed sex slaves, professing Islam.

14) Treaty at Hudaybiyah - one of the best examples of deception in Islam -

Muhammad, who at the time possessed insufficient arms to conquer his hometown of Mecca, entered into a treaty with Meccans, known as Treaty at Hudaybiyah. Under this treaty, he promised to stop terrorizing Meccans for ten years so long as the Meccans would allow him to visit Allah's rock pile of idols known as the Ka'aba. The merchants of Mecca honored the agreement but the Muslims violated the treaty a dozen times in the first 12 months according to their own witness. Then, at the end of the year, once the Meccans had been lulled into a false sense of security, Muhammad and the first Muslims roared into town with an army more than twice the size of the Meccan population and conquered the place, imposing Islam under the shade of their swords.

[Information in this section has been gratefully taken mainly from the site]

Content A. Introduction
B. Muhammad - the first Islamic terrorist
C. Jihad during Medieval period --
1. Jihad against Zoroastrians of Iran (634 -651)
2. Jihad against Byzantine Christians (634-1453)
3. Jihad against Egyptian Christians (640)
4. Jihad against Sudan (642 C.E)
5. Jihad against Berbers of North Africa (640-711)
6. Jihad against the Spanish and Portuguese (711-1492)
7. Jihad against France (732-740)
8. Jihad against Italians in Sicily (812 -1571)
9. Jihad against the Buddhist Chinese (650 -751)
10. Jihad against Turks (650-1050)
11. Jihad against the Armenian and Georgian Christians (1071 to 1920)
12. Jihad against Hindus of undivided India (638 - 1857)
14. Jihad against Eastern Europe (1444 -1699)
15. Jihad against Russians (1444-1918)
16. Jihad against Greeks (1450 -1853)
D. Jihad in Modern era - 17. Jihad against Jews/ Israel (1948 - ongoing)
18. Jihad for Jammu & Kashmir against India (1947 - ongoing)
19. Jihad for Chechnya against Russia (1991- ongoing)
20. Jihad for Southern Thailand against Thailand (1960 - ongoing)
21. Jihad for Southern Philippines against Philippines (1969 - ongoing)
22. Jihad against Christians & Blacks in Sudan (1958 - ongoing)
23. Jihad against Christians in Nigeria (2004 - ongoing)
24. Jihad against USA (2001 - ongoing)
25. Jihad against the World by increasing population (ongoing)
E. Conclusion







































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