===================== http://www.factsoverfiction.com/Muhammad%20-%20the%20first%20Islamic%20terrorist.html ================ HISTORY OF JIHAD ACROSS THE WORLD Muhammad - the first Islamic terrorist Muhammad, Prophet of Islam is known as the "Apostle of Peace" by Muslims. This is an utter nonsense. Muhammad was in fact the first Islamic terrorist, criminal and murderer whose entire life was based on victimizing innocents and indulging in mindless violence, carnage and massacre in the name of God. He was a man who destroyed peace wherever he went, and in its place brought terror, carnage, destruction and death. When Muhammad first started screaming from the rooftops that he alone had the divine word of God, the people of Mecca ignored him. However, when he started insulting and defaming the polytheistic religion of Meccans, they couldn't take it anymore and tried persuading hi...
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