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JESUS is Messenger of Allaah in Holy BIBLE

JESUS is Messenger of Allaah in Holy BIBLE
by Imam Hussain Makki
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    Who Is Jesus
Holy Bible?

1.   Who Is Jesus

                 in reality?
Many People believe Jesus according as to the Propagation or through their family tradition. This is well. It is necessary that every one,  who believes in Jesus, should know the appropriate answer to the  question  that  WHAT IS THE CORRECT WAY OF BELIEVING JESUS?.  Because it is obvious that one gets salvation only through the appropriate  and accurate  belief in Jesus as propounded by God.  But  if any one believes contrary to this  it is impossible for  him to attain the salvation .  However in these days a lot of misconceptions and confusions  in believing  Jesus are found in the Christian community. Some believe him as begotten son of God and incarnation of God while some believe him as God himself, and some believe him as one of the triune Gods,  and some believe him as the complete  God and complete human being with divine qualities. According to logic these types of  irrelevant opinions  regarding one person cannot be accepted as true. Therefore  we should understand the correct answer  for the  question that WHO IS JESUS IN REALITY?  We can get the appropriate answer to this question only by the analytical study of the Bible. But many people object as to why this research  and analysis on the Bible?  So first of all let us examine carefully what  Bible says  about  the analytic study of scriptures which can be seen  in the following verse.
Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read
                                 -Isaiah 34:16
According to the above verse it is inevitable on the part of every christian that he should study the Bible in between lines so that he may understand  what it teaches. Because the above verse is not spoken  as an advice,  but as a command. So there is no chance for any true christian to lead his life unattentively and without appropriate faith as propounded by the Bible.


What happens  if we do not make an analysis?. What is the loss that we incur?.  Please refer to  the following verse for  the correct answers to these questions.
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death                    -Proverbs 16:25
So it is necessary to every Christian brother to examine  carefully the actual sense of the above verse, as they are spending their life happily,  in spite of having contrary and irrelevant beliefs. The above verse seems to be a “thunder bolt” for those who follow their own way blindly. Therefore according to the above verse it is evident  that every one should always quest anxiously for the correct  way, and should examine  himself  whether he is  following the right path or being misled.  In case unfortunately if any believer dies having contrary way of  living to that of  God’s word, and after his ressurrection  on the day of Judgement , if he would be decreed  by God as  a sinner for having had led his life contrary to the teachings of Jesus, then there will be no chance  for him  to recorrect and do according to the teachings of Jesus. And eventually eternal hell will be his final destination. And what will be that eternal hell ? The answer is given by Jesus  in the following verses to this question.
[They will reach to the place]
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched
                                                                -Mark 9:48
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And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find
it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them
                    -Revelation 9:6
What would be the more disgraceful and miserable loss for a man than to be thrown into the eternal hell?  And what would have been the cause  for  this  type of unfortunate and   degraded stage, the answer  for  this question is that he did not examine himself carefully,  whether he had been leading his life according to the srcriptures or not. Thus we can understand the intensity of the above caution, and also we can understand that how horrible would be the consequences, if we  neglect  the analytic study of the scriptures.


         We can see a number of strange and peculiar methods as  increasing in the christian community,  whereby all believers are being confused. As a result immorality is taking root and creating disunity and conflicts among them. The reason for  all these  confusions  is the neglegency of the people  not  going in analytic study of the  Bible but  following of the whimsical ways, which they have invented. But  to be frank Bible gives a top priority  for the analysis.
Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls.     -Jermiah 6:16
          On a careful examination of the above verse some important points came in to light. The  first of them is that  if there are  many ways or beliefs  existing we  should not follow them blindly without analysis. And second is that we have to examine carefully that which of them is the correct way or belief that should be followed in order to get salvation. And  the third point is that  every way does not lead to attain the kingdom of God.  So when the  right  path is discovered according to the scriptures we are bound to follow it . Because except  that only one way remaining all the ways are harmful to us. And the fourth point is that one should follow the right path as suggested in the scriptures following of which only we shall find rest which is peace.  The  reason for lacking of peace among many of the people is - they are following  fictitious  beliefs  blindly not caring for the enjoined orders of the scriptures. From the above verse, we can understand that  how much of importance has been given to analysis of the scripture in the Bible. So let us see what had been the practice of Jesus in this regard.
And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, which is the first commandment of all?
     -Mark 12:28
According to the above verse we can understand clearly that Jesus had been discussing  with  the people as regards to the  scripture of God. And we can find Paul to have adopted the same method of Jesus, which can be seen in the following verses.
 Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.                                   -Acts 17:17
And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.                       -Acts 18:4
And he went into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God.                  -Acts 19:8
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         The above verses explain clearly the method of  Paul as how he used to argue with  the  people  in convincing the matter. But in these days the christian scholars  not only they not allow  thier followers to disscuss  with the other religious groups  but also they  restrict  to meet  with the other sects of their own religion. If any believer try to question their priests about any point  they  do not allow them  to question  and  on the other hand they brand him as  one  subjugated by the Devil.  This ridiculous  manner  indicates  their deficiency in the Bible knowledge.   And  of those whose objective is only  worldly enjoyment they do not prefer to the  Biblical teachings as propounded by its logic, but whosoever desire for the everlasting life do not avoid the  logic and reasoning that Bible presents. To be frank only those that do not  have the truth with them fear for  the arguments. So they must understand that  if there is any doctrine contrary to the logic of the Bible they should discard it, even though  it seems to be great and being followed by crores of  people. There is no sanction at all for such doctrines which do not agree with scriptural facts.
To decide whether what they are following  is correct or not,  the teachings  of the  Bible  should be taken into consideration .  The  point  which  stands to the test of reason and logic only can be the truth and  such type of  faith only  can be accepted and followed and those that  tread on this path only can get the Kingdom of God. So we should not turn out from the ‘logical discussion’ but avoid ‘illogical arguements’.


 Those who follow the Bible should  know  the appropriate  answer for the question that  what for man has been created? And observe the following verses  what the answer of the Bible about this.
Then said the Lord unto Moses, behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a cerain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or not.              -Exodus 16:4
...For the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.     -Deuteronomy 13:3
According to the above verses it becomes crystal clear that God has created the human beings  only to  examinine, whether they follow His law in strict obedience or neglect it. Further this law provides  two important basic pointsone  is enjoined upon to do and the other is the comandments, which show the prohibited things.  A believer, for God’s love and blessing sacrifices by obeying God’s commandments and discards all prohibited ones however great beneficial they appear to be. On the other hand   if he is an unbeliever or imperfect  believer he cares   only his self-interested purposes and  does every thing to meet his own vested interest but neither cares for the blessing nor love of God . In these two attitudes, God  observes what kind of attitude one adopts.   This is the examination of God and  He mentions  in the following passages about the great reward to be given to  those who succeed and also the disgraceful consequences of those that fail  in this examination.
Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; a blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day: and a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.
       -Deuteronomy 11:26-28
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.              -Deuteronomy 30:19
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       We can understand from the above passages that God  has placed  before the  man kind, the two ways the one which confers favours in this world and hereafter and the another which causes harm in this world and hereafter.  Further, God has bestowed the discrimination faculty  exclusively to the human beings, from among all living beings.   And the main intention of God is to know whether the man uses  this discrimination  faculty  and choose the right path for him. The desire of  God is that one should  accepts  and follow the  way, that  what one has found to be correct basing on the scriptures .
        Different attitudes such as ‘Blessing-Curse’ and ‘Life-Death’ revolve around the man who succumbs either to do evil  or good.  Paul suggests the best way as  how one can save one self from the evil attitude and follow the good attitude. we  read from the following verse.
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.      -1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
         In the former verses we understand that God has created the human beings  in the midst of  Good and Evil to see which side the man inclines.  God has decided before hand the  consequences of those who succeed  in this examination to reward the ‘Eternal life’ and those who fail  to punish in  the ‘Eternal hell’.  These two ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ ways which are set before man are intermingled. Therefore what should one do in this situation? The appropriate answer is given in the above verse. It makes clear the  point that “ ALL THINGS  ARE  PUT TO THE TEST”, this is to mean that one should understand logically and analytically ,which of them is the true belief. Only through this way we can protect ourselves from ‘All kinds of evil’.  Thus those  who follow that righteous way after careful analysis and examination  undoubtedly attain the kingdom of God.


             The analytical study of the Bible reveals clear answer to the  question as to  who is Jesus in reality?. Two confounded  beliefs  are there -whether Jesus  is Creator? or  a Creature?. So let us know distinctly  that who is the Creator according to Bible.


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
     -Genesis 1:1
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.              -Genesis 1:31
Thou, even thou, art Lord alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all thing that are therein, the seas, and all that is threin, and thou preservest them all, and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.  -Nehemiah 9:6
     We have a number of verses such as above in the Bible all of which establish the fact that ‘Only Jehovah is the Creator of whole Universe’. Two important points can be noticed from the above verses. One of them is that God has created the heavens and the earth, and the second is that he made all things, which are existing in between these two. From these two points it is evident that  the only Creator is exclusively beyond the creation. It means except Him everything and what all exist such as all souls, Angels, holy Spirits and Prophets...  all  are His creatures.


Except a few remaining all Christians believe Jesus as God, while very few believe Jehovah as the only one God. However, majority of christianity believes  Jesus as God, yet they have no concordance in their belief that Jesus is God. Anyhow,  if  Jesus is supposed as a  God then he should have been existent in all times  and should be all powerful  just as Jehovah is.   And  our Christian scholars show the following verse in vain  to prove his  divinity.
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The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of lod. I was set up from everlasting, from the begining, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth: while as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.                                   -Proverbs 8:22-26
According to the Biblical theologians it is recorded to have been prophesied in the direct statement of Jesus himself.
    On examination  of the above passage we understand  that  Jesus is the person, who is speeking. Let us see what he says about himself  “THE LORD POSSESSED ME”, this is to mean that he was not in the very beginning! .Further “I WAS SET UP” it means there should be  one Creator in existence to set him up ,and also says as “I WAS BROUGTH FORTH”. Therefore from the perusal of the above passage  one important point  is-  whether the birth of Jesus is spoken relating to worldly birth  through the womb of  Mary or he  had been created in heaven  by God. The appropriate answer is that undoubtedly he had been created by God Jehovah in the heaven.  And  Paul also makes clear in the following verse that Jesus is a mere creature of the Creator God Almighty.
Who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature.                                         -Colossians 1:15
And unto the angel of the church of the laodiceans write; these things saith the amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.     -Revelations 3:14
  The above verses disclose the fact that Jesus was “The first Born” in the beginning of the creation of God. Merely because Jesus was the first born, can we declare that Jesus is equal to the Creator God Almighty?  As a matter of fact , may he be the  first born  or last born can not be equal  with his  creator  and the creature is only a creature that is all. Further, Paul says clearly in the following verses that it is God who has created Jesus.
Of this man’s seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a saviour, Jesus.                                -Acts 13:23 Unto you first God, having raised up his son Jesus.
                                                                      -Acts  3:26
Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.                          -1 John 5:1
      According to the above verse it is obvious that Jesus had been created by God Jehovah. According to context, his  birth is spoken  relating to his worldly birth. So the persons who equate Jesus with God, must understand that he should be self subsistent but should not have been created by God. But the above verses say clearly that “THE CHRIST IS BORN OF GOD” and also indicates clearly that Jesus was a mere servant of God Almighty.  Therefore just as Jehovah is capable of doing every thing  by himself  so also one who is being regarded as God should be capable of doing every thing by himself.  But it can not be taken as wisdom  to presume as parallel or equal to God to one, who had been created by God or sent or ascended by the command of God.  And presumption such as this is blasphemy towards God. Further  there are many verses of Bible which proclaim that  Jesus as a man who is neither a creator nor a part of the creator but just he was a creature of the creator Almighty God.


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It has been the custom of God of intimating through the prophecies about the Holy persons who would have  to  come in this world. Such type of information is called a prophecy.  Such prophecies were made not only relating to Jesus, but also prophesied in the case of  many other prophets too before Jesus.  And through these prophecies God informed their signs and  some characteristics who would have to come in to this world.   There are  two important aims in prophesying before hand about the advent of the prophets who were to come into this world . One of them is that  people  might not be misled by the  false prophets and another is that the true prophets  might be recognised by comparing the qualities and signs as made mention in the prophecy.
What says  prophecy about the advent of Jesus?, Does it say that God himself would transform as Christ?  Or the person of Jesus was to appear in the capacity of Christ? Now let us examine carefully the proper answer to these questions in the light of  Biblical verses.
Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the prince shall be seven weeks... -Daniel 9:25
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall concieve, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.                -Isaiah 7:14
According to the above verses it is made clear that “THE MESSIAH THE PRINCE SHALL COME”. But it did not mention that Jehovah  himself would come. And also this  prophecy  makes clear that “A VIRGIN SHALL CONCIEVE AND BEAR  A  SON” but it is not mentioned as  She shall concieve and bear a God. So let us examine another prophecy, which the Christian scholars generally propound to prove the divinity of Jesus.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the Government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The prince of peace.       -Isaiah 9:6
     In the above prophecy  some attributes and capabilities of God are mentioned, and its last part  makes clear that “HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED...” For example generally we call our children with some names such as Jesus or Mary etc... so do they truly become as Jesus or Mary? A person does not become  a true person as  Jesus or Mary  by mere virtue of his/her being called in the name of Jesus or Mary .If any one regards them  as true Jesus or Mary then what would we think of such ones? and what do we consider of their case?  we declare such people as imprudents. The above prophecy denotes clearly that ‘His name
shall be called’,  and basing merely on this point how far it is correct to imagine Jesus as the incarnate of Jehovah or as God himself  !? . Think seriously over this point.


       About whose advent the people were looking forward before Jesus’ coming in to this world?.  Did they expect that Jehovah would transfigure himself and manifest as Jesus?. Then observe the following verse of the Bible for the appropriate answer to this question.
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Isreal: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. And it was reveald unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s
Christ.                  -Luke 2:25
In the above verse the testimony of an important person has been mentioned and the speciality of that person was “JUST” and second he was “DEVOUT” also he possessed the Holy Ghost and he was not to die before he had seen Jesus Christ ; read carefully again the above verse and observe the clause wherein it has been stated as “BOFORE HE HAD SEEN THE LORD’S CHRIST”, but not as ‘BEFORE HE HAD SEEN THE LORD JEHOVAH” This fact had been  revealed  to him by the Holy Ghost, but it was not the interpretation of his confused dream. However , some believers say that Jehovah is Jesus..!  you might have by this time guessed that by what Ghost had they been revealed Jesus as Jehovah whether by Holy or Evil.  And we can understand according to the following verse that what was the expectation of  the common people about  the advent of Jesus.
The woman siath unto him, I know that Messiah cometh,
which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
             -John 4:25-26
It was an ordinary woman, who spoke as above. Further she says  clearly  “I
GOD” .As a matter of fact, according to the above two verses  we cannot find that people such as  the  devotees or righteous persons or the Holy  persons or at least ordinary women or the contemporaries of Jesus and all others had  not expected that God  would  descend  in this world in the form of Jesus. However believing Jehovah was born as  Jesus,  and propagating like this  is no more  than wanton  misinterpretation of the above Bible verses. This point can be understood more clearly in the following...
And the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, Fear not Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David.  -Luke 1:26-32
 In the former verse we have seen  the testimony of one righteous person, who was just and filled with the Holy Ghost, and  in the latter verse we have considered an ordinary woman’s expectation about the advent of Jesus .Now the above passage describes clearly regarding  Jesus, just before nine months of his birth, that what would be  his  person and status. So this prophecy has accumulated the most  significant place in the Bible.
If we carefully examine the above passage we can find out some important points .The first point of them is that this information had been given by the  archangel of God ,whose name is Gabriel. And the second point is that  he did not come of himself, but  “WAS SENT FROM GOD”. This is to mean as saying that the message which  he had  given about Jesus, was revealed  by God. And the third point is that  the clause of the above verse makes clear saying as “AND
FORTH A SON AND SHALT CALL HIS NAME JESUS”. If at all the speculation of the church were true this clause should have been mentioned to read as
HIGHEST”. But according to the belief of Gospel preachers  this clause should have been mentioned to read as “AND SHALL BE CALLED GOD THE HIGHEST” but it is not so- why ? .And in the fifth clause we find saying as “AND THE
DAVID” but according to the belief of Church this clause should have been mentioned to read as “ THE LORD GOD SHALL GIVE UNTO JESUS HIS
THRONE”,  but it is not like that. However ,  in spite of  having contrary beliefs against the Bible’s word,  taking  Jesus as ‘our Saviour and we shall get salvation through him’  is no more than  selfdeceit. Despite having beliefs in contrast to the imformations as provided by God about Jesus, can anybody profess himself a christian? No. On the other hand he ‘deprives himself of the religious right, to be called as christian. Ponder over these facts.


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Who is Jesus in reality? Is he a God ? If he is  a God, indeed,  he should have owned every thing, and he should not have been given by any other the favours such as  what he had been conferred on him - his life, power, abilities and  the glory .  Because he who is called as God  should have his  own capability and be one who is independ of all others. But one who depends on others  is not eligible to be called as God . Therefore if it is questioned as “was the life of Jesus was of his own by it self ?”  Jesus himself gives the answer to this question in the following verse.
As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father.
         -John 6:57
If we ask Jesus whether the life, which he had possessed was of his own or given by some one else? Jesus answers in the above verse to this question as “I LIVE BY THE FATHER. This is to mean that  he does not live by his own ability of living, and hence Jesus proclaims as ‘I live by Father’. This is because he knew the truth. What is that truth? Observe in the following verse.
But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God and an everlasting king.         -Jeremiah  10:10
The  second part of the above verse explains clearly that “HE (JEHOVAH) IS THE LIVING GOD”. Therefore it is evident that except one God Jehovah no other can have  ‘The self  living power’. This  is why in the above verse it has been emphasized saying as“ HE IS THE LIVING GOD”. Had  Jesus or any other person possessed  the self  living power, then the above verse would  not have been  stressed  as He is the living God.  As Jesus  knew that only one God Jehovah possessed the self living power he  proclaims the truth crystal clearly saying as “THE LIVING FATHER HATH SENT ME, AND I LIVE BY
THE FATHER”.  In spite of this clear statement many believers not only neglect this curious fact, which  Jesus had preached, but also are believing and propagating  quite contrary to the fact saying that Jesus is as potent as Jehovah! Is it not contrary belief to the God’s word?  Quite the contrary. If it is questioned as  how one should believe Jesus the answer  for  this question is that we should believe Jesus just as in the same way as he introduced himself. Then  only one can be treated as a true Christian. Further Jesus made clear that ‘HE WAS LIVING BY FATHER’. If one  believes that Jesus also possessed   the self living power just as Jehovah , contrary to the above crystal clear statement of Jesus,  his belief  is void and  he will not attain the salvation.  Therefore one  should believe Jesus as  an ordinary human being, who was sent by God as a prophet following of whom leads to salvation and that he ( Jesus ) was living by God . This is the  belief  what Jesus had expected from his followers.


If Jesus were verily a God then his appearance and disappearance should have been according to his own desire,  because one who  is called as God should be ‘Independent’ but a ‘Dependant’ can never be eligible to be called as God.  In this regard  if Jesus were asked whether  he was really a God as is  being professed and also  whether he himself manifested or was sent by any other his answer can be seen from  the following verses.
Jesus answred them, and said My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.                                                  -John 7:16
He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness in him.                                  -John 7 :18
For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.                         -John 6:38
No man can come to me, except the father which hath sent me draw him.                                                       -John 6:44
As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father
         -John 6:57
For I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me
         -John 8:16
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And he that sent me is with me...                           -John 8:29
Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.         -John 7:16
...For I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.                                     -John 8:42
But he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him.                  -John 8:26
For I have not spoken of my self; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say and what I should speak.                                         -John 12:49
 O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me.            -John 17:25
On a careful perusal of the above references it becomes crystal clear that Jesus did not come into this world of  his own desire . Then by what means, was he manifested?  The answer to this question is that he had been sent by God. If Jesus were as capable as Jehovah himself then he should have come himself of his own will. How could one be a god  who had been sent by another God? In spite of all these facts as made out in the Bible, if it is supposed  that both are equal, then does Jesus accept this misconception? Observe in the following .
Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servent is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.             -John 13:16
What Jesus says clearly in the above verse  is that THE SERVENT IS NOT GREATER THAN HIS LORD, therefore believing  ‘Jesus and Jehova as co-equals’ or Jehova is Jesus, and vice versa, and propagating suchlike  beliefs are contrary to the teachings of Jesus. If one expects to be loved by Jesus he should  have the same belief as what Jesus had about Jehova and about himself.
Then only one can be eligible to  proclaim- “I  belong  to Jesus Christ” otherwise  this proclamation would become only a self deciet.


Who is Jesus in reality? The immediate answer to this question from church is that ‘Jesus is God’.  When  one wants to  attribute any specific quality  to  any person or  thing the first point necessary to be taken into consideration is, that it should be made clear  whether he or it is having the attributed quality in him or not. Contrary to this if any one  attributes any speciality  to any body according to  his whim and fancy can be termed as  the out come of his absolute ignorance .We have entered in to the scientific era so our beliefs and arguements  should be reasonable and meaningful.  And we have to believe and propagate only such beliefs as have been exhorted by prophets. Then only  we will be called as wise and also praised by others.  And  importantly  we will enjoy the real peace and virtuous qualities in our personal life. Further we can make the society as fruitful and pieceful. But now a days a lot of supersticious beliefs are growing in the religious sector, and that is the reason why people have lost their peace and moral values in their conduct,  thereby  our society became a place  of immorality and peaceless.
Right from the begining Merciful Creator has been giving the information through his holy prophets as regards to Himself and about His holy people and the means as how one can get the mental peace and good health and promote moral development in the society.  The selfish people have made a great deal of mischief in manipulating the scripture in their favour to meet their vested interests, which can be disclosed in the following verse.
Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.
                 -Ecclesiastes 7:29
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The path, which  God has shown to the people is  very clear and free from crookedness.  Yet we can find a lot of misconceptions in their beliefs from the behaviour of socalled  religious people. If it is questioned as how these wrong dogmas have been  taken place in the religious  sector  the above verse makes clear that it is the result of  the inventions by the  selfish people. Jesus shows the method as how one can  come out of this crookedness.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
          -Matthew 11:29 Now examine carefully the following points in the above verse.
1. Meekness and lowliness in heart are the natures of Jesus.  And he suggeststhat one who claims as his follower should also posses these qualities. But we can  hardly find such qualities in them those that beat their breasts saying as - ‘we die for Jesus.’ Is it not a sheer lie?
2. And Jesus commands “TAKE MY YOKE UPON  YOU”. The meaning of“Yoke” is the belief and the way of thinking  as suggested by him, which is meek and easy to follow.
3. Jesus commands that one should learn the right path from him.
In consideration of the above points it becomes clear  that there is only one way, that is following of Jesus’ instructions which makes us free from the confused methods and help us to reform ourselves and to correct our beliefs  and  the way of thinking.


The word  glory means ‘divinity’ or ‘greatness’ or ‘superiority’ and transcendence etc... so to whomsoever we call  God  must possess his own glory but it should not have been given or borrowed from others. At the same time  he should not transfer his own glory or a part thereof to any other. Whosoever possesses these qualities can alone be the God.  Therefore let us examine carefully the person ,who possesses  these qualities  according to the Bible.
I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to an other, neither my praise to graven images.
      -Isaiah 42:8
In the above verse there are two important points to be considered
1. The creator  God says very clearly that it  is  His OWN GLORY It means the glory, which Jehovah possesses himself, is of His own and was not given by any other.
2. Jehovah reserves all glory and divine capabilities for himself and He does notgive it to any other completely. In this way God proclaims  crystal  clearly


In these days  what is the main aspect in the propagation of the Gospel ? It is believed that Jesus is the great  and as a person who possessed of divine glory. Therefore  let us examine carefully howfar this propagation is true in the light of teachings of Jesus himself in the Gospel.
Jesus answered, if I honour my self, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God.                 -John 8:54
In this verse Jesus makes clear that what he had, was not his own.
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As a matter of fact the merciful God had been giving a little bit of his glory to the holy prophets to perform the miracles to make people believe in their prophethood right from the beginning in some particular circumstances. So also God had bestowed a little bit of His glory to Jesus, but here the noticeable point is that did Jesus reserve the glory, which he had been given  by God for himself ? .So let us see what Jesus says in this regard in the following verse.
And that glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one, even as we are one       -John 17:22
  If it  is believed that what  Jesus had been blessed with by God , had it been preserved by himself then there is  some reason to accept that Jesus is a God. And  here  appear  two feeble points in the above . The  first point of  them is that the glory of  Jesus is not of his own  and the second point is  that Jesus has given away his Glory to his disciples. Thus he has been deprived of glory which was given by God to him. If this be the fact now can he be deserved tobe called as glorious God?  To know that what was the belief of the early disciples about  the glory of Jesus, observe  what Jesus  says in this regard.
Now they known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.         -John 17:7
This had been the actual belief of the immediate disciples of Jesus.  So there is no chance one to imagine Jesus in the capacity of God by mere virtue of his having been possessed of the glory and power of working miracles. Jesus says clearly in the above verse that what all he had been blessed by God was known by his (Jesus) disciples that it was not of his own glory but given by God.
So according to the above verse what should have been  the preaching of the church? It should have been propagated as ‘O! People believe  God , who has bestowed all things to Jesus, then  you will be saved. If you want the blessings and love of God, just as  Jesus had been blessed with, you should believe Jesus as your ideal person , and follow the  way of Jesus, then you will be saved”. Had the Preaching of church been in this manner then the people can get the good change in their conduct ,  thereby  automatically  peace  and moral values prevail in the society.  And observe  in the following  verse what Jesus says about this matter.
 Take my yoke upon yo, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
-Matthew 11:29
According to the above verse it is obvious that only when  we understand the reality of Jesus and change our way of life accordingly then it is possible to get the rest means peace. Let us see what was the belief of  Peter, who was one of the early chief  disciples, and was made the leader of Jesus’ mission and was blessed by Jesus.
The God of Abraham, and of Issac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus.         -Acts 3:13
We understand clearly from the above verse that what type of belief the early disciples had in Jesus. In this verse he(Peter) says clearly that  the Almighty Jehovah who is God of the great holy persons, had glorified His son Jesus. Therefore according to the analysis of the above verse it is evident  that the early  disciples did not have the faith that Jesus was the glorious God as  Church preaches.  So God may bestow the true belief as explained by Jesus. - Amen.

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